Saturday, June 30, 2018

Interesting 12 rules for Living

RULE 1 / Stand up straight with your shoulders back
RULE 2 / Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
RULE 3 / Make friends with people who want the best for you
RULE 4 Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
RULE 5 / Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
RULE 6 / Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
RULE 7 / Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
RULE 8 / Tell the truth—or, at least, don't lie
RULE 9 / Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't
RULE 10 / Be precise in your speech
RULE 11 / Do not bother children when they are skateboarding

RULE 12 / Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Friday, June 29, 2018

Ovarian Cancer and Marital Problems / Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions / Pap Smear /"ectopic," or "tubal" pregnancies. '\Beer Drinking and Milk Flow of Nursing Mothers/Drug Avoidance for Nursing Mothers


Ovarian Cancer and Marital Problems
cancers sex surgery Genitourinary System Ovarian Cancer Marital
neoplasm neoplasms lifestyle lifestyles Sexual dysfunction intercourse vagina
lubricant KY jelly vaginal dilator lubricants jellies dilators ovary ovaries
VolumeJ-23, B-23
Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf
Ovarian Cancer*0010301.scf

Ovarian Cancer and Marital Problems


QUESTION:  After an operation and treatment for ovarian cancer, I have
problems with my marital life.  What should I do?


ANSWER:  The best gauge to success of cancer therapy is how well you're able
to resume your normal activities, and that includes your sex life.  Sexual
dysfunction is the term used for sexual activity that has been impaired by
physical or mental problems.  Some sexual dysfunction is caused by the various
cancer treatments used and some are due to the disease itself.
     A common problem among women who have had pelvic surgery--such as for
ovarian cancer--is pain during intercourse.  Painful intercourse leads of
avoidance of sex, which hurts a marriage.  The shape or size of the vagina may
have been changed or the removal of the ovaries causes vaginal dryness.
Unfortunately, many women are not warned this may happen and then never
mention their sexual problem to their physicians.
     Vaginal dryness can be relieved easily by using a lubricant such as KY
jelly or other products specially made for use during sex.  Your doctor may
also prescribe creams that contain estrogen that will help keep the vagina
moist.  Sometimes changing sexual positions helps, also.  Narrowing or
shortening of the vagina after surgery can sometimes be avoided by having sex
regularly or by using a vaginal dilator.  Your physician will instruct you on
how to use a dilator.  Using a dilator is medically necessary, so don't be
embarrassed either about using it or asking your doctor questions.
     Cancer and cancer therapy can also change your own self-esteem or how you
see yourself, which can impair the sex drive.  Many people feel stigmatized by
having had cancer.  Some people act as if cancer were contagious.  Cancer is a
disease, not a punishment.  Losing your breast, or your ovaries, or your hair,
or whatever, does not make you any less a woman.
     Having had cancer may also change the way your husband treats you.
Sometimes, a husband may avoid having sex because he is afraid of hurting his
"fragile" wife, but the wife sees this as rejection on his part.  Many men
have never learned how to discuss their feelings or how to react when someone
they love is ill.  They may act gruff or distraught when comforting was
     Discuss your problems openly with your physician.  He or she can offer
advice about both the physical and psychological problems you're having.  In
some cases, you and your husband can benefit by having specialized marital
     You have fought hard for your victory over your disease.  It may now take
only a few words of discussion, consultation, and conversation to give you
back the full life you wish and deserve.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions
abortion recurrent spontaneous abortions pregnancy Genitourinary
System miscarriages pregnancies gestational prenatal miscarriage ill defined
symptoms symptom uterus

Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions


QUESTION:  What can be done for a woman who has recurrent spontaneous


ANSWER:  Spontaneous abortions are also called miscarriages by many people,
and they are defined as any loss of pregnancy prior to 20 weeks' gestational
age.  Approximately 15 percent of all recognized pregnancies end in
spontaneous abortion.  Many more spontaneous abortions occur during the very
early stages of pregnancy, before the pregnancy is recognized.  Recurrent
spontaneous abortions are a problem for one in 200 couples.  About 60 percent
of these couples have a problem that can be diagnosed.
     The reasons for recurrent spontaneous abortions include environmental,
genetic, immune, anatomic or hormone factors, or a combination of these.  If a
couple has two consecutive spontaneous abortions, it is time for a careful
history and physical examination to try to determine the cause.  Both partners
should be part of this treatment.  Tests for infection, hormone balance and
genetic abnormalities may be performed.  The couple should be asked about
environmental factors that may be contributing to the problem, and factors
such as diet, activity and smoking should be discussed.
     Women with a tendency to abort should make every effort to diagnose a
pregnancy early, so that the pregnancy can be monitored closely.  Early and
complete prenatal care is sometimes helpful in avoiding continued problems.
     If you have a friends or family members who have suffered a spontaneous
abortion, be sensitive to their feelings.  Husband and wife are likely to need
your understanding and support more than they can tell you at this time.  Talk
with them.  Ask them how you can help.  They need to know that you care.  It
is amazing how much good just the expression of your concern can accomplish,
and you'll feel better too.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

Genitourinary System
Pap Smear Genitourinary System Paps Smears Cervical Cancer cancers
carcinoma lab laboratory test tests pelvic examination examinations
gynecological exam exams cervix uterus vagina
Abrasion Biopsy of the Uterus*0001901.scf
Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf



     Another related, and frequently asked question about Pap Smears, and just
how often they should be performed, is answered in a recent issue of the
American Family Physician.  It reports that the American Academy of Family
Physicians (AAFP) has adopted a new policy on "Screening for Cervical Cancer"
which is consistent with other similar statements issued by The A.M.A., the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, as well as the American
Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.  The policy recommends that
"all woman who are or have been sexually active, or have reached age 18 years
have an annual Pap test and pelvic examination.  After a woman has had three
or more consecutive satisfactory normal annual examinations, the Pap test may
be performed less frequently at the discretion of her physician."  The AAFP
however, recommends that this be "not less frequently than every 3 years."


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Pregnancies that Occur Outside the Uterus
pregnancy ectopic surgery embryo Pregnancies Outside Uterus tubal
Fallopian tube tubes pregnant menstrual bleeding spotty Abdominal abdomen
sonograms laparoscopic laparotomy embryos sonogram laparotomies laparoscopy
Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf
Anatomy of the Abdomen*0001501.scf

Pregnancies that Occur Outside the Uterus


QUESTION:  How do they detect pregnancies that occur outside the uterus?  How
are these pregnancies dealt with?


