Monday, May 04, 2020

IS IT EASY TO DETECT DIC SYNDROME? CONCEPT OF CIMC constant microvascular microcoagulation

Igor Bokarev, Ludmila Popova
I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow, Russia
The possibility of intravascular blood coagulation existence in the microvascular vessels-capillaries without
the presence of a large thrombus in the arteries and
veins is known from the middle of 19th century. Selye
[1] thinks that the first description of that phenomenon was made in a German journal written by the
Russian doctor S. Botkin, who was working with R.
Virhov at that time. This phenomenon became wellknown after being entitled disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC) or DIC syndrome. For the lßast
40 years there were a lot of published works about it.
This problem is very interesting, because it presents
danger for human life.
It is impossible to know exactly about the prevalence of this pathology, because there is a jumble in
terminology that does not help statistics to be exact.
However, some authors suppose they have this information. So, Мüller-Веrghaus [2] wrote that we can
diagnose DIC in each of the 1,000 patients arriving
at hospital. Zilbut [3] revealed the presence of this
pathology in 1 of 867 persons who arrived to hospital.
Patients with acute leukaemia have higher rates. DIC
is revealed in 15-20% of cases [3]. In septicaemia,
with Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria, the
rate of DIC increases up to 30-50%, and for persons
with severe injury up to 50-70% [4]. It is difficult to
treat patients whose illness is diagnosed as DIC and
more than 50% of patients die [4].
One of the reasons of so high mortality from DIC
is due to impossibility to make exact diagnosis, and
as Levi et al. [4] think, it is provoked in the absence of
generally accepted idea of DIC syndrome. Until now,
there have been leading debates on how to define DIC
syndrome. There were several approaches to this idea.
Among them, compensated and decompensated DIC
[5], chronic DIC [6], evident and latent DIC [7], and
pre-DIC. One more reason of such a high mortality
from DIC is the presence of misunderstanding regarding
the early diagnosis of this life-theatening clinical
phenomenon, and also in the choice of treatment of
these patients after making this menacing diagnosis.
Why is it so difficult to make such a simple decision
as the formulation of the determination of DIC? We can
answer this question by observing the metamorphoses
in the process of study of DIC syndrome. This term
was proposed in the USA by a young American pathologist Donald McKay [8] in 1950, when he performed
autopsy. МсKау discovered numerous thrombi in the
vessels of a female who had died in obstetric hospital,
because of hemorrhagic diathesis. He proposed the
term „disseminated intravascular coagulation”. His
senior colleagues Seegers and Schneider [9] carried on
and made this term public. The term DIC syndrome
became widely used in medicine after 4th American
Congress of Obstetricians in 1951, where Seegers and
Schneider reported the case of McKay [9, 10]. The
phenomena began to be actively studied by many
scientists, and each of them tried to give it different
names. So Lasch [11] named it consumtion coagulopathy, Selye [1] and Machabeli [12] “thrombo-hemorrhagic syndrome”, and Оwen and Воwie [13] proposed
to name “intravascular blood coagulation and fibrinolysis“. However, the suggestion of McKay [8] was
preserved and has continued to be most popular and
recognized until the present time.
Biochemists, physiologists and clinicians paid great
attention to DIC syndrome. This made it possible to
study the facts of biochemical transformation of blood
in the course of fibrin and platelet thrombus formation and to create new methods of identification of the
The possibility of intravascular blood coagulation existence in the microvascular vessels and capillaries without the
presence of a large thrombus in the arteries and veins has been known from the middle of 19th century. It is impossible to know exactly about the prevalence of this pathology, because there is a jumble in terminology that does not
help statistics to be exact. One of the reasons of so high mortality from disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is
due to the impossibility to always make exact diagnosis, and as М. Levi thinks it is provoked in the absence of generally
accepted idea of DIC syndrome. We investigated these markers and the intensity of intravascular blood coagulation in a
number of patients. Our understanding of the problems of DIC was formulated on the grounds of a thirty-year study of
the problem involving over 1,500 patients. Thereby, the conception of constant intravascular microcoagulation (CIMC)
was developed with the following aims: to report the existing material and bring to researchers and doctors in practice information about the presence of the phenomenon of CIMC and to resolve debatable questions of definitions and
practical usage of up-to-date information about DIC with the help of CIMC conception.
Keywords: disseminated intravascular coagulation; diagnosis; constant intravascular microcoagulation
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2010 Jan;138(Suppl 1):53-58
intravasclar blood coagulation markers. Today, we consider
them to be the products of fibrinogen and fibrin degradation,
which are: fibrin-monomer, D-dimer, β-thromboglobulin,
platelet factor 4 and etc. Many clinicians began to use the
above-listed methods in their researches and discovered
that sometimes patients had a higher level of these symptoms than healthy persons. In this situation they also began
to use the term „disseminated intravascular coagulation”.
Оwen and Bowie [13] proposed to name such phenomena
chronic DIC syndrome. However, this made problems to
doctors in practice, because they often could not exactly
