Friday, June 29, 2018

Sore Throats and Strep .Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer? Colic and Crying


Sore Throats and Strep
sore throat strep antibiotic Respiratory System Throats viruses virus
viral antibiotic antibiotics bacterial bacteria bacterium streptococcus
rheumatic fever tonsils swallowing lymph nodes node streptococci infection
VolumeH-6, A-6
Symptoms of Influenza and Strep Throat*0008501.scf
Location of the Tonsils*0007401.scf
Visual Symptoms of Tonsillitis*0007402.scf

Sore Throats and Strep


QUESTION:  How does the doctor know my kids' sore throats are caused by strep?


ANSWER:  As you probably know, most sore throats are caused by viruses, and
viruses are not helped by antibiotics.  It is important to identify the
occasional "bacterial" sore throat, which needs antibiotic treatment.  Perhaps
the nastiest bacterial sore throat of all is caused by streptococcus.  If it
is not treated, the end result may be rheumatic fever, which is a disease of
the heart valves.
     Your doctor looks for several signs of strep throat.  These signs include
pus on the tonsils, painful swallowing, and enlargement and tenderness of
lymph nodes in the front part of the neck.  Strep is highly contagious, so
doctors know when it is "going around" and thus more likely to occur.  The
only way, however, to be absolutely certain of the strep throat diagnosis is
to test for the presence of the bacteria.  There are several tests available,
some of which can be performed in the office, giving results within minutes.
If the streptococcus bacteria is causing the sore throat, antibiotics are the
only way to cure it.  When giving the antibiotics, be sure your children take
all of the pills your doctor prescribes.  Don't permit the children to stop
taking them when they begin to feel better--chances are they will fall victim
to the infection again, and it may be harder to control the second time


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer?
ulcer diet antacids stomach acids Digestive System acid stomach
medications GI gastrointestinal H2-receptor gastric ulcers diets antacid
medication medicines medicine treatment treatments
Ulcers of the Digestive System*0005801.scf
Peptic Ulcers*0005802.scf

Can Antacids Help Cure an Ulcer?


QUESTION:  Can antacids help cure an ulcer and is diet important?


ANSWER:  Antacids, the oldest of all ulcer medications, are still considered a
valid treatment option.  Ulcer healing is directly related to the ability to
reduce acid secretion, and since antacids neutralize acid that has been
secreted into the stomach, they are certainly a safe and effective therapeutic
choice.  A seven-times-per-day dosage is usually prescribed and should be
taken one and three hours after meals and at bedtime.  However, recent studies
suggest that the final dosage be taken between six and eight p.m. rather than
at bedtime, so check with your doctor and see what he advises.  There are a
variety of antacid medications, that come in both liquid and tablet form, some
combined with medication that reduces the gas in your GI system as well.
     It's worth mentioning that it is not necessary to combine antacids with
H2-receptor antagonists which reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted into
the stomach.  H2-receptor antagonists are a separate treatment option, though
on days when pain and discomfort are particularly severe, patients may wish to
supplement this therapy with a little antacid as well.
     Unfortunately, with all the diet testing done on patients with ulcers, no
magic diet has ever been found.  The best advice I can offer is to simply
caution patients against eating anything that causes discomfort.  For patients
taking antacids, I also advise frequent food intake since the antacids'
ability to buffer acid secretion is not very effective on an empty stomach.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical


Colic and Crying
colic burping motherhood child care Digestive System Crying screaming
infancy foods food immaturity gastrointestinal GI tract progesterone
feeding baby babies infant infants

Colic and Crying


QUESTION:  My baby has colic.  I feel if I hear her cry one more time, I'll be
judged an unfit mother through neglect.  I'm at my wit's end.  What can I do?


ANSWER:  Let me tell you the story of one of my patients.  I think it will
help, and I'll change enough details and the name to maintain her privacy.
Donna came into my office a while back.  That bundle of joy in her arms was
causing incredible anxiety and stress.  She and her husband were on the verge
of separation, ready for divorce court.  They had both been joyous during the
pregnancy, planning their new baby's whole life for the first eighteen years,
including the scholarship to Harvard.  Then reality loomed its ugly head. This
new life demanded their constant and undivided attention.  Perhaps no moment
in mankind's strange history on earth is as forceful as when a parent realizes
that her infant is totally and completely dependent.
     Donna was 32 and had given up a career in advertising to stay at home
with her baby.  But motherhood was a harsh taskmaster, and there were no
immediate rewards in terms of paychecks and promotions.  Her visit was not a
routine well baby one; Donna complained that the baby had prolonged periods of
crying for no apparent reason.  During these times, she had looked for all the
obvious causes.  Was the baby hungry, wet, did she want to be held?  Nothing
seemed to work.
     The onset of colic varies, but usually occurs between two to three weeks,
and is marked by rhythmic attacks of screaming without known cause.  Each
attack can last for several hours and can't always be distinguished from the
ordinary daily periods of crying common in infancy.  Usually the
distinguishing factor is the length of the attack.  So a diagnosis of colic
occurs by ruling out other possibilities.
     Many theories have been posed as to the cause of colic:  food allergy,
immaturity of the G.I. tract, progesterone deficiency, improper feeding
techniques, emotional factors.  The truth is that medicine isn't quite sure
and attacks the problem using many different therapies.
     I'm sure you, like Donna, have tried the obvious remedies.  Talk to your
pediatrician about a formula change or a pharmacologic approach.  Both these
methods are hit-or-miss.  And do follow these maxims:  create an emotionally
stable environment for your baby, never overstimulate her in the evening near
bedtime.  A pacifier may help to calm her and satisfy her need for
nonnutritive sucking.  Improve your feeding techniques by holding her at a
45-degree angle while sucking and taking constant breaks to burp her.  If you
are bottle feeding, make sure the nipple hole is neither too big nor too small
and the formula neither too hot nor cold.  If you are breast feeding, consult
your physician about omitting allergenic foods from your diet.  A swing, a
rocking chair, a clock, a mobile might help to calm her also.
     And if all else fails, remember that the baby will outgrow colic around
10-12 weeks of age, so hang in there for the duration.  Colic will never hurt
your baby and it's not your fault that she has it.  Make sure that you plan
periods away from your baby, either alone, with friends, or with your husband.
These periods away are as important to your baby as the loving care and
attention that you shower on her.
     Donna made it, and I am sure you will too.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

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