ANSWER:  Pregnancies that occur outside the uterus are called "ectopic," or
"tubal" pregnancies.  If they are undetected, they can cause a
life-threatening emergency when the growing embryo ruptures a Fallopian tube
and causes dramatic hemorrhage inside the abdomen.  Early diagnosis and
treatment are important not only to the life of the pregnant woman, but also
to her future fertility.  About half the time, however, the ectopic pregnancy
is not diagnosed until it ruptures.
     History and physical examination are important to diagnosis.  A pregnancy
test is positive with ectopic pregnancy, but menstrual bleeding may be spotty
or irregular.  Abdominal pain is usually present.  Blood tests to determine
hormone levels in the blood and sonograms are helpful.
     Ectopic pregnancies are not healthy pregnancies, and they cannot be
allowed to continue.  They are usually surgically removed, either by
laparoscopic surgery (which is done through a small incision below the navel)
or laparotomy, which is through a larger incision in the abdomen.  In some
larger research centers, studies are being done on eliminating the pregnancies
by administering drugs instead of doing surgery.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Beer Drinking and Milk Flow of Nursing Mothers
nursing milk beer motherhood child care Pregnancy Drinking childbirth
lactation liquid liquids breast feeding alcohol wine Drink Drinks lactate
lactations birth baby infant breast-feeding breast-feed

Beer Drinking and Milk Flow of Nursing Mothers


QUESTION:  Is there any truth in the old adage that a beer a day enhances the
milk flow of nursing mothers?


ANSWER:  Frequently in any old wives' tale there's a morsel of truth, which
we sometimes too easily dismiss in this age of high-tech medicine.  Probably
that small gem is there because the old midwife showed a lot of common sense
in treating the whole person, not just a part.
     Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating inebriation as a state of being
for nursing mothers.  But considering the fact that beer is a liquid and
soothing, and lactation depends on both the amount of liquids you consume and
your being relaxed, by all means have a glass of beer, or a glass of wine, a
day.  Of course, you might get the same benefits from warm milk, fruit juice,
whatever tickles your palate.  Any liquid that both soothes and relaxes you
can cause an increase in your milk flow.
     With alcohol, of course, never over do, and be sure to check with your
physician before beginning any beer therapy.  There have been some cases where
alcohol intake had the opposite effect for nursing mothers.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Drug Avoidance for Nursing Mothers
nursing medicine milk motherhood Childbirth Drug Drugs newborn
Lithium hypotonia Antimetabolites Radioactive medications medication iodine
goiter hypothyroidism anticoagulant Phenindione hedulin coagulation
Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin breast feeding feed medicines newborns
anticoagulants baby infant breast-feeding breast-feed

Drug Avoidance for Nursing Mothers


QUESTION:  I'm a nursing mother.  What drugs should I avoid?


ANSWER:  Fortunately, most drugs taken by a woman who is breast feeding are
not hazardous to the newborn, but there are some drugs that should be avoided
     Lithium, which is used in the treatment of depression, should not be used
while breast feeding as it can cause hypotonia--abnormal muscle tone and
decreased strength.
     Antimetabolites (usually used to treat cancer), taken by the mother, may
cause long term anti-DNA activity in the baby.
     Radioactive medications will contaminate breast milk with radioactive
substances.  Preparations containing iodine can cause goiter and
     The anticoagulant Phenindione (hedulin) passes quickly into breast milk
and may slow down the baby's blood coagulation.  The antibiotic
Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin) is very potent, and high concentrations pass
into the breast milk, which may in turn cause bone marrow depression.
     These drugs should be avoided completely, but while many medications pass
into breast milk, the excretion of a drug into breast milk does not
necessarily pose a hazard, because usually only 1 to 2% of the dosage will
pass through to the milk.  It is wise, however, for nursing moms to use as few
drugs as possible.  You would be wise to keep both your physician and your
baby's doctor informed of all that's going on, so that the risks to the baby
can be measured against the benefits the medications provide for the mother.
Nursing moms can also minimize the effects of their medications in their
infants by taking the drugs after breast feeding.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

TMJ? / Surgery for Kidney Stones / Cancer of the Prostrate: Male Contraceptive?Pap Smear Cancer and Love Life


What is TMJ?
jaw mandible TMJ Digestive System temporomandibular joint alignment
misalignment joints musculoskeletal system connective tissue tissues mouth

What is TMJ?


QUESTION:  What is TMJ?  Would you please discuss it and its treatment?


ANSWER:  "TMJ" stands for "temporomandibular joint" and usually refers to
problems with that joint.  The joint is the one that allows your jaw to open,
shut and slide your chin forward.  It's a joint that takes a lot of stress,
even under the best of conditions.  Its proper alignment and function depends
on many factors, including your teeth, the muscles of your face and mouth, and
your ways of coping with stress.
     The range of problems with  TMJ is broad, but any disruption of its
function usually results in a misalignment of the teeth and jaw and gradual
deterioration of the joint.
     The causes of TMJ problems are varied; I'll discuss a few of them.  Mouth
or jaw injuries, such as those occurring in auto accidents or sports injuries
often start the TMJ problems.  The jaw becomes misaligned due to the injury,
and the joint wears unevenly due to the misalignment.  The TMJ problems may
develop slowly, over a period of years after the injury.  Personal habits such
as chewing pencils or ice, grinding teeth, or clenching the jaw from tension
can also create a TMJ problem.
     What are the symptoms of TMJ?  Face or jaw pain, noises such as a
clicking when the jaw is opened, or difficulty in opening the jaw are all
symptoms.  Some people report that the jaw pain travels to the head, neck,
ears, shoulders and arms.  TMJ should be suspected in anyone who suffers from
frequent headaches that have no known cause.  The symptoms worsen over the
years unless the problem is treated.
     Accurate diagnosis of TMJ is important before treatment can be begun.
Specialized x-rays, especially a process called video arthrography, are part
of the diagnostic workup.  Determining exactly how the different parts of the
temporomandibular joint function in relation to one another is crucial to
treating the problem with success.
     The problem may not be in the joint itself; it may be located in the
powerful muscles of the jaw.  If this is the case, muscle relaxation is the
goal.  This may be accomplished by learning to control stress, using physical
therapy to exercise the jaw muscles, or using local anesthetic pain control.
Sometimes, muscle relaxants are prescribed to help the jaw muscles relax and
heal.  In some cases, a special mouthpiece is designed to realign the mouth
and ease the pressure on the jaw joint.
     If the problem is severe and does not respond to less permanent
treatment, the alignment of the jaw and mouth must be altered.  This can be
accomplished in a variety of ways, but should only be undertaken when other
methods fail, because the treatment is permanent and cannot be reversed.
Changing the alignment of the teeth and jaw should only be attempted by
someone who is well-experienced in successful treatment of TMJ.  Sometimes the
alignment of teeth is altered by grinding the surfaces so that the upper and
lower teeth meet more harmoniously.  In more severe cases, surgery is
performed to repair the temporomandibular joint.  If the jaw joint is found to
be deteriorated beyond repair, an artificial joint can be used to replace it.
     In some parts of the country, arthroscopes are being utilized to diagnose
and treat some forms of TMJ disorder.  This shows great promise, because the
physician can see directly into the joint with only a minimal incision, and he
can treat the problem without extensive surgery.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


stones kidney surgery Genitourinary System stone kidneys surgeries
PNL percutaneous nephrolithotomy urinary tract urethroscopy urethroscope ESWL
extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy operation operations special procedure
Anatomy of the Kidney*0004801.scf
Small Kidney Stones*0004802.scf
Stag-Horn Kidney Stones*0004803.scf
Passage of a Kidney Stone*0004804.scf

Surgery for Kidney Stones


QUESTION:  Is it always necessary to be operated on for kidney stones?