differentiate acute from chronic DIC, and did not know
how to manage such patients.
Indeed, it is very difficult, even theoretically, to draw a
borderline between compensated undiscovered DIC and
pre-DIC, and decompensated discovered DIC and its undiscovered variants. We devoted our attention to this question
from the beginning of the 1970s. When we studied some
features of hemocoagulation in patients, we revealed important rippling of separate performances of both different
and identical patients when blood sampling was investigated separately. This enabled us to make some suppositions about the constant activity of intravascular blood
coagulation in the human body and even suggest that we
can interfere in pathologic process through purposeful
pharmacological regulation of blood coagulation (1974)
[14]. The work, which was done at the laboratory of Paul
Didishaim (1977) [15], where we studied the adhesion
of platelets to the artificial surface – cuprophen, gave us
the reason to suggest a possibility of quantitative determination of the intensity of formation of the platelet clot
in the bloodstream on the ground of measuring the level
of the platelet factor 4 in plasma. The possibility of determination of procoagulant markers and platelet components of hemocoagulation made it possible to note differences in their intensity and suggested that they are relatively independent from each other. Investigations that
we performed on a large group of patients with chronic
pathology gave the reason to reveal different importance
of separate components of hemocoagulation in different
diseases [16, 17, 18].
We also investigated the markers of the intensity of
intravascular blood coagulation in a number of patients.
It was discovered that patients who had CHD (coronary
heart disease) and diabetes mellitus, had a higher activity
of platelet part of hemocoagulation than fibrin formation
[18, 19]. Patients who had rheumatoid arthritis revealed
increased intensity of fibrin formation, which was termed
as a part of procoagulation, and it was noted that the intensity of platelet clot formation was less intensive [20, 21]. In
patients who had acute leukaemia the intensity of platelet
section of hemocoagulation was almost identical to the
increase of intensity of procoagulation. A section on the
evidence of increased blood fibrinolytic activity compared
with increased hemocoagulation also showed the absence
of strict parallelism between them (1980) [22].
We also studied the more accurate state of intravascular
clot formation with the help of TTP (thrombus protein
precursor), which helped us to detect the fibrin-monomer
without fibrin peptids А and В [23, 24]. The level of TPP
was measured in patients with acute coronary syndrome
and in haemophiliac, when there was the presence of
different clinical states, thrombosis and bleedings. In the
course of this study we revealed the following interesting
fact. In the blood of persons with haemophilia we expected
to find low coagulation and accordingly a low level of
TPP-fibrin-monomer. However, it was found that the level
of TPP was higher than that in healthy persons (Table 1).
The disclosed information made us to look more carefully
into the marker level of intravascular blood coagulation of
healthy persons [23, 24]. The results of our research were
compared with the information that we had received from
researchers from all over the world. All this has made it
possible to draw a conclusion that the process of intravascular blood microcoagulation exists permanently, considerably modifying in its intensity, and that is why some definite corrections in the interpretation of DIC were made.
Our understanding of the problems of DIC was formulated
on the grounds of a thirty-year study of this problem and
on having studied more than 1,500 patients. It is possible
to summarise the results of our work published in domestic
and foreign journals as follows [25]:
• Constant presence of the markers of intravascular coagulation in plasma of healthy and sick persons gives us
the basis to think that intravascular microclotting of
blood is constantly present, and that there is the need
to underline its existence by the term constant microvascular microcoagulation (CIMC).
• Intensity of CIMC may be different. The level of the
markers of intravascular microcoagulation of blood,
which is measured in the plasma of healthy persons,
must be adopted as “normal”. The increasing of the intensity of intravascular microcoagulation may be seen in
some transient disorders and following intensive physical stress (exercise). After such situations have passed,
the intensity of intravascular microclotting can return
back to the “normal” level. Investigated patients with
some chronic diseases exhibit a constant increase of
the intensity of intravascular microcoagulation. They
usually do not show any special clinical traits except of
the usual clinical picture of the main disease. Previously,
these states were named “chronic intravascular microTable 1. Level of fibrin monomers, deprived fibrinopeptide a and b
in patients with coronary heart disease and haemophilia
Disease Number of patients Data
Coronary heart disease
(myocardial infarction) 19 6.99±2.85
Unstable angina 8 7.84+ 2.77
Stable angina 21 11.1±2.4
Haemophilia A 8 1.57±0.56
Healthy persons 23 0.99±0.26
coagulation” .It is possible that special regulation of
this stage of the constant intravascular microcoagulation can improve the prognosis of the disease. When
CIMC is sufficiently intensive it is possible to cause a
change in the clinical picture and organ dysfunction.
In such situations it must be considered as the highest
stage of CIMC. This and only this stage of CIMC must
be named DIC syndrome (Table 2).
• DIC syndrome is the only stage of CIMC, where the
increase of its intensity is an independent cause of the
