Saturday, September 03, 2016

Telug online translation poor to terrible

Iam interested in   telugu online machine  translation 
I have  been  eagerly following  developments in thios  for the last 2 decades  
Alas  we are no where near  even  70 % accuracy.

 this is  what  I got  from  TIDL from  India  and  google  from  USA

 as you can see  Google  does  a better job than  TIDl .

 from a country  where  software profesionals rule the silicon valley if the desi bragging is to be believed 

 Unfortunately neither  of them have  the most backward in development   languages oriya and Assamese  

I am not even going to ask about other seven sisters languages of the north east 

Maternal and child health
Assam: Indias state with the highest maternal mortality

BMJ 2016; 353 doi: (Published 05 April 2016)
Cite this as: BMJ 2016;353:i1908
Related content
Sophie Cousins, journalist
Author affiliations
Assam has almost double the national average maternal mortality rate. Why, and what can be done, asks Sophie Cousins

On a rainy afternoon in Dibrugarh, also known as Indias Tea City, pregnant women are crammed into the maternity ward at Assam Medical College. At least two or three women share each bed, and dozens more sit on the floor outside. The hospital is chaotic: the walls are mouldy and the corridor is stained with blood.

Angela Dungdin, aged 28, is seven months pregnant and works in one of Assams 800 tea plantations or gardens, which altogether employ more than 800000 workers.

She was brought to the hospital with placental abruption, resulting in the placental lining separating from her uterus.

She is grateful that she made it to the hospital in time to stop the internal bleeding, she told The BMJ, unlike many of her peers. Her concern, though, is for the weeks wages that shell miss while in hospital.

Ill be discharged soon. I was working until the minute I came here and Ill have to work the minute after I give birth, she said. I have no option.
·         utput1
Output1 : Translating (23 of 29)
మాతృ ఔర చిన్న బిడ్డ ని ఆరోగ్యం ౹ < ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్ కొల /కొల ఇన్దిఆస స్థుతుల్ తో ఉన్నత మాతృ చావు ౹ బీ.ఏమ.జే. ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్02 ;  : 353 దోఇ ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్01 హుల ౹ హార్వార్ద ౹ ఏడు/10.1136/బ్మ్జ్.ఆఈ1908 ( ప్రచురమైన 05 ఎప్రిల్ 2016 )  < ఉల్లేఖించు ఇది వలె : బీ.ఏమ.జే. ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్02 ;  < ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్02 కొల /కొల ఆఈ1908  రచన ౹ సంబంధించిన మొత్తం ౹ మెత్రిక్స ౹ బదులు ౹ సొఫిఎ కాఉసిన్స , పాత్రికేయుడు ౹ అనుబద్ధతలు రచించు ౹ప్ప్ప్0  ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్ ని దాదాపు రెట్టింపుగా జాతీయది సగటుది మాతృ చావు నీ ధర ఉన్నాయీ ౹ (यह अनुवाद नहीं किया जा सकता)Why, and what can be done, asks Sophie Cousins < పైన - వాన మధ్యాహ్నం లో డిబ్రుగడ్ కూడా తెలిసిన వలె ఇన్దిఆస తీ సితీ గర్భం _ ధరించిన స్త్రీ ఉన్నా * ను/రు కూరిన లోపల మాతృత్వం వార్డ్ కు/దగ్గర ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్ ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్ ౹ < కనీస ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్03 స్త్రీ భాగం ప్రతిఒక్కరు పడక మరియు డజను ఇంకా కూర్చొను పైన అంతస్తు బయట ౹ వైద్యశాల అధ్వాన్నంగాది వుండేది < : గోడ ఉన్నా * ను/రు బూజుపట్టిన మరియు వరండా ఉన్నాడు/ది/రు/ఉంటుంది మరకలుగల తో రక్తం ౹