ANSWER:  Well, let me begin by telling you of my experience.  Ralph had become
a statistic, as well as my patient.  He had become one out of each eight men
in this country, who by the age of 70, will develop a kidney stone.  He came
to me in distress and pain.  A while back, he would have had two choices;
either he would have been able to pass the stone or invasive, open surgery
would have been performed.  Of course, surgery was and still is dictated by
some hard and fast rules.  The first is the size of the stone and its ability
to be passed.  Usually stones smaller than 4 mm have a 75% change of being
passed.  Other criteria are persistent pain or bleeding, partial obstruction,
chronic infection, and stones increasing in size.  Well, Ralph had all these
symptoms, but as a doctor practicing medicine in 1988, I had at my disposal
three noninvasive techniques for the elimination of kidney stones, which I
explained to Ralph.
     The first technique is called PNL (percutaneous nephrolithotomy) and
involves the use of a needle to gain access to the kidney.  A contrasting dye
is instilled into the urinary tract to gain knowledge of the location of
stones, and then the tract is dilated and removal is accomplished through
forceps.  This procedure is not for patients with bleeding problems or those
who have hypersensitivity to the contrast medium.  A second procedure is
called urethroscopy and involves the use of a urethroscope; this procedure is
for stones located in the ureter.  The most recent procedure is ESWL
(extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy), a method first used in Germany in
1980 and approved by the FDA for use in this country in 1984.  This method
uses shock waves, which break the stone into small sand-like particles, which
the patient will pass in the next two- to three-week period.
     So, though Ralph was a candidate for removal of his kidney stones, he did
not need open surgery.  We discussed the best method for him and he was spared
the lengthy hospitalization, the increased risk, and the drain on his
finances.  What these three methods have in common are a good success rate,
and the ability to make a patient as good as new in a short period of time.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Cancer of the Prostrate:  Causes and Treatments
prostate cancer rectal Genitourinary System neoplasm neoplasms
malignancy older rectal examination lump pelvis lower spine urination
dribbling constipation urinary tract carcinoma cancers radiation therapy
impotent potent age aging old
VolumeJ-15, B-15
Anatomy of the Male Productive System*0006001.scf
Cancer of the Prostrate*0007601.scf

Cancer of the Prostrate:  Causes and Treatments


QUESTION:  I'm worried about cancer of the prostrate.  Please explain its
causes and treatments.


ANSWER:  Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy found in older men.
Usually it is first discovered during a rectal examination as a nonsymptom
producing lump or swelling in the prostate gland.  The nodule is most often
small (less than 2 cm in diameter), hard, irregular in shape, and
self-contained.  Other indicators of prostate cancer are unexplained bone pain
in the pelvis and lower spine, and bladder problems such as painful urination,
dribbling, and straining to void, which might indicate an obstruction.
     While the exact cause of this type of malignancy remains a mystery, the
predictable way it progresses helps the physician make an accurate and quick
diagnosis so that proper treatment can begin.  Blood tests, a needle biopsy,
x-rays of the kidneys and the urinary tract, and computerized ultrasound
pictures (CT scans) of the lower abdomen to see if the lymph nodes are
involved are useful components of a complete workup that may be performed to
define what stage the carcinoma is in.  These stages range from (A) diseased
tissue with no lumps to (B) lesions confined to the prostate capsule to (C)
tumors which cover the outside of the capsule, and finally (D) disease which
spreads to other body parts.
     Treatment varies according to the severity of the condition and other
factors such as patient's age (young men tend to develop fast growing
cancers), desire to remain sexually potent, and other medical problems that
may exist.  For instance, early stage A cancers are without symptoms and are
discovered when tissue removed during operations for enlarged prostates
considered benign, are examined under the microscope.  No further treatment
may be necessary, unless the patient is under 55, and the cancer cells seem
advanced, in which case radiation therapy is suggested.  Stages B and C
require either a complete surgical removal of the prostate gland or intensive
radiation therapy, which reaps a similar result.  The symptoms of stage D
(advanced) disease can be lessened with hormone therapy as well as surgery.
Though the manner and timing of such therapy remains controversial, its goal
is to reduce symptoms and make the patient more comfortable.
     New advances in treatment are being developed every day.  For example, a
new surgical technique called a subcapsular prostatectomy (or partial removal
of the prostate gland) seems to be successful in halting some cancers without
causing the patient to become impotent.  Unfortunately, long-term results are
not yet known.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Is There Such a Thing as a Male Contraceptive?
contraception male Genitourinary System Contraceptive Contraceptives
contraceptions luteinizing hormone releasing hormones LHRH hypothalamus gland
prophylactic prophylaxis prophylactics lifestyle lifestyles
Hormones of the Hypothalamus*0002902.scf
Types of Birth Control*0002001.scf

Is There Such a Thing as a Male Contraceptive?


QUESTION:  Is there such a thing as a male contraceptive?


ANSWER:  Except for condoms, there is no reversible form of male
contraceptive--yet.  Research is, however, underway to find one.
     One male contraceptive that is currently under investigation is
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), which is a natural hormone
secreted by the hypothalamus gland.  Researchers at Vanderbilt University have
been testing LHRH on male volunteers and found that it does suppress the
production of sperm when taken for at least three months.  They will begin
further testing soon to evaluate LHRH for side effects.
     The LHRH they are using must be injected daily, which will not make it
either popular or cost effective.  If the drug were to be developed
commercially--something that won't happen for more than 10 years even if all
goes well--it would probably be a monthly injection or be administered in some
other way.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Pap Smear Classification
Pap smear cancer cancers Genitourinary System Paps Smears vagina
vaginal uterus cervix classification classifications Papanicolaou carcinoma
special procedure procedures lab laboratory tests test
VolumeJ-14, P-14
Abrasion Biopsy of Uterus*0001901.scf
Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf

Pap Smear Classification


QUESTION:  I have been required to return to my physician on several occasions
because my Pap smear is a "2".  He keeps treating me and then taking another
smear.  I am afraid I have cancer, because I don't understand what's going on.
Can you help?


ANSWER:  I believe I can, and the news is good.  You most probably do not have
cancer.  Since Dr. George Papanicolaou published his paper in 1941 describing
the value of vaginal smears to detect cancer of the uterus, the technique has
been used routinely to discover early abnormal changes of the cells of the
cervix (the entrance to the uterus).  The cells are scraped from the cervix by
the physician, placed on a glass slide and then stained.  When these cells are
examined under a microscope, the subtle changes from normal can be detected,
and graded against a classification of results which allow an interpretation
to be made.  There are 5 such classifications from I to V (we use Roman
Numerals as did Dr. Papanicolaou).  Class I means there are no suspicious
cells that reveal any changes and is interpreted as negative for cancer.  In
Class II ( as in your case) there are some changes in the cells, which can be
caused by an inflammation, but are not considered to be changes that are due
to or lead to cancer.  Usually when the inflammation is treated and has
cleared up, the cells return to normal.  Class III is made up of cells that
show mild or moderate changes that are suspicious of cancer, but for which a
diagnosis can not be made with certainty.  It is Class IV that is used to
indicate that a cancer has started in the cervix, and Class V which tells of
malignancy and invasive carcinoma, that has attacked the uterus.
     There are varying recommendations as to the frequency that the test
should be taken, or repeated, and it is a test that must be performed
correctly to obtain results that are accurate.  The best time to obtain cells
for examination is at day 14 of the menstrual cycle when the hormone effect of
estrogen is at its maximum.  Any patient with a classification of Class III or
higher should have a biopsy of the cervix performed, since this is a more
reliable test, and affords a more dependable diagnostic interpretation.  When
inflammatory changes are noted, the Pap report may note the presence of an
infecting bacteria, which can help the physician determine the treatment.
Most physicians agree that Class II smears should be repeated three months
after treatment.  It looks like your doctor is following this appropriate