damage of body organs and body tissues, such as bleeding, multiple organ damage, hypotony, micro- and macrothrombosis and their different combinations.
• Differences in the degree of the intensity of intravascular microcoagulation of blood can be changed, and only
in the definite stage it leads to the progress of the apparent clinical picture of DIC. At that time the manifestation of clinical picture of the syndrome may come true
very quickly. In connection with the above priorities in
diagnostics requires a combination of laboratory analyses with the obtained findings subjected to characteristics and clinical picture of the disease.
Thus, after the suggestion of the conception of CIMC
the idea of DIC and its place in the variety of intravascular blood coagulation can become more concrete and
definite (Table 2).
We think that the identification of the idea of DIC should
be guided by МсKау’s [8] observations, with the addition of
something new that can help to include it into the idea of
greater accuracy and clarity. This should be defined more
exactly and help to understand the nature of clinical manifestations which should be expected by the doctors who
make the diagnosis of this phenomenon. It is needed to get
information about the structure of intravascular microclots.
But the term DIC should be mentioned only in the situation when the phenomenon is characterized by the intensive formation of intravascular microclots that are generated at the microvascular level, which can have different
morphologic structure, different forms of clinical manifestation leading to acute dysfunction of organs and tissues,
with life-threatening outcome.
Of course, such situations must produce the evidence of
degradation of fibrin and fibrinogen and platelets activity.
The level of fibrynopeptide A, D-dimer, soluble complexes
of fibrin-monomer, fibrin-monomer without fibrynopeptides, β-tromboglobylin and platelet factor 4 that are
circulating in the human blood, make it possible to have
the information about the intensity of intravascular microcoagulation of blood. However, the wide level of fluctuation of these rates in both healthy and ill persons present
a difficult task for the practitioner.
Many researchers have tried to identify the threat of DIC
progress by taking stock of different clinical and laboratory
parameters. Japanese researchers suggested estimating the
danger of DIC progress by scoring systems (APACHE II
and MOD). The International Subcommittee for DIC is also
actively studying this question. It suggested the following:
the diagnostic criteria of DIC are submitted in Table 3. In
addition, the following algorithm of action is proposed:
the algorithm of open DIC diagnostics, which includes the
following stages of occupation (Scheme 1) [7]. In the first
stage the risk evaluation of DIC onset is put into effect. It is
necessary to detect the presence of such diseases happening
to such patients which are associated with the possibility
of phenomenon progress. It is accepted to consider such
diseases as the following: infections, tumours, obstetric
problems, injuries and burns, immune conflicts, etc. When
they are present, the continuation of algorithm passage is
recommended. In the second stage the performance of coagulation tests is proposed, which could make it possible to
specify the condition of intravascular hemocoagulation. It
is proposed to consider such tests as the following: quantification of platelets, the level of fibrinogen, indication of
prothrombin time, and also the determination of soluble
Table 2. Levels of constant intravascular microcoagulation (CIMC) of blood intensity
Grade CIMC Features
1st Normal CIMC Levels of CIMC markers are “normal”
2nd Transient
increased CIMC
Levels of CIMC markers are increased, but they are unstable and do not produce special clinical
changes in the main disease picture
3rd Sustained
increased CIMC
Levels of CIMC markers are increased. This state is stable, but does not have special clinical
manifestations. Its regulation could be important and may increase the positive outcome of the disease
4th CIMC-DIC-Syndrome Increase of constant intravascular coagulation is rapid and produces impact on organ function,
threatening the life of patients (DIC syndrome)
Table 3. Diagnostic criteria of DIC [7]
Classification Definition Diagnostic criteria
Biological DIC Haemostatic defect without
clinical presentations
Increase of D-dimer level and 1 large criterion* of platelets
consumption or coagulation factors or 2 small criteria* of
platelets consumption or coagulation factors
Clinical DIC Haemostatic defect with hemorrhagic or ischemic
All is identical with biological and signs of microvascular
bleeding and/or thrombosis
Complicated DIC Haemostatic defect with hemorrhagic or ischemic
manifestations which lead to organ dysfunction All is identical with clinical and signs of organ involvement
* Laboratory criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation: D-dimer more than 500 mg/l; consumption of platelets – low (platelet count 50-100,000/mm3)
and higher (platelet count is less than 50,000/mm3), consumption of coagulation factors is low (INR=1.2-1.5) and higher (INR>1.5).
fibrin monomer or D-dimer level. The level of increasing of
each index is marked by appointed scoring scale. Then the
calculation of organ function is performed, which is more
frequently involved in the course of syndrome development.
They are central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular
system, lungs, liver and kidneys. Their functioning is also
estimated in the scoring scale. The analysis of hemorrhagic
manifestations takes stock of their presence or absence,
which is also fixed in the scoring scale, and total calculation of points, and this, to the author’s opinion, makes
it possible to speak about DIC presence or absence to an
even greater degree of probability. The quantity of points,