यह अनुवाद नहीं किया जा सकता)Angela Dungdin, aged 28, is seven months pregnant and works in one of Assams 800 tea plantations or gardens, which altogether employ more than 800000 workers. ఆమే బీజాశయ బట్ట పొరకోసం పరిణమించు బీజాశయది అబ్రుప్శన అతో వైద్యశాల ఆప్బడ్డాఇంది ఎవరైతే ఆమెనుంచి గర్భాశయం వేరుచేస్తుంది ౹ < ఆమే/ఈమే ఉన్నాడు/ది/రు/ఉంటుంది కృతజ్ఞతాపూర్వకమైన ఆ ఆమే/ఈమే తయరైన ఇది/అది వరకు వైద్యశాల సమయానికి వరకు నిలుపు ఆంతరంగికమైన రక్తస్రావం ఆమే/ఈమే చెప్పిన థె బీ.ఏమ.జే. అసదృశ్యమైన ఆమెవి చాలా సమానుడు ౹ < ఆమె చింత అయినప్పటికీ ఉన్నాడు/ది/రు/ఉంటుంది కోసం వారం వేతనం ఆ పెంకు కోల్పోవుట కాలం లో వైద్యశాల ౹ < అనారోగ్య అవ్వు విడుదల చేసిన త్వరగా ౹ < నేను * ఉన్నా కార్య శైలి వరకు నిముషం నేను చేరు ఇక్కడ మరియు ఇల చేయాలి పని నిముషం ద్ద్ద్ద్ద్ నేను ఇచ్చు జన్మం ఆమే/ఈమే సయ్యద్ వంశస్థుడైన ౹ నేను ని ఎవ్రూ లేరు ఐచ్చికం ఉన్నాయీ ౹

తల్లి మరియు బిడ్డ ఆరోగ్య
అస్సాం అత్యధిక బాలింత మృతి భారతదేశాల రాష్ట్ర

BMJ 2016; 353 doi: (ఏప్రిల్ 2016 ప్రచురణ 05)
i1908:; 353 BMJ 2016: ఈ వ్యాసాన్ని ఉదహరించండి
సంబంధిత కంటెంట్
సోఫీ కజిన్స్, పాత్రికేయుడు
రచయిత అనుబంధాలు
అస్సాం దాదాపు రెట్టింపు జాతీయ సగటు ప్రసూతి మరణాల రేటు. ఎందుకు, మరియు ఏమి చేయవచ్చు, సోఫీ కజిన్స్ అడుగుతుంది

దిబ్రుగార్హ, కూడా భారత టీ నగరం అని పిలువబడే ఒక వర్షపు మధ్యాహ్నం, గర్భిణీ స్త్రీలు అస్సాం మెడికల్ కళాశాలలో ప్రసూతి వార్డ్ లోకి అసత్యంగా ఉంటాయి. కనీసం రెండు లేదా మూడు మహిళలు బయట నేల మీద ప్రతి బెడ్ భాగస్వామ్యం, మరియు కొద్దీ మరింత సిట్. ఆసుపత్రిలో అధ్వాన్నంగా ఉంది: గోడలు బూజుపట్టిన ఉన్నాయి మరియు కారిడార్ రక్త ఉన్నటువంటి.

ఏంజెలా Dungdin, 28 సంవత్సరాల వయస్సులో, ఏడు నెలల గర్భవతి మరియు ఇది మొత్తంగా కంటే ఎక్కువ 800000 కార్మిక, Assams 800 టీ తోటల లేదా తోటలు ఒకటి పనిచేస్తుంది.

ఆమె మావి లైనింగ్ ఆమె గర్భాశయం నుండి వేరు, ఫలితంగా మావి ప్రసవానికి ఆసుపత్రికి తీసుకువచ్చారు.

ఆమె అంతర్గత రక్తస్రావం ఆపడానికి సమయంలో ఆసుపత్రికి ఇది తయారు కృతజ్ఞతతో ఉంటుంది, ఆమె సహచరులకు అనేక వలె కాకుండా, BMJ చెప్పారు. తన ఆందోళన, అయితే, ఆస్పత్రిలో ఉన్నప్పుడు మిస్ షెల్ వారాలు వేతనాలు కోసం.

అనారోగ్యంతో త్వరలో విడుదల. నేను ఇక్కడ వచ్చిన మరియు Ill నేను జన్మనిస్తుంది తర్వాత నిమిషం పని ఉంటుంది నిమిషం వరకు పని, ఆమె తెలిపారు. నేను ఏ అవకాశం ఉంటుంది.

मातृ एवं शिशु स्वास्थ्य
असम: उच्चतम मातृ मृत्यु दर के साथ भारत की राज्य

बीएमजे 2016; 353 डोई: (05 प्रकाशित अप्रैल 2016)
अदालत में तलब इस रूप में: बीएमजे 2016; 353: i1908
संबंधित सामग्री
सोफी चचेरे भाई, पत्रकार
लेखक की मान्यता
असम लगभग दोगुना राष्ट्रीय औसत मातृ मृत्यु दर है। क्यों, और क्या किया जा सकता है, सोफी चचेरे भाई पूछता