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Cancer and Love Life
sex impotence cancer cancers carcinoma neoplasm neoplasms
chemotherapy Genitourinary System intimate intimacy sexual dysfunctions
dysfunction vagina vaginal atrophy coital chemotherapies menopause erectile
impotence prostatectomy pudendal penile orgasm orgasmic Intrapenile inflatable
implants implant libido
VolumeJ-15, B-15
Total Hysterectomy*0008601.scf
Partial Hysterectomy*0008602.scf
Cancer of the Prostate*0007601.scf

Cancer and Love Life


QUESTION:  After being treated for cancer, I'm afraid my love life will
change.  Will it?


ANSWER:  Chances are, it will.  During a medical crisis such as the one you've
been through, there are bound to be all sorts of adjustments to be made--both
physical and emotional.  However, with good communication between intimate
partners, many of the sexual dysfunctions that result from cancer and its
treatment can be overcome.
     For women, gynecologic cancer surgery can cause a reduction in the depth
and width of the vagina, and common problems following chemotherapy can
include vaginal atrophy and loss of vaginal lubrication.  Commercial
lubricants can restore the lubrication, and it is recommended that partners
use coital positions that allow the woman to regulate the degree of
penetration.  To prevent vaginal atrophy, early resumption of sexual activity
is strongly advised, particularly since it may also help to relieve a
patient's anxiety which can cause sexual problems in itself.
     Loss of sexual drive can also occur after cancer treatment.  This can
have a biological basis since chemotherapy can cause menstrual abnormalities
and the onset of an early menopause.  However, psychological factors such as
cancer-related depression or a difficult adjustment to the changes in one's
body image can certainly reduce one's sexual desire as well.  Therefore, the
quality of your interpersonal relationship has a strong bearing on your
adjustment.  Nonsexual expressions of love such as touching and prolonged skin
contact can frequently rekindle sexual desire and a healthy, fulfilling love
life can usually be achieved.
     For men, erectile impotence is the major type of sexual dysfunction
resulting from prostate cancer.  In radical prostatectomy, severed nerves are
responsible for the problem, and until recently, this was a constant
complication.  Now, however, there is a nerve-sparing procedure and the
pudendal nerve, which carries penile sensations, lies outside the operative
area.  The patient remains unable to gain an erection, but orgasmic function
is retained.  For such patients and their partners, mutual intimate touching
is recommended for a continued satisfactory love life.
     There are, however, other alternatives for dealing with erectile
impotence.  There are a number of drugs that can be taken orally which will
enable a patient to gain an erection, but as a rule, they are only effective
for a few months and only work for a modest number of patients.  Intrapenile
injections are successful for a large number of patients and can be easily
administered.  However, repeated use may cause penile fibrosis (scarring)
which eliminates the option for a penile implant.  Rigid, semirigid, and
inflatable implants are popular alternatives for couples for find penile
injections unacceptable.  The inflatable ones are usually the preferred type
since they closely reproduce a physiologic erection.
     Male patients, like female ones, often experience a decreased libido, and
frequently for the same reasons.  Self-image and psychologic reactions to
cancer and its treatment play a major role in one's sexual image.   Explore
new and alternative ways of expressing your affection for each other if the
old ones no longer work.  Seek counsel with your doctor.  And be assured that
you can still have a fulfilling love life.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

Augmedix developed an app for the wearable device that allows physicians to live-stream the patient visit

Augmedix developed an app for the wearable device that allows physicians to live-stream the patient visit and claims it will eliminate electronic health record problems, possibly saving them up to 15 hours a week[56] and improving record quality. The video stream is passed to remote scribes in HIPAA secure rooms where the doctor-patient interaction is transcribed. Ultimately, allowing physicians to focus on the patient. Hundreds of users[57] were evaluating the app as of mid-2015.[58]
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Is Newly Approved Tresiba the Best Long-Acting Insulin?

Dr. Sharon Orrange
Dr. Orrange is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of Geriatric, Hospitalist and General Internal Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.
Posted on March 2, 2016
Comparing long-acting insulins? Newly approved Tresiba may come out ahead. With the exception of NPH insulin (the original long-acting insulin—examples include Humulin N and Novolin N), they are all going to cost you. So, if you are already paying big bucks for your long-acting insulin, here are some things to think about:

What does a long-acting or basal insulin do for me? This is your baseline insulin, the insulin that is secreted to control your sugars when you are not eating (in the fasting state). Put another way, basal Insulin is used to suppress liver glucose production and help you maintain normal sugars even when you aren’t eating.

What are my options? The old-school and well respected NPH insulin has been around forever and is considered intermediate acting. Levemir and Lantus were then joined this year by Toujeo and now Tresiba as the main players. Toujeo is basically Lantus (which was losing its patent) and may not gain any traction in the market. These insulins are typically administered once daily to provide basal insulin levels. Basaglar was just approved by the FDA and think of Basaglar as the Lantus “generic” or copycat–that will be available soon and let’s hope it’s cheaper than Lantus.

What is Tresiba? Tresiba (insulin degludec) is the longest acting insulin available and there don’t appear to be any coming down the pipeline that give this duration of coverage. What makes Tresiba a hero is the long duration of action (>40 hours) with less fluctuation in blood levels of the drug. It’s given once a day.

Is Tresiba the best long-acting insulin? This can only be answered on an individual basis and along with your provider. Lantus, Levemir and Tresiba may have some modest advantages over NPH (less symptomatic and nighttime hypoglycemia) in type 2 diabetes, with the important disadvantage of higher cost. Unlike Lantus and Levemir, Tresiba can be mixed with a short acting insulin which is a plus.

What about my short acting insulin? You have two options here–you can continue to use your short acting in addition to Tresiba or—it (insulin degludec) comes mixed in another product called Ryzodeg which is a 70/30 mixture of long and rapid acting insulin. In type 1 diabetes a steady long acting insulin like Tresiba may provide more control and protection over dips and peaks in your sugars.

How is it given? The recommended starting dose of Tresiba in people with type-2 diabetes who have never been on insulin is 10 units, injected subcutaneously, once daily—at any time of day. If you’re already using a long-acting insulin, Tresiba should be started at the same total daily dose.

Show me the studies: Studies using Tresiba in combination with mealtime insulin for type-1 diabetics or as an add-on to oral diabetes meds for type-2 diabetics show it is as effective in reducing hemoglobin A1c as other previously approved long-acting insulins.