which is higher then 7, must be adopted as a great probability of this phenomenon and determines the necessity of
repeated analysis of these rates on the next day. Thereby,
based on the total score diagnostics conclusion is made.
Considering these attempts positively we should look at
them critically. Indeed, the number 1 value could not resolve
the question about confirmation or negation of DIC diagnosis. We have received evidence that such a term of the
biological DIC stage 1-3 of our CIMC only confuses the
doctor’s mind. Indeed, when we reveal that the patient has
a high level of D-dimer and other signs of fibrin formation
and the reduction of the quantity of platelets and fibrinogen (non-metering their dynamics) will lead to the situation when the doctor will decide that the patient has DIC.
In doctor’s practice the term DIC is usually associated
with a condition which is life-threatening for the patient.
That is why the diagnostics of this disease cals for active
actions, which could be unjustified, because the increase
of mark level of fibrin formation is not specific only in the
extreme stage 4 of CIMC (acute DIC), while platelet count
of the patient could be low for many other reasons. Besides,
initially the patient may have a high platelet count and/or
fibrinogen rate and having DIC, with reduced platelet and
and/or fibrinogen, not to mentioned the level. So it turns
out that there is no DIC. In such cases the doctor could
start the necessary therapy too late.
Scheme 1. Diagnostics of DIC [7]
Step 1
Risk of origination
Do patient has such diseases which are accompanied by high risk of DIC progress?
No Yes
Step 2
Fulfilment of laboratory tests
Platelet quantity, prothrombin time,
products of fibrin degradation,
soluble complexes of fibrin –monomer
Step 4
Calculation of points
Step 5
Mark 5 or over
DIC is possible It is presumably DIC
Less than 5
Step 3
Estimate of laboratory tests in points
• Platelet quantity: >100×109/L = 0 points; <100×109/L = 1 point, <50×109/L = 2 points
• Increase of mark of fibrin formation (soluble complexes of fibrin–monomer) / products of fibrin degradation:
no rise = 0 points; mean rise = 2 points; considerable rise = 3 points
• Prolongation of prothrombin time: <3 s = 0 point; 3<6 s = 1 point; >6 s = 2 points
• The level of fibrinogen: >1 g/L = 0 points; <1 g/L = 1 point
Repeat the next day Repeat in 1-2 days
At present the International Subcommittee of DIC
continues to work out refinements of DIC with different
types of diseases (injuries, obstetrical pathology, sepsis)
and search or new subtle markers – the predictors of DIC.
It seems to us that the identification of subtle marks
level of intravascular blood coagulation could not help us
to predict the progress of extreme stage of CIMC (acute
DIC according to ISTH), because they would only reproduce the intensity of CIMC, which could arise in different
diseases, as well as in healthy persons and would not lead
to DIC. Because we understand this problem well enough
we dare say that the transition of the intensity of intravascular blood coagulation to the stage of DIC can be specified, not on the ground of point calculation, but in the
following way: morbid events characterized by a high risk
of DIC progress (sepsis and other infections, neoplasm,
traumatic and surgical tissue involvement, obstetrical
pathology, vascular lesions and vascular anomaly, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions); for timely and early
recognition of DIC progress it is recommend to do case
monitoring of the rates of fibrinogen and platelet levels.
Progressive reduction of these rates in combination with
clinical picture should be the reason for the diagnosis and
the beginning of therapy.
Thereby, the conception of CIMC was developed with
the following aims:
a) To reproduce existing material and bring to researchers
and practitioners information about the presence of the
phenomenon of CIMC in humans;
b) To resolve debatable questions of definitions and practical usage of up-to-date information about DIC with
help of CIMC conception.
We hope that further conception design of CIMС could
give us a definite answer about the role and place of
purposeful regulation of blood coagulation in therapy of
many human diseases.
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I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, 8-2 Trubetskaya Street, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Mogućnost intravaskularne koagulacije krvi u krvnim sudovima i kapilarima, bez velikog tromba u arterijama i venama, poznata je od sredine devetnaestog veka. Nije moguće tačno saznati preovlađivawe ove patologije s obzirom na mnoštvo različite terminologije koja ometa izrađivawe precizne statističke analize. Jedan od razloga visoke stope smrtnosti od diseminovane intravaskularne koagulacije (DIK)
leži u nemogućnosti da se uvek postavi tačna dijagnoza. Prema mišqewu Marsela Levija (Marcel M. Levi), to je rezultat nepostojawa opšteprihvaćene ideje o DIK. Mi smo istraživali ove pokazateqe i intenzitet intravaskularne koagulacije u krvi kod velikog broja bolesnika. Naše razumevawe problema diseminovane mikrokoagulacije formulisano je na
osnovu tridesetogodišweg istraživawa ovog problema kod
više od 1.500 bolesnika. Na taj način razvili smo koncepciju konstantne intravaskularne mikrokoagulacije (KIMK),
imajući u vidu sledeće ciqeve: a) davawe izveštaja o sakupqenom materijalu; b) pružawe istraživačima i lekarima
informacije o zastupqenosti fenomena KIMK; i v) rešavawe diskutabilnih pitawa definisawa i primene u praksi
najnovijih informacija o DIK pomoću koncepcije KIMK.
Kqučne reči: diseminovana intravaskularna koagulacija;
dijagnoza; konstantna intravaskularna koagulacija
Откривање дисеминоване интраваскуларне коагулације помоћу
концепције константне интраваскуларне микрокоагулације
Игор Бокарев, Лудмила Попова
И.М. Московска медицинска академија „Сеченов”, Москва, Русија