डिब्रूगढ़, यह भी भारत की चाय सिटी के रूप में जाना जाता है में एक बरसात दोपहर को, गर्भवती महिलाओं असम मेडिकल कॉलेज में प्रसूति वार्ड में भरे होते हैं। कम से कम दो या तीन महिलाओं के बाहर फर्श पर एक बिस्तर का हिस्सा है, और दर्जनों अधिक एसआईटी। अस्पताल अराजक है: दीवारों खोटा हैं और गलियारे खून से सना हुआ है।

एंजेला Dungdin, 28 वर्ष की आयु में, सात माह की गर्भवती है और Assams 800 चाय बागानों या उद्यानों में से एक में काम करता है, जो पूरी तरह से भी अधिक 800000 श्रमिकों को रोजगार।

वह अपरा एकाएक के साथ अस्पताल में लाया गया था, अपरा अस्तर उसके गर्भाशय से अलग हो जाती है।

उसने कहा कि वह आंतरिक रक्तस्राव को रोकने के लिए समय में अस्पताल के लिए इसे बनाया आभारी है, वह बीएमजे बताया कि उसके साथियों के कई के विपरीत है। उसकी चिंता है, हालांकि, सप्ताह मजदूरी कि मिस खोल अस्पताल में कुछ समय के लिए है।

बीमार जल्द ही छुट्टी दे दी जाएगी। मैं मिनट मैं यहाँ आया था और बीमार मिनट काम करने के बाद मैं जन्म दे दिया है जब तक काम कर रहा था, उसने कहा। मैं कोई विकल्प नहीं है।
தாய்வழி மற்றும் குழந்தை சுகாதார
அசாம்: அதிக மகப்பேறு இறப்பு கொண்டு இந்தியாவின் மாநில

பிஎம்ஜே 2016; 353 டோய்: (வெளியிடப்பட்ட 05 ஏப்ரல் 2016)
i1908:; 353 பிஎம்ஜேவிற்கு 2016: இந்த குறிப்பிடு
தொடர்புடைய உள்ளடக்கத்தை
சோஃபி கசின்ஸ், பத்திரிகையாளர்
ஆசிரியர் சார்புகள்
அசாம் கிட்டத்தட்ட இரு மடங்கு தேசிய சராசரி மகப்பேறு இறப்பு விகிதம் உள்ளது. ஏன், என்ன செய்ய முடியும், சோஃபி கசின்ஸ் கேட்கிறார்

திப்ருகார், மேலும் இந்தியாவின் தேயிலை நகரம் என அழைக்கப்படுகிறது ஒரு மழை பிற்பகல், கர்ப்பிணி பெண்கள் அசாம் மருத்துவ கல்லூரி மகப்பேறு நெரிசல் மிகுந்த. குறைந்தது இரண்டு அல்லது மூன்று பெண்கள் வெளியே தரையில் டஜன் கணக்கான இன்னும் உள்ளிருப்பு ஒவ்வொரு படுக்கை பகிர்ந்து, மற்றும். மருத்துவமனையில் பெருங்குழப்பமாக: சுவர்கள் பூஞ்சணம் மற்றும் நடைபாதையில் இரத்தம் உள்ளது.

அங்கேலா Dungdin, 28 வயது, ஏழு மாத கர்ப்பமாக மற்றும் மொத்தமாக 800000 க்கும் அதிகமான தொழிலாளர்கள் வேலைக்கு வைத்திருப்பதுடன், Assams 800 தேயிலை தோட்டங்கள் அல்லது தோட்டங்களில் ஒன்றில் வேலை.

அவள் கருப்பை இருந்து பிரிக்கும் நஞ்சுக்கொடி புறணி விளைவாக, நஞ்சுக்கொடி தகர்வு கொண்டு மருத்துவமனைக்கு கொண்டுவரப்பட்டு.

அவள் உட்புற இரத்த நிறுத்த நேரத்தில் மருத்துவமனைக்கு அதை அந்த கடமைப்பட்டு இருக்கிறது, அவர் தனது சக பல போலல்லாமல், பிஎம்ஜேவிற்கு கூறினார். அவரது கவலை, எனினும், மருத்துவமனையில் போது மிஸ் ஷெல் என்று வாரங்கள் ஊதியங்கள் உள்ளது.