Is it expensive? Yes—but so are Lantus and Levemir. If your doctor believes Tresiba will regulate your sugars better and improve the highs and lows, your insurance company may approve a prior authorization—I’ve seen it happen.

Dr O.

Drugs featured in this story

VIEWHumulin N
Prices from $476.55
Prices from $410.01
Prices from $425.25
VIEWNovolin N
Prices from $27.00
Prices from $60 $11.16
Prices from $15 $7.00


 The examiner should insist on removal of the shoes and socks or stockings. One should look for neuropathic changes like dry skin, fissures indicative of autonomic neuropathy (Fig. 2) deformities of the toes because of atrophy of small muscles of the foot (motor neuropathy). Common forefoot deformities that are known to increase plantar pressures and making the feet vulnerable for ulceration include metatarsal phalangeal joint hyperextension with interphalangeal flexion (Fig. 3) or distal phalangeal extension (Fig. 4). One should also look for bunions (Fig. 5), callus (Fig. 6) abnormal shape offoot indicating neuroarthropathy or charcot
Efficacy of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
Jan 13, 2018

Higher score measuring severity of pain indicated elevated treatment failure risk.

Many patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes suffer from painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDPN). Patients with this complication experience irreversible peripheral nerve damage resulting in severe pain, which is difficult to manage. The pain can become so unbearable and potentially interfere with quality of life. There are no medications that can prevent the progression or even reverse the disorder. Medications available are only to help relieve pain and are a lot of times inadequate for pain relief. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) was introduced as last-resort therapy and has been around for years now. Previous studies have suggested that SCS is efficacious in short follow-up studies. However, no long-term studies have been conducted as of yet.

The goal of the following prospective multicenter study was to evaluate the effects of SCS on patients with PDPN over a period of five years. The study measured SCS success, failure, and associated complications. A total of 48 participants with PDPN were included in the study from the outpatient pain clinics of the Maastricht University Medical Center and the Radbound University Medical Center (UMC). The level of neuropathy severity was determined through use of The Michigan Diabetic Neuropathy Score (MDNS). Patients were included if they experienced pain relief during the initial SCS implantation trial. Patients were also included if they had inadequate pain relief and/or experienced side effects with their current drug treatment. They also had to have history of complications for a period longer than 12 months and a mean numeric rating scale (NRS) pain score of 5 or greater.

At baseline, parameters obtained included diabetes duration, pain duration, NRS pain score, MDNS, type of diabetes, height, weight, age, sex, and HbA1c. Follow-up was conducted 12 months after baseline measurement followed by once yearly for the remainder of the study. Treatment was considered successful if patients experienced at least a 50% reduction in the NRS day and night pain score or if they had a Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) pain and sleep score of at least 6 out of 7 on a Likert scale. Treatment was considered a failure if use of the SCS system was discontinued and removed. Patients were considered to have complications if they had to visit for technical difficulties or adverse effects.

According to results, it was found that 42% of patients had an NRS pain score reduction of at least 50% throughout the day after 1 year, 43% after 2 years, 47% after 3 years, 37% after 4 years, and 36% after the 5 year follow-up. In regards to pain throughout the night, 36% of patients experienced pain reduction of at least 50% after 1 year, 40% after 2 years, 35% after 3 years, 33% after 4 years, and 32% after the 5-year follow-up. According the PGIC pain and sleep scale results, percentage of patients that chose the option of “very much improved,” were 72% and 53% after 1 year, 54% and 37% after 2 years, 53% and 29% after 3 years, 53% and 47% after 4 years, and 50% and 32% after the 5-year follow-up.

Overall, 86% of patients experienced successful therapy following 1 year, 71% after 2 years, 77% after 3 years, 67% after 4 years, and 55% after the 5-year follow-up. After the 5-year period, 80% of patients were still using their SCS systems. Through use of univariate Cox proportional hazards regression, it was determined that a higher MDNS was related to a significantly higher treatment failure risk. (Hazard ratio (HR) 3.9, 95% CI 1.3 to 11.6, P=0.014).

The study showed that in patients with PDPN, SCS therapy for an extended period of 5 years is successful at reducing severe pain in the lower limbs. At the end of the study there was still a significant number of patients using SCS therapy. It was also determined that in patients with a higher MDNS, the chance of failing long-term treatment is elevated. Although the study had positive results, a limitation to consider is that the study did not include a control group.

Practice Pearls:

Long-term SCS therapy was successful at improving chronic pain in patients with PDPN that had failed other pain therapies.
SCS therapy was still being used by 80% of patients at the end of the 5-year period.
Higher MDNS resulted in elevated treatment failure risk.

Van Beek M, Geurts JW, Slangen R, et al. Severity of Neuropathy Is Associated With Long-Term Spinal Cord Stimulation Outcome in Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: Five-Year Follow-up of a Prospective Two-Center Clinical Trial. Diabetes Care. 2017; 0:1-7.

Graciela Nieto, Pharm. D. Candidate 2018, LECOM School of Pharmacy

Folk Medicines for Constipation / Can Gastritis be Caused by Infection? / Alcohol and Pancreatitis /


Folk Medicines for Constipation
constipation folk medicines Digestive System medicine medications
medication empacho blocked intestine intestines diarrhea indigestion vomiting
appetite fiber diet azarcon greta constipation

Folk Medicines for Constipation


QUESTION:  I think my Mexican neighbors have a great way to treat
constipation.  Do you know of it and what do you think of it?


ANSWER:  Almost every ethnic group in our country has folk medicines for
common illnesses.  Although some folk medicines are often rooted in
superstition, some are based on centuries of experience with certain
conditions.  Some folk medicines are useless and some may be dangerous since
they interfere with more practical medical care, but some can be beneficial
and your Mexican neighbors have a couple.
     Many Mexicans refer to the symptoms of constipation as empacho, or
blocked intestine, and it is believed to be due to food that is stuck to the
wall of the intestines caused by eating improperly cooked food or eating
certain foods at the wrong time of the day.  Symptoms of empacho include
diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting, and loss of appetite.  In mainstream
medicine, these conditions may be due to infections, lack of fiber in the
diet, or other causes, not just to an intestinal blockage.
     Common folk medicines for empacho include drinking mint tea or chamomile
tea or taking small doses of olive or other vegetable oil.  Mint and chamomile
tea are both useful in soothing indigestion and nausea, and drinking any
liquid helps relieve constipation.  Vegetable oil will also relieve
constipation within a few hours.
     The only potentially dangerous folk medicines for empacho are remedies
known as azarcon and greta.  These compounds frequently contain lead oxide
that is poisonous.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Can Gastritis be Caused by Infection?
gastritis ulcer infection infections cancer cancers Digestive System
Gastric foods food mucosa mucosal lining viral virus viruses bacterial
bacteria bacterium carcinoma gastrointestinal antrum duodenal ulcers C pylori
Bismuth Pepto-Bismol
VolumeI-10, A-10

Can Gastritis be Caused by Infection?