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Bergamo's anatomopathologist: "After removing the lab coat, I no longer think of bad news"

Pulmonary post-mortem findings in a large series of COVID-19 cases from Northern Italy

Luca CarsanaAurelio SonzogniAhmed NasrRoberta RossiAlessandro PellegrinelliPietro ZerbiRoberto RechRiccardo ColomboSpinello AntinoriMario CorbellinoMassimo GalliEmanuele CatenaAntonella TosoniAndrea GianattiManuela Nebuloni


Importance. The analysis of lung tissues of patients with COVID-19 may help understand pathogenesis and clinical outcomes in this life-threatening respiratory illness. Objective. To determine the histological patterns in lung tissue of patients with severe COVID-19. Design and participants. Lungs tissues of 38 cases who died for COVID-19 in two hospital of Northern Italy were systematically analysed. Hematoxylin-eosin staining, immunohistochemistry for the inflammatory infiltrate and cellular components, electron microscopy were performed. Results. The features of the exudative and proliferative phases of Diffuse Alveolar Disease (DAD) were found: capillary congestion, necrosis of pneumocytes, hyaline membrane, interstitial oedema, pneumocyte hyperplasia and reactive atypia, platelet-fibrin thrombi. The inflammatory infiltrate was composed by macrophages in alveolar lumens and lymphocytes mainly in the interstitium. Electron microscopy revealed viral particles within cytoplasmic vacuoles of pneumocytes. Conclusions and relevance. The predominant pattern of lung lesions in COVID-19 patients is DAD, as described for the other two coronavirus that infect humans, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Hyaline membrane formation and pneumocyte atypical hyperplasia are frequently found. The main relevant finding is the presence of platelet-fibrin thrombi in small arterial vessels; this important observation fits into the clinical context of coagulopathy which dominates in these patients and which is one of the main targets of therapy.

L'anatomopatologo di Bergamo: Tolto il camice non penso più alle cattive notizie

Archive image (Afp)

by Federica Mochi
Work hours are no longer counted at the hospital in Bergamo. But in addition to the work of doctors and nurses who fight in the ward there is also that, painstaking, carried out in the laboratories of pathological anatomy. It is there that Andrea Gianatti , 55 years old, director of the pathological anatomy department of Pope John XXIII, who works with his team incessantly performs autopsy examinations on Covid-19 cases.

Even the autopsy has now been adapted to the situation that has arisen - explains Gianatti all'Adnkronos - since the virus has characteristics that are not yet fully clarified. We have decided to take the maximum precautions for this hospital, which is well equipped. We have rooms that allow us to work safely and we approached a sort of minimally invasive autopsy. It means that we do not perform complete organ dissection but perform limited sampling with biopsies on parenchymal organs such as the heart, lungs and liver. In this way we are able to obtain enough tissue to evaluate the effects of the disease at a microscopic level, which will allow us to understand in the future how the virus acts when it spreads inside the body ".

Since the beginning of the emergency, Gianatti, together with his team, has performed fifty exams in the autopsy field . But, he warns, "it's a number in the making, given that the long wave of the deadly consequences of the disease will persist for a while." The doctor, together with all the hospital health staff, immediately rolled up his sleeves, putting himself on the field at 360 degrees: “Initially - he explains - we have given availability to rotation in the Covid department, therefore in the clinical setting, although not being specialists dedicated to clinical activity. We all responded to the call by making a small contribution in the department, but soon we understood that our specialist contribution was more important, so we created a mini task force dedicated to this activity ".