ஒழுக்கம் சீக்கிரம் வெளியே. நான் இங்கே வந்து ஒழுக்கம் நான் பிறந்த பின்னர் நிமிடம் வேலை செய்ய வேண்டும் நிமிடம் வரை வேலை என அவர் கூறினார். நான் வேறு எந்த வழியும் இல்லை.
ماں اور بچے کی صحت
آسام: سب سے زیادہ ماؤں کی شرح اموات کے ساتھ بھارت کی ریاست

BMJ 2016؛ 353 DOI: (اپریل 2016 اشاعت 05)
پیش اس کے طور پر: BMJ 2016؛ 353: i1908
متعلقہ مواد
سوفی کزن، صحافی
مصنف وابستگی
آسام تقریبا دگنی قومی اوسط زچگی کے دوران اموات کی شرح ہے. کیوں، اور کیا کیا جا سکتا، سوفی کزن پوچھتا

ڈبروگڑھ، بھی بھارت چائے شہر کے طور پر جانا جاتا ہے میں ایک برسات کے دوپہر، حاملہ خواتین آسام میڈیکل کالج میں زچگی وارڈ میں crammed کر رہے ہیں. کم از کم دو یا تین خواتین باہر فرش پر ہر بستر، اور درجنوں مزید دھرنا. ہسپتال اراجک ہے: دیواروں پرانے ڈھنگ ہیں اور کوریڈور خون لگ.

انجیلا Dungdin، عمر 28 سال، سات ماہ کی حاملہ ہے اور، Assams 800 چائے کے باغات یا باغات میں سے ایک میں کام کرتا ہے مکمل طور پر 800000 سے زائد کارکنوں کو ملازم جس.

وہ، آنول نال abruption ساتھ ہسپتال لایا آنول نال استر اس کی بچہ دانی سے الگ نتیجے میں کیا گیا تھا.

وہ اندرونی خون روکنے کے لئے وقت میں ہسپتال لے اسے بنایا ہے کہ شکر گزار ہے، وہ اس کے ساتھیوں کے کئی کے برعکس BMJ بتایا،. اس کی تشویش، اگرچہ، ہسپتال میں قیام کے دوران مس شیل کہ ہفتے کی اجرت کے لئے ہے.

بیمار جلد ہی چھٹی مل جائے. میں یہاں آیا اور بیمار منٹ کا کام کرنے میں جنم دینے کے بعد ہے لمحے تک کام کر رہا تھا، اس نے کہا. میرے پاس کوئی اختیار ہے.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Try low-calorie sweeteners!

Cutting back on calories or carbohydrates (carbs), but like foods and beverages that taste sweet?

 Try low-calorie sweeteners!

 Commonly referred to by the color of their packaging —
 “pink,” “blue,” “green” or “yellow.”
 Low-calorie sweeteners are also known as sugar substitutes, sugar replacements, no-calorie sweeteners, or non-nutritive sweeteners.
 When used in place of sugar, low-calorie sweeteners decrease the total number of carbs and calories found in foods and beverages, which may help with weight management and blood glucose control.