QUESTION:  Can gastritis be caused by infection?  I always thought it was from


ANSWER:  Gastritis can actually be caused by a number of things.  As you
suggest, it can develop from eating foods that injure the mucosal lining of
the stomach.  It can also result from drug use, smoking, and alcohol which can
damage and inflame the gastric mucosa.  However, the condition can also be
caused by factors totally unrelated to diet.  The reflux of intestinal
contents into the stomach has been a determined cause of gastritis.
Immunologic and genetic factors are proven contributors as well.  And, in
answer to your question, gastritis can be the result of certain viral and
bacterial infections.
     In simple terms, gastritis involves inflammation and the possible wearing
away of gastric mucosa.  It is frequently associated with ulcer disease, and
in severe cases, with gastric carcinoma.  Two main types exist:  Type A, which
involves the stomach and develops after age 50 in association with a type of
anemia, and Type B, which involves the gastric antrum and is usually
accompanied by gastric or duodenal ulcers.
     Addressing your concern on the link between infection and gastritis, it
has been discovered that most patients suffering from Type B gastritis are
infected with C pylori bacteria, leading experts to believe that C pylori is a
major causative agent.  When C pylori is treated, mucosal inflammation
decreases and function improves.  Since gastritis has long been an enigma as a
disease, its association with C pylori has researchers hopeful that once a
cure for C pylori infection is found, we will finally gain a handle on
treating gastritis.
     Unfortunately, there is no reliable cure of C pylori infection available
as yet.  Bismuth compounds, such as Pepto-Bismol, suppress the infection and
gastritis, but C pylori organisms reappear once the drug is discontinued.
Moreover, there are many cases of C pylori infection where no gastritis is
evident, implying that even if it plays an important contributing role in the
development of gastritis, C pylori may not be the total answer in itself.
     In the meantime, extensive research is still being done to find ways to
help patients suffering from gastritis.  In cases where food or toxic agents
are the cause, a controlled diet can offer relief, and a doctor's consultation
is advised.  Cures for more complicated gastric conditions will hopefully be
available in the near future.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Alcohol and Pancreatitis
pancreatitis alcoholism treatment endocrine gland metabolism Alcohol
pancreas enzymes hormones insulin glucagon metabolize sugar digestion drinking
Alcoholic Alcoholics enzyme hormone insulins glucagons metabolism sugars
community social digestive enzymes enzyme
The Islets of Langerhans*0002905.scf
Diseases of the Pancreas*0016001.scf
Anatomy of the Pancreas*0016601.scf

Alcohol and Pancreatitis


QUESTION:  I have had several flare-ups of pancreatitis and my doctor is now
insisting I totally abstain from alcohol.  Is this really necessary?  This
will be very difficult for me as my buddies always go out for a couple of
beers after work.  What do you think?


ANSWER:  Alcohol abuse is considered a contributing factor that may cause some
people to develop acute pancreatitis.  The pancreas is responsible for
producing powerful digestive enzymes, plus the hormones insulin and glucagon,
which help the body metabolize sugar.  When you have pancreatitis, the
digestive enzymes attack pancreatic tissues and the pancreas becomes inflamed.
Researchers don't understand fully why this happens.  In severe cases, the
inflammation is accompanied by bleeding in the pancreas, cysts, or abscesses,
and tissue degeneration in the pancreas.
     Alcoholism has been noted as the most common cause of chronic relapsing
     Chronic pancreatitis can lead to poor digestion because the pancreas is
not secreting the necessary amounts of the enzymes needed to break down food.
This can inhibit the body's ability to absorb nutrients.
     Doctors have found that patients with alcohol related pancreatitis can
prevent the painful attacks by totally abstaining from alcohol.  Patients who
give up drinking (alcohol) totally often have improved absorption of nutrients
and malnutrition may improve.  It would certainly be very wise for you to take
your doctor's advice.  You then have a shot at getting this very serious
disease under control.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

Sore Throats and Strep .Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer? Colic and Crying


Sore Throats and Strep
sore throat strep antibiotic Respiratory System Throats viruses virus
viral antibiotic antibiotics bacterial bacteria bacterium streptococcus
rheumatic fever tonsils swallowing lymph nodes node streptococci infection
VolumeH-6, A-6
Symptoms of Influenza and Strep Throat*0008501.scf
Location of the Tonsils*0007401.scf
Visual Symptoms of Tonsillitis*0007402.scf

Sore Throats and Strep


QUESTION:  How does the doctor know my kids' sore throats are caused by strep?


ANSWER:  As you probably know, most sore throats are caused by viruses, and
viruses are not helped by antibiotics.  It is important to identify the
occasional "bacterial" sore throat, which needs antibiotic treatment.  Perhaps
the nastiest bacterial sore throat of all is caused by streptococcus.  If it
is not treated, the end result may be rheumatic fever, which is a disease of
the heart valves.
     Your doctor looks for several signs of strep throat.  These signs include
pus on the tonsils, painful swallowing, and enlargement and tenderness of
lymph nodes in the front part of the neck.  Strep is highly contagious, so
doctors know when it is "going around" and thus more likely to occur.  The
only way, however, to be absolutely certain of the strep throat diagnosis is
to test for the presence of the bacteria.  There are several tests available,
some of which can be performed in the office, giving results within minutes.
If the streptococcus bacteria is causing the sore throat, antibiotics are the
only way to cure it.  When giving the antibiotics, be sure your children take
all of the pills your doctor prescribes.  Don't permit the children to stop
taking them when they begin to feel better--chances are they will fall victim
to the infection again, and it may be harder to control the second time


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer?
ulcer diet antacids stomach acids Digestive System acid stomach
medications GI gastrointestinal H2-receptor gastric ulcers diets antacid
medication medicines medicine treatment treatments
Ulcers of the Digestive System*0005801.scf
Peptic Ulcers*0005802.scf

Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer?


QUESTION:  Can antacids help cure an ulcer and is diet important?


ANSWER:  Antacids, the oldest of all ulcer medications, are still considered a
valid treatment option.  Ulcer healing is directly related to the ability to
reduce acid secretion, and since antacids neutralize acid that has been
secreted into the stomach, they are certainly a safe and effective therapeutic
choice.  A seven-times-per-day dosage is usually prescribed and should be
taken one and three hours after meals and at bedtime.  However, recent studies
suggest that the final dosage be taken between six and eight p.m. rather than
at bedtime, so check with your doctor and see what he advises.  There are a
variety of antacid medications, that come in both liquid and tablet form, some
combined with medication that reduces the gas in your GI system as well.
     It's worth mentioning that it is not necessary to combine antacids with
H2-receptor antagonists which reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted into
the stomach.  H2-receptor antagonists are a separate treatment option, though
on days when pain and discomfort are particularly severe, patients may wish to
supplement this therapy with a little antacid as well.
     Unfortunately, with all the diet testing done on patients with ulcers, no
magic diet has ever been found.  The best advice I can offer is to simply
caution patients against eating anything that causes discomfort.  For patients
taking antacids, I also advise frequent food intake since the antacids'
ability to buffer acid secretion is not very effective on an empty stomach.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Colic and Crying
colic burping motherhood child care Digestive System Crying screaming
infancy foods food immaturity gastrointestinal GI tract progesterone
feeding baby babies infant infants

Colic and Crying


QUESTION:  My baby has colic.  I feel if I hear her cry one more time, I'll be
judged an unfit mother through neglect.  I'm at my wit's end.  What can I do?