Despite the dramatic situation, Gianatti tries to hold on : "Being in contact with the worst terminal event - he observes - we do not have the evidence of the human aspect of the suffering of the patients, we see the conclusion. In the first phase it was very shocking because some images of the mortuary district reminded us of these war scenarios and we were not used to it. I think of the military caravans carrying the corpses, behind it there was a commitment from the heroic mortuary district. In some cases it was necessary to recycle a type of activity which we were not used to, such as the acceleration of the bureaucratic part, the opening of dedicated spaces inside the cold rooms, the need to reduce waiting times because the funeral was blocked. But this company managed to arm itself up to teeth also from this point of view ". Psychologically, his team is holding up well but "at the end of this story - he warns - in a moment of tranquility, there could be unexplored post-traumatic effects that will be monitored".

Many of his colleagues, meanwhile, have died fighting on the front line against this invisible enemy. Like the coroner who died yesterday in Brescia. The last of a long list. If I am afraid of going to work? - he says -. We have received very precise indications on the need and on the ways in which to approach the suspect cases, paths have been made and indications have been given on personal protective equipment. Although there is a risk, I believe that for hospital specialists compliance with these rules greatly limits the possibility of contagion. This is our job: to face the disease in risky situations. We cannot exempt ourselves and unfortunately there can be negative events. Seeing the dedication with which everyone hospital specialists have done their job, any reticence is lost . "

Gianatti is confident that the work he is carrying out on the pathological anatomy he directs, thanks to the collection of post mortem samples, can be very formative for the reflections that can be made in the future on the effects of the disease on the organs. “I don't hide the fact that the activity is creating a great interest from an anatomo-clinical point of view - he explains - because we are building a wealth of information almost unique in the world. Even from the Chinese experience there are no data published in scientific literature on that type of approach to the disease, so it is a bit to go back to the history of medicine in which, from the autopsy study, information relating to the characteristics of the disease was initially built " .

But who is deciding when and whether to perform an autopsy on a suspected Codiv-19 case ? "A recommendation has been issued by our scientific society - says Gianatti - which has accepted the indications of the Coal of Atalanta, which in turn has given very restrictive indications on the modalities with which to carry out these findings. However, if you go to study in detail the documentation and if we refer to the WHO documentation, the required parameters are fulfilled by the structure and organizational method that we have in this company. So, when there was involvement with the medical colleagues we have deemed appropriate, with due caution, to join this autoptic activity without thinking much about it ".

There is also another thing that Gianatti does not think much about when he takes off his lab coat: the bad news . “I have two 21 and 13 year old children stuck in the house - he says - I filter everything, trying to report only the most encouraging news, so much they are already informed of what is happening. At least at home we try to limit a continuation of the work ".

The importance of performing Autopsies in COVID19 Deaths
 The importance of performing Autopsies in COVID19 Deaths
If  the main cause of death in COVID-19  is DIC and not Respiratory failure we will have to totally rethink the treatment plans.

COVID-19 Autopsies, Oklahoma, USA 

American Journal of Clinical Pathology, aqaa062,
10 April 2020

Characteristics of patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy

The report on the characteristics of COVID-19 positive deceased patients in Italy is published on this page on Friday.

The report " Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the total mortality of the resident population in the first quarter of 2020 " is online (pdf 1.4 Mb) produced by ISS and ISTAT to provide an integrated reading of the epidemiological data of the spread of the COVID epidemic- 19 and of the total mortality data acquired and validated by ISTAT. This is the first time that Istat has disseminated this information referring to such a large number of municipalities. The large database, covering 86% of the population residing in Italy, allows to evaluate the effects of the impact of the spread of Covid-19 on the total mortality by gender and age in the initial period and the most rapid spread of the infection: March 2020.

Report on the characteristics of patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy

April 29, 2020 update
1. Champion

The analysis is based on a sample of 25,452 patients who died and were positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy.

Distribuzione geografica dei decessi
Map of unspecified region with 1 data series.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
End of interactive chart.

2. Demographic data
The mean age of the deceased and SARS-CoV-2 positive patients is 79 years (median 81, range 0-100, InterQuartile Range - IQR 73-87). There are 9684 women (38.0%). The median age of SARS-CoV-2 positive deceased patients is more than 15 years higher than that of patients who contracted the infection (median age: patients who died 81 years - patients with infection 62 years). The figure shows the number of deaths by age group. Women who died after contracting SARS-CoV-2 infection are older than men (median ages: women 84 - men 79).
Numero di decessi per fascia di età
Bar chart with 3 data series.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Fascia di età.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Numero di decessi. Range: 0 to 15000.
End of interactive chart.