 Low-calorie sweeteners can decrease your calorie and carbohydrate intake in several ways:
 • Replacing sugary beverages made with fruit-flavored powder mixes containing a low-calorie sweetener like sucralose will typically provide less than five calories per eight-ounce serving. • Having soft drinks made with aspartame, another low-calorie sweetener, will only cost you one calorie or less per 12-ounce serving. • Adding a packet of sugar substitute to your coffee or tea does not add any calories or raise your blood glucose levels, like regular sweeteners can. • Drinking a 12-ounce diet soda can save about 140 calories and 39 grams of carbohydrate over a regular soda, which may contain ten teaspoons of sugar or more. Some low-calorie sweeteners contain bulking agents such as fiber, which contribute carbohydrates and a small amount of calories. In addition, sugar/ non-nutritive sweetener blends contain carbohydrates and calories and should be included as part of your overall carb budget. Be sure to read the Nutrition Facts Panel for a product’s nutrition and ingredient information! Types of Low-calorie Sweeteners Low-calorie sweeteners may be found on restaurant tabletops and grocery store shelves, as well as in foods and beverages. Other products — such as vitamins, medications, sugar-free cough drops, toothpaste and mouthwash — may contain these types of sweeteners, as well. The following eight low-calorie sweeteners are either approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or have been placed on the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list. Each has been found through numerous scientific studies to be safe for consumption. Because they provide more than 100 times the sweetening power of sugar, only a very small amount is needed. 1. Acesulfame-potassium Other names: Ace-K • Acesulfame-potassium is generally blended with other low-calorie sweeteners. 2. Advantame • Made from aspartame and vanillin • Heat stable • Advantame is a source of phenylalanine • Advantame is much sweeter than aspartame so only a small amount is needed. For this reason, foods containing advantame do not bear a PKU information statement. 3. Aspartame Packet color: Blue • More than 200 studies support aspartame’s safety. • Aspartame is a source of phenylalanine — an ingredient that people with the rare condition phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid. • Products that contain aspartame must feature a warning label to alert those with PKU. Sweet Taste — Without the Calories Do not use low-calorie sweeteners or sugar-free foods to treat low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). © 2012 Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group. Revised 2016. Permission to reproduce is granted for non-profit educational purposes. Authors: Andrea Dunn, RD, LD, CDE and Nell Stuart, MS, RD, LD, CDE who are members of the Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Produced in cooperation with International Food Information Council Foundation. For more information, visit For more information, contact the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at or 800-877-1600. Funding organization has had no influence on the content of this educational handout. 4. Luo Han Guo fruit extracts Siraitia grosvenorii Swingle fruit extract (SGFE) is also know as monk fruit • 100-250 times sweeter than sugar • Plant is native to Southern China 5. Neotame • Neotame provides 7,000-8,000 the sweetening power of sugar. • While it contains phenylalanine, the small amount of neotame needed result in the levels of phenylalanine being clinically insignificant. Therefore, products sweetened with neotame are not required to carry a warning label for people with PKU. 6. Saccharin Packet color: Pink Also available in liquid form • Saccharin has been used in foods and beverages for over 100 years. • Studies in laboratory rats conducted in the 1970s that linked saccharin to bladder cancer were dismissed by FDA when researchers found that the studies were not relevant to humans. 7. Steviol Glycosides Other names: Stevioside, Rebaudioside A B, C, D, F, Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, and Steviolbioside Packet color: Green Also available in liquid form, granulated, and baking blends • Unlike stevia leaf extract, which is highly purified, the stevia plant, stevia leaf powder, and crude stevia extract are not allowed as food ingredients in the U.S., but may be sold as dietary supplements. • The stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) plant is native to South America. 8. Sucralose Packet color: Yellow Also available in liquid, dissolvable tablets, granulated and baking blends. • 600 times sweeter than sugar • Heat stable • More than 20 years of research and over 110 scientific studies support sucralose’s safety. What does “sugar-free” mean?” If a food or beverage is labeled “sugarfree,” it means that white sugar, brown sugar or any other sugar-based sweetener such as honey, agave, high-fructose corn syrup or dextrose has not been added to the product. However, the words “sugar-free” on the front of the package do not mean the food is carb or calorie-free. In addition, a “sugar-free” product, according to FDA, can contain up to 0.5 grams of sugars. It is important to read the Nutrition Facts Panel to understand how much of a sugar-free food or drink can be included in your meal plan. For example, diet soft drinks are calorie-free and are, therefore, carb-free and may be used as an unlimited or “free” food. However, sugar-free cookies are not a “free” food. They will add calories (and carbs) and must be worked into your meal plan and carb budget. Polyols (or sugar alcohols) are another low-calorie option. Examples of polyols include erythritol, polyglycitol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol. Polyols are found in some sugar-free foods, including sugar-free chewing gum. Polyols are not completely absorbed by the body. Unlike other forms of carbohydrates that provide four calories per gram, most polyols contain carbohydrates and about 2 calories per gram and need to be counted as part of your meal plan. The exception is erythritol, which provides zero calories and does not need to be counted as a carbohydrate as part of your your meal plan. Note: For some individuals, sugar alcohols, especially in large amounts, may cause bloating, gas or diarrhea. Are low-calorie sweeteners safe? The FDA has found low-calorie sweeteners to be safe. For each nonnutritive sweetener permitted for use in foods and beverages, the FDA has established an acceptable daily intake, or ADI. The ADI represents the amount of a food ingredient (in this case, low-calorie sweetener) that can be safely used on a daily basis over a lifetime without risk. Studies show that the use of low-calorie sweeteners does not approach the ADI amount. Through its Evidence Analysis Library, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests long-term studies on the safety and efficacy of low-calorie sweeteners continue, to help ensure the ongoing safety of low-calorie sweeteners in our food supply.1 While including low-calorie sweeteners as part of your eating plan may help reduce carbs and calories, the choice is yours. If you have questions on the use of low-calorie sweeteners, seek help from a registered dietitian nutritionist and/or certified diabetes educator. Where can I learn more about low-calorie sweeteners? Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (, the International Food Information Council Foundation (, and the American Diabetes Association ( websites for more information. 1. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Position Statement on the Use of Nutritive and Nonnutritive Sweeteners, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, May 2012: 112; 739-758.