ANSWER:  Let me tell you the story of one of my patients.  I think it will
help, and I'll change enough details and the name to maintain her privacy.
Donna came into my office a while back.  That bundle of joy in her arms was
causing incredible anxiety and stress.  She and her husband were on the verge
of separation, ready for divorce court.  They had both been joyous during the
pregnancy, planning their new baby's whole life for the first eighteen years,
including the scholarship to Harvard.  Then reality loomed its ugly head. This
new life demanded their constant and undivided attention.  Perhaps no moment
in mankind's strange history on earth is as forceful as when a parent realizes
that her infant is totally and completely dependent.
     Donna was 32 and had given up a career in advertising to stay at home
with her baby.  But motherhood was a harsh taskmaster, and there were no
immediate rewards in terms of paychecks and promotions.  Her visit was not a
routine well baby one; Donna complained that the baby had prolonged periods of
crying for no apparent reason.  During these times, she had looked for all the
obvious causes.  Was the baby hungry, wet, did she want to be held?  Nothing
seemed to work.
     The onset of colic varies, but usually occurs between two to three weeks,
and is marked by rhythmic attacks of screaming without known cause.  Each
attack can last for several hours and can't always be distinguished from the
ordinary daily periods of crying common in infancy.  Usually the
distinguishing factor is the length of the attack.  So a diagnosis of colic
occurs by ruling out other possibilities.
     Many theories have been posed as to the cause of colic:  food allergy,
immaturity of the G.I. tract, progesterone deficiency, improper feeding
techniques, emotional factors.  The truth is that medicine isn't quite sure
and attacks the problem using many different therapies.
     I'm sure you, like Donna, have tried the obvious remedies.  Talk to your
pediatrician about a formula change or a pharmacologic approach.  Both these
methods are hit-or-miss.  And do follow these maxims:  create an emotionally
stable environment for your baby, never overstimulate her in the evening near
bedtime.  A pacifier may help to calm her and satisfy her need for
nonnutritive sucking.  Improve your feeding techniques by holding her at a
45-degree angle while sucking and taking constant breaks to burp her.  If you
are bottle feeding, make sure the nipple hole is neither too big nor too small
and the formula neither too hot nor cold.  If you are breast feeding, consult
your physician about omitting allergenic foods from your diet.  A swing, a
rocking chair, a clock, a mobile might help to calm her also.
     And if all else fails, remember that the baby will outgrow colic around
10-12 weeks of age, so hang in there for the duration.  Colic will never hurt
your baby and it's not your fault that she has it.  Make sure that you plan
periods away from your baby, either alone, with friends, or with your husband.
These periods away are as important to your baby as the loving care and
attention that you shower on her.
     Donna made it, and I am sure you will too.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

Can a Doctor Look into Sinuses for Infection? What Happens When You Don't Get Enough Sleep?.Is it Possible to Cough Up a Stone?


Can a Doctor Look into Sinuses for Infection?
sinuses infection Respiratory System sinus infections endoscopy
fiberoptic special procedure procedures endoscopies fiberoptics
VolumeP-6, A-6

Can a Doctor Look into Sinuses for Infection?


QUESTION:  Can a doctor look into your sinuses for infection?


ANSWER:  In the past, examining and treating sinus infection was very
difficult because the sinus cavities were dark and inaccessible.  Now,
however, there are new instruments based on miniature video cameras and light
transmitters that are very successful in diagnosing sinus conditions.  These
new instruments are used in combination with endoscopy, a procedure which
allows internal body sites to be examined through the use of a fiberoptic
device that is inserted through a passageway such as the nose.
     Endoscopy has opened an entirely new view of the sinuses by taking light
around awkward angles and illuminating the dark air spaces within the skull.
These interior views can be seen by the physician and projected on a monitor
screen as well.  If a sinus infection requires surgery, these same instruments
can be used during the surgical process.  As a result, there is less bleeding,
less anesthesia is required, and, in most cases, hospitalization is no longer
necessary for the operation.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


What Happens When You Don't Get Enough Sleep?
sleep fatigue ill defined symptoms Neurological biochemical hormonal
synchronizer psychotic hallucinations paranoid sleeping symptom

What Happens When You Don't Get Enough Sleep?


QUESTION:  What with studies, a part time job, and just plain too much to do,
I am sure I am not getting the sleep I should.  I know it's having a bad
effect on me.  What happens when you don't get enough sleep?


ANSWER:  After a couple of days without enough sleep, you get pretty grumpy.
After a longer period, that grumpiness and inability to concentrate become
more pronounced.  Neurological, biochemical and hormonal changes occur when
sleep is disrupted; sleep is a powerful synchronizer of many of our body's
functions.  Sleep research is difficult to perform because individuals vary
greatly in their need for sleep, and in their reactions to sleep disruptions.
We know that we all react to interrupted sleep with fatigue, inability to
concentrate and a general feeling of discomfort.  However, we don't know what
the actual physical effects of sleep interruption can be.  Chronic lack of
sleep is believed to have long-term health and psychological effects.
     Total lack of sleep for more than four continuous days and nights often
causes psychotic reactions such as hallucinations and paranoid feelings.  Some
people react with psychotic disturbances after as little as 24 hours without
     When you are faced with a lack of sleep, especially over a long period of
time, be sure you eat a balanced diet and get as much rest as possible.  Try
to establish a regular pattern of sleep, even if you are not getting as much
sleep as you need.  Burning the candle at both ends, and in the middle as
well, can not be helping your studies.  Why not try a session with your school
counselor, and see if between you a more logical program can be developed that
can help you attack your problems without killing yourself.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Is it Possible to Cough Up a Stone?
cough up stone calcification Respiratory System Lithoptysis spitting
stones broncholithiasis tracheobronchial lung tuberculosis calcium phosphate
carbonate cardiopulmonary pebble coughing calcifications pebbles
Cross Section of the Lung*0005901.scf
Anatomy of the Bronchial Tree*0005902.scf

Is it Possible to Cough Up a Stone?


QUESTION:  I couldn't believe it but apparently it's true.  My husband had a
severe coughing spell and produced, instead of mucus, a little pebble.  Is it
possible to cough up a stone?  Where would it come from?


ANSWER:  Lithoptysis, or the spitting up of stones, has been documented since
ancient times and is the result of broncholithiasis, a disorder where
calcified material enters the tracheobronchial tree.  Its often linked to lung
infections, such as tuberculosis, since the gravel-like stones, or
broncholiths, are believed to form when lymph nodes that surround the bronchi
(tubes that carry the oxygen to the lung tissue) become saturated with calcium
and calcify during the inflammatory stages of such an infection.
     Though the exact biochemistry of tissue calcification is not completely
clear, we do know that once a lung infection develops, the necrotic or dead
tissue in the lung and surrounding lymph nodes become alkaline during the
healing process.  This alkaline environment allows calcium phosphate and
carbonate to mass together and form deposits.  Then, due to the constant
motion of the cardiopulmonary system, these calcified deposits enter the
bronchial tree by erosion and the stone is formed.
     In many cases of broncholithiasis, no treatment is necessary because once
the stone is coughed up, the lung can usually clear itself.  However,
broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed for patients who are prone to
lung infections, and routine follow-ups should always be made to check for any
possible complications.  I hope you have kept the "pebble" to show to your
physician, and will now seek the necessary professional care.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

What is Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome?