3. Pre-existing pathologies

The graph presents the most common pre-existing chronic pathologies (diagnosed before contracting SARS-CoV-2 infection) in deceased patients. This figure was obtained from 2351 deceased for whom it was possible to analyze the medical records. The average number of pathologies observed in this population is 3.3 (median 3, Standard Deviation 1.9). Overall, 90 patients (3.8% of the sample) had 0 pathologies, 340 (14.5%) had 1 pathology, 504 (21.4%) had 2 pathologies and 1417 (60.3%) had 3 or more pathologies . Prior to hospitalization, 24% of patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection followed ACE inhibitor therapy and 16% treated with Sartani (angiotensin receptor blockers). In women (n = 764) the average number of pathologies observed is 3.4 (median 3, Standard Deviation 1.9); in men (n = 1587) the average number of pathologies observed is 3.2 (median 3, Standard Deviation 1.9).

Numero di patologie
Pie chart with 4 slices.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
End of interactive chart.
Patologie preesistenti osservate più frequentemente per sesso
Bar chart with 3 data series.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Range: 0 to 100.
Diabete mellito-Tipo 2
End of interactive chart.

4. Hospitalization diagnosis
In 92.5% of hospitalization diagnoses conditions (e.g. pneumonia, respiratory failure) or symptoms (e.g. fever, dyspnoea, cough) compatible with COVID-19 were mentioned. In 166 cases (7.5% of cases) the diagnosis of hospitalization was not related to the infection. In 17 cases, the diagnosis of hospitalization concerned exclusively neoplastic pathologies, in 68 cases cardiovascular pathologies (for example acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke), in 23 cases gastrointestinal pathologies (for example cholecystitis, intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction, cirrhosis), in 58 cases other pathologies.

5. Symptoms
The graph shows the symptoms most commonly observed prior to hospitalization in patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Dyspnoea fever and cough are the most common symptoms. Less frequent are diarrhea and hemoptysis. 6.0% of people had no symptoms at the time of hospitalization.
Sintomi più comuni
Bar chart with 5 bars.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Range: 0 to 80.
End of interactive chart.

6. Complications
Respiratory failure was the most commonly observed complication in this sample (97.1% of cases), followed by acute kidney injury (23.3%), superinfection (12.6%) and acute myocardial injury (10.9 %).
Complicanza più comunemente osservata
Bar chart with 4 bars.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.

7. Therapies
Antibiotic therapy has been commonly used during hospitalization (85% of cases), less used antiviral therapy (57%), more rarely steroid therapy (37%). The common use of antibiotic therapy can be explained by the presence of superinfections or is compatible with the beginning of empirical therapy in patients with pneumonia, pending laboratory confirmation of COVID-19. In 486 cases (21.0%) all three therapies were used. Tocilizumab was administered to 4.4% of patients who died positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

8. Times
The figure shows the median times (in days) that pass from the onset of symptoms to death (10 days), from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization (5 days) and from hospitalization to death (5 days). The time from hospitalization to death is 3 days longer in those who have been transferred to intensive care than those who have not been transferred (8 days versus 5 days).
Mediane dei tempi di ricovero
Bar chart with 5 data series.
pazienti deceduti e positivi all’infezione da SARS-CoV-2
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Numero mediano di giorni. Range: 0 to 12.
End of interactive chart.

9. Deaths in patients under 50 years of age
As of April 29, 284 of the 25,452 (1.1%) positive SARS-CoV-2 patients who died under the age of 50 years. In particular, 59 of these were less than 40 years old (39 men and 20 women aged between 0 and 39). Of 9 patients under the age of 40 years, no clinical information is available, the other 40 had serious pre-existing diseases (cardiovascular, renal, psychiatric, diabetes, obesity) and 10 had no diagnosed significant diseases.

Based on the indications issued by the Ministry of Health in the Circular published on 25 February 2020 (protocol 0005889-25 / 02/2020), the certification of death due to COVID-19 must be accompanied by the opinion of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS ). For this reason, a working group was created to study the causes of death of deceased patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The analysis is based on the data contained in the ISTAT medical records and death cards containing the causes of death of these patients. Data collection takes place via the web platform , already used by national, epidemiological and virological surveillance of COVID-19 cases in Italy (coordinated by the ISS and activated by the Ministerial Circular of 22 January 2020, n.1997).

For information, you can send an e-mail to the e-mail address or contact dr. Graziano Onder (Director of the Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine Metabolic and Aging, ISS) at the telephone number: 06/49904231.

Useful resources
  • Circular 0005889-25 / 02/2020 (pdf 200 kb) published by the Ministry of Health on February 25, 2020
  • the EpiCentro page dedicated to national , epidemiological and virological surveillance of COVID-19 cases in Italy

"Covid 19, he is not the killer: the wrong diagnosis that has brought the world to its knees"

by Luca Mastinu | 

"Covid 19, he is not the killer: the wrong diagnosis that has brought the world to its knees"

We had already talked about it on April 11, but in an article published on April 21 the CityweekNapoli website re-launched the news of the "wrong diagnosis" on COVID-19. "He is not the killer" , the authors write, and refer to the alleged cardiologist of Pavia who would have discovered that the cause of the deaths of this historical context would not be attributable to respiratory problems, but to cardiovascular complications .

A news born on WhatsApp, shared on Facebook and then taken up by the clickbait sites

The name is not mentioned for this cardiologist, but in a highly shared post on Facebook we find all the general information. We present below the text of the post compulsively shared, which also has a certain precedent on WhatsApp:

Published by Prof.
S ***** G ********
Pavia cardiologist :
People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism , especially pulmonary.
If this were the case, resuscitations and intubations are of no use because first of all you have to dissolve, indeed prevent these thromboembolisms. If you ventilate a lung where blood does not reach, it is not needed! In fact, 9 out of 10 die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory ! It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia that determines fatality!
And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism.
Then? What scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until mid-March was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the number of inpatients collapses.
Many deaths, even 40 years old, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days that was not treated properly. Here the inflammation destroyed everything and prepared the ground for the formation of thrombi. Because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus enters. In fact, our COVID departments have never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis! Because I'm on cortisone therapy.
This is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a curable disease at home.
By taking care of her well at home, you avoid not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk.
It was not easy to understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium.
But this we have compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who do not and the situation has appeared very clear.
For me it could go back to normal life and reopen business. Quarantine street.
Not now. But time to publish this data. The vaccine can come slowly.
In America and other states that follow scientific literature calling for NOT to use anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy.
And let's talk about old and cheap drugs. "
The colleague's testimony appears to be confirmed by the protocols of some other hospitals:
al Sacco give Clexane to everyone, with predictive D-dimer: the higher it is, the less the patient will respond.
at San Gerardo of Monza Clexane and cortisone
at Sant'Orsola in Bologna Clexane to all + protocol shared with family doctors who prescribe Plaquenil rain on all pcs. monosymptomatic at home
Intact with a clarification on anti-inflammatories:
COX 2 production increased in viral target tissues from patients with active viral infection and cox2 deletion has been shown to reduce mortality, while cox1 deletion is associated with worsening infection
So anti-inflammatory drugs like Brufen, naproxen, aspirin that inhibit cox1 as well as Cox 2 should not be used,
While celecoxib a selective Cox 2 inhibitor seems to give good results, we still have to wait for the outcome of studies, however this analysis highlights the need to use a high dose low molecular weight heparin in the most advanced stages of the disease ... (Clexane 8,000 IU / day)
testimony of an anatomo-pathologist: just think that the "Pope Giovanni XXIII" of Bergamo performed 50 autopsies and the "Sacco" of Milan 20 (the Italian one is the highest case record in the world, the Chinese have made only 3 and "Minimally invasive"). Everything that comes out seems to fully confirm the above information.
In a nutshell, it appears that the exit is determined by a DIC (for non-doctors, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) triggered by the virus. So interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with it, it would have been only a diagnostic mistake : we doubled the number of resuscitation places, with exorbitant costs, probably unnecessarily.
In hindsight, I have to rethink all those Chest Rxs we commented about a month ago: those images that were interpreted as interstitial pneumonia could actually be completely consistent with a DIC.
It will be interesting now (once all this new information has been confirmed) to check whether there will be a "political will" to receive it from the institutions .
It could mean leaving this mess in four and four times, taking away a lot of broken parts (masks, tracking apps , queues at shops, etc. etc.).
Unfortunately I have some doubts about it ..

It is well known and logical that an expert who is sure of what he says would not seek fame on social networks but would contact the institutions to ensure that his actions and words are not in vain attempts, because a discovery cannot be reduced to sharing on social networks by users who have no scientific knowledge.

The denial of the person concerned

Above all, our experience in fact-checking teaches us that a word attributed to a person and shared compulsively requires verification with the person directly concerned. For this reason, in the verification phases of our previous article published on 11 April 2020, we had contacted the cardiologist mentioned in the viral letter. The person concerned had told us that he was not a cardiologist and above all that he had never written those words .

To know the full text of the denial letter, please read our previous article at this address . Moreover, the same content had been contested by Roberto Burioni on MedicalFacts on the same April 11 : "A stupidity of immense proportions" , and moreover the same doctor we had contacted had strongly contested the words reported in the viral content .

weeks-old hoax that, however, does not stop finding blood "thanks" to its publication on new sources that create clickbait titles. Talking about "wrong diagnosis" on the basis of a viral content denied by the same doctor to whom it is attributed means falling back into the temptations of a hoax .

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