What is Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome?
dusts hay breathing mold Respiratory System Organic Dust Toxic
Syndrome inhalation spores moldy silage pulmonary mycotoxicosis silo-loader
syndrome muscle aches cough shakes chills fever headaches breath shortness
sweating chest pain anorexia ventilated ventilation inhale inhaling breathe
lung lungs headache
VolumeH-5, A-5
Cross Section of the Lung*0005901.scf
Anatomy of the Bronchial Tree*0005902.scf
Anatomy of the Alveoli*0005903.scf

What is Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome?


QUESTION:  I thought I had a bad case of the flu.  Instead, the doc diagnosed
my case with a rather frightening name, that I still don't understand.  What
is organic dust toxic syndrome?


ANSWER:  It is a nonallergic, noninfectious respiratory illness caused by
the inhalation of organic dust or exposure to agricultural products such as
hay or spores from mouldy silage in a confined area.  The disease,
scientifically termed pulmonary mycotoxicosis is also known as silo-loader's
syndrome since its periodic outbreaks usually occur amongst farmers when they
remove the cured feed from silos.
     Symptoms of the illness include muscle aches and a pronounced cough,
accompanied by shakes, chills, fever, headaches, shortness of breath,
sweating, chest pain and anorexia.  The duration of the illness can last
anywhere from a couple of hours to an entire week depending on the length of
exposure and how adequately or inadequately the area is ventilated.  There has
been no evidence of an allergic or viral cause of the illness and there is
rarely, if ever, a need for an afflicted person to require hospitalization.
     I'm sure that if you go back over your history, you will discover why
this diagnosis was made, and will now provide you with important clues to
prevent its reoccurrence.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


What is Emphysema?
emphysema breathing smoking Respiratory System breath shortness lungs
lung elasticity alveoli breaths proteases protease alpha-1-antitrypsin smoke
smokes smoking smoker smokers breathe breathless bronchi bronchioles pulmonary
disease diseases
Cross Section of the Lung*0005901.scf

Anatomy of the Alveoli*0005903.scf
The Effects of Smoking*0007301.scf

What is Emphysema?


QUESTION:  I keep reading the term, but have absolutely no idea what it refers
to.  Perhaps you can help.  What is emphysema?  How is it treated?


ANSWER:  Emphysema is a lung condition that is marked by shortness of breath.
It is diagnosed when the small air sacs that make up our lungs have become
weakened and lose their elasticity.  Normally, these sacs, called alveoli,
expand with each breath and then return to their normal small size between
breaths.  In emphysema, each sac is stretched out like an old balloon and do
not return to a small size.  In addition to being stretched out, the weakened
alveoli don't exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen as they should.
     Because the alveoli are not working properly, the respiratory muscles of
the chest must work harder.  This leads to a barrel-chested appearance in many
emphysema sufferers.  They also lose weight and tire very easily.
     Emphysema has a biochemical cause that is created or worsened by
environmental factors.  Normally, chemicals called proteases fight off
bacteria and viruses in the lung and are regulated by another chemical called
alpha-1-antitrypsin.  In emphysema, alpha-1-antitrypsin is inactivated or
missing and the proteases go wild and start to attack healthy lung tissue.
Smoking inactivates alpha-1-antitrypsin, which is why smoking is the leading
cause of emphysema.  Some cases of emphysema are related to genetic
biochemical defects, however.
     There is no treatment for emphysema nor is there any way to reverse the
damage once it has begun.  However, stopping smoking will prevent lung damage
from progressing.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

What Can Be Done for Emphysema?


What Can Be Done for Emphysema?
emphysema breathing diseases Respiratory System breath breathe
breathless chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD lung lungs distended
breathlessness anti-influenza bronchodilators bronchial bronchi bronchioles
theophylline smoking smoke
Cross Section of a Lung*0005901.scf

Anatomy of the Bronchial Tree*0005902.scf

Anatomy of the Alveoli*0005903.scf

The Effects of Smoking*0007301.scf

What Can Be Done for Emphysema?


QUESTION:  I've been told I have a moderate case of emphysema.  What can be
done for me?


ANSWER:  Emphysema is one disease that leads to chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, or COPD.  It is caused by a loss of elasticity in the air tubes and
air sacs that make up the lungs.  This lack of elasticity means that the lungs
become permanently distended and cannot force air out with each breath to
allow new air in.  The lungs have become like stretched-out rubber balloons.
The main symptoms of emphysema is breathlessness, especially on exertion.
Most cases of emphysema are caused by smoking or exacerbated by it.
     Like many diseases, emphysema can be severe, or, as in your case,
moderate or mild.  Unfortunately, emphysema is irreversible; the best that can
be done is to try to keep it from progressing.  The first step is, if you
smoke, stop immediately.  Your physician can recommend smoking cessation
programs for you.
     Because of your condition, you should also try to avoid catching colds or
respiratory diseases.  You're a prime candidate for an anti-influenza vaccine
     Emphysema can be treated with drugs called bronchodilators, which as
their name implies dilate the bronchial tubes to allow easier breathing.  Some
of these drugs can be inhaled from metered dose "puffers," while others are
taken as oral medications.  Many patients with emphysema take oral
theophylline in addition to an inhaled bronchodilator.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs


Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
heart attack rehabilitation cardiac exercise Circulatory System
program programs diet home hospital-based attacks rehabilitations Home-based
Exercise Strengthens the Heart*0003202.scf

Exercise Has Overall Benefits*0003209.scf

Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs


QUESTION:  I had a heart attack recently.  Thanks to a lot of good care, I
pulled through nicely.  I am now determined to keep things in working order
and want to join a cardiac rehabilitation program.  Is a home-based
rehabilitation program as good as going to the hospital every day for


ANSWER:  It can be, but a lot depends on your condition and how well you stick
with the program.  Cardiac rehabilitation programs have grown in popularity in
the last few years because we have learned they can help people recuperate
from a heart attack and avoid future ones.  Many hospitals and health centers
have set up cardiac rehabilitation centers where patients come for physical
therapy, exercise, and education.
     But for various reasons, only 15% of eligible cardiac patients use these
hospital-based programs.  A home-based program, where you diet and exercise at
home, is more convenient and cheaper.  And by involving the whole family, it
can reduce their risk of heart attack as well.
     The drawback to a home-based program is that you're on your own for a
great deal.  Although your physician and other health professionals will give
you instructions about exercise, diet, and monitoring your heart, they will
not be able to follow you as closely as with a hospital-based program.
Another drawback is that you won't have the camaraderie that other heart
patients in rehabilitation can provide.  The combination of reduced follow-up
and camaraderie can mean poor compliance for some home-based patients.
     Your physician will help you decide whether a home-based program is right
for you.  Some people need the supervision that a hospital-based system
provides to obtain all of the benefits that these important programs offer.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical