Friday, July 05, 2019

Torture by USA Rogue state 5

Torture The first jolt was so bad I just wanted to die. " —Gloria Esperanza Reyes, speaking of her torture in Honduras, where electric wires were attached to her breasts and vagina. "They always asked to be killed Torture is worse than death. " —José Barrera, Honduran torturer. Turkey, July 14, 1999, the police break into the home of a Kurdish family and announce they want to take the two daughters—Medine, 14, and her younger sister Devran—in for questioning. "I headed for the bedroom to get dressed, " said Devran later, "but Medine...went straight to the window and jumped. " Medine& mother explained: "My daughter, you see, preferred death to being tortured once again. "Torture might last a short time, but the person will never be the same. " Amnesty International report "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state Of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a  justification for The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1987

hysical abuse or other degrading treatment was rejected, not only because it is wrong, but because it has historically proven to be ineffective."—Richard Stolz, Deputy Director of Operations of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1988.5 The CIA likes to say things like this because they think it sounds like good plausible denial. But who can believe that torture does not loosen up tongues, that for such purpose it is not exceedingly effective? Richard Stolz and the CIA would have us believe that Medine, in the above example, if denied the opportunity to kill herself, would not talk under torture. Torture's effectiveness extends yet further, for its purpose is frequently not so much to elicit information as it is to punish, to coerce the victims from any further dissident activity by gouging out the idealism from their very being, and as a warning to their comrades. For these ends, the CIA has co-existed with torture for decades. (Turkey, it must be remembered, is one of Washington's

decades. (Turkey, it must be remembered, is one of Washington's very closest strategic allies; for Honduras, see below.) Sleeping with friendly torturers has been a closely guarded secret at the Agency, and for that reason the actual painful details have been difficult to come by over the years. But here is some of the record that has made its way to the light of day: Greece During the late 1940s, the CIA was instrumental in the creation of a new internal security agency, KYP. Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police everywhere, including systematic torture. It was most active during the military junta, 1967-74, a period of routine horrific torture. Amnesty International later reported that "American policy on the torture question as expressed in official statements and official testimony

has been to deny it where possible and minimize it where denial was not possible. This policy flowed naturally from general support for the military regime. "6 James Becket, an American attorney sent to Greece by Amnesty, wrote in 1969 that some torturers told prisoners that some of their equipment had come as US military aid. One item was a special 'thick white double cable" whip that was "scientific, making their work easier"; another was the head screw, known as an "iron wreath", which was progressively tightened around the head or ears.7 American support, reported Becket, was vital to the Hundreds of prisoners have listened to the little speech given by Inspector Basil Lambrou, who sits behind his desk which displays the red, white, and blue clasped-hand symbol of American aid. He tries to show the prisoner the absolute futility of resistance: "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The world is divided in two. There are the communists on that side and on this side the

displays the white, blue cl American aid. He tries to show the prisoner the absolute futility of resistance: "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The world is divided in two. There are the communists on that side and on this side the free world. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the U.S. You can't fight us, we are Americans. Iran The notorious Iranian security service, SAVAK, which employed torture routinely, was created under the guidance of the CIA and Israel in the 1950s.9 According to a former CIA analyst on Iran, Jesse J. Leaf, SAVAK was instructed in torture techniques by the Agency. 10 After the 1979 revolution, the Iranians found CIA film made for SAVAK on how to torture women. I

Germany In the 1950s, in Munich, the CIA tortured suspected infiltrators of Soviet émigré organizations in Western Europe, which the Agency was using in anti-Soviet operations. Amongst the techniques employed by the CIA were such esoteric torture methods as applying turpentine to a man's testicles or sealing someone in a room and playing Indonesian music at deafening levels until he cracked. 12 This information probably surfaced because it's weird- sounding to the point of being amusing; there was likely more of regular torture methods not fit for conversation. Vietnam The Green Berets taught its members who were slated for duty in Vietnam in the 1960s how to use torture as part of an interrogation. 13 The notorious Operation Phoenix, set up by the CIA to wipe out the Vietcong infrastructure, subjected suspects to torture such as electric shock to the genitals of both men and

women, and the insertion into the ear of a six-inch dowel, which was tapped through the brain until the victim died; suspects were also thrown out of airborne helicopters to persuade the more important suspects to talk, although this should probably be categorized as murder of the ones thrown out, and a form of torture for those not.14 In violation of the Geneva Convention, the US turned prisoners over to their South Vietnamese allies in full knowledge that they would be tortured, American military personnel often being present during the torture. 15 Bolivia In 1967, anti-Castro Cubans, working with the CIA to find Che Guevara, set up houses of interrogation where Bolivians suspected of aiding Che's guerrilla army were brought for questioning and

sometimes tortured. When the Bolivian interior minister learned of the torture, he was furious and demanded that the CIA put a stop to it. 16 Uruguay In the late 1960s, Dan Mitrione, an employee of the US Offce of Public Safety (part of Agency for International Development), which trained and armed foreign police forces, was stationed in Montevideo, Uruguay. Torturing political prisoners in Uruguay had existed before Mitrione's arrival. However, in a surprising interview given to a leading Brazilian newspaper, Jornal do Brasil in 1970, the former Uruguayan ChiefofPolice Intelligence, Alejandro Otero, declared that US advisers, and Mitrione in particular, had instituted torture as a more routine measure; to the means of inflicting pain, they had added scientific refinement; and to that a psychology to create despair, such as playing a tape in the next room of women and children screaming and telling the

the next room of women and children screaming and telling the prisoner that it was his family being tortured. 17 The newspaper interview greatly upset American offcials in South America and Washington. The director of OPS in Washington tried to explain it all away by asserting: "The three Brazilian reporters in Montevideo all denied filing that story. We found out later that it was slipped into the paper by someone in the composing room at the Jornal do Brasil."18 Mitrione built a soundproofed room in the cellar of his house in Montevideo, in which he assembled Uruguayan police offcers to observe a demonstration of torture techniques. Four beggars were rounded up to be the subjects upon whom Mitrione demonstrated the effects of different voltages on different parts of the body. The four of them died. "The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect," was Mitrione's motto.

"When you get what you want, and I always get it, "he said, "it may be good to prolong the session a little to apply another softening-up. Not to extract information now, but only as a political measure, to create a healthy fear of meddling in subversive activities."19 And in 1981, a former Uruguayan intelligence omcer declared that US manuals were being used to teach techniques of torture to his country's military. He said that most of the offcers who trained him had attended classes run by the United States in Panama. Among other niceties, the manuals listed 35 nerve points where electrodes could be applied.20 Brazil Before the Offce of Public Safety assigned Dan Mitrione to Uruguay, he had been stationed in Brazil. There, he and other Americans worked with OPS, AID and CIA in supplying Brazilian security forces with the equipment and training to facilitate the torture of prisoners. The Americans also advised on how much

Uruguay, he had been stationed in Brazil. There, he and other Americans worked with OPS, AID and CIA in supplying Brazilian security forces with the equipment and training to facilitate the torture of prisoners. The Americans also advised on how much electric shock could be administered without killing the person, if his or her death might prove awkward.21 Guatemala From the 1960s through the 1980s, Guatemalan security forces, notably the Army unit called G-2, routinely tortured "subversives". One method was electric shock to the genital area, using military field telephones hooked up to small generators, equipment and instructions for use supplied by Uncle Sam. The US and its clients in various countries were becoming rather adept at this technique. The CIA advised, armed, and equipped the G-2, which maintained a web of torture centers, whose methods reportedly included chopping off limbs and singeing flesh, in addition to

electric shocks. The Army unit even had its own crematorium, presumably to dispose of any incriminating evidence. The CIA thoroughly infiltrated the G-2, with at least three G-2 chiefs of the 1980s and early 90s, as well as many lower-level offcers, being on the Agency's payroll.22 Also benefiting from the Agency's generosity was General Hector Gramajo Morales (see chapter 9), who was Defense Minister during the armed forces' 1989 abduction of Sister Dianna Ortiz, an American nun. She was burned with cigarettes, raped repeatedly, and lowered into a pit full of corpses. Typically, torturers exult in demonstrating the power they hold over their victims—one of them put a large knife or machete into Ortiz's hand, put his own hands on top of hers, and forced her to stab another female prisoner. Ortiz thinks she may have killed the woman. A fair- skinned man, whom the others referred to as "Alejandro", and as their 'boss", seemed to be in charge, she said. He spoke Spanish with an American accent and cursed in English. Later, Ortiz adds,
 when this man realized she was American, he ordered the torture stopped. Clearly, if his motivation had been humanitarian, and not simply trying to avoid a possible political flap, he would have stopped it regardless of her nationality.23 In 1996, in the United States, Ortiz received a number of documents from the State Department in response to a Freedom Of Information Act request. Only one, dated 1990, contained a significant reference to Alejandro. It read as follows: VERY IMPORTANT: We need to close the loop on the issue of the "North American" named by Ortiz as being involved in the case...The EMBASSY IS VERY SENSITIVE ON THIS ISSUE, but it is an issue we will have to respond to publicly ...24 The next two pages were completely redacted.

El Salvador During the counter-insurgency period of the 1980s, there was widespread torture practiced by the various Salvadoran security forces, all of whom had close working relations with the CIA and/or the US military. In January 1982, the New York Times published an interview with a deserter from the Salvadoran Army who described a class where severe methods of torture were demonstrated on teenage prisoners. He stated that eight US military advisers, apparently Green Berets, were present. Watching "will make you feel more like a man," a Salvadoran offcer apprised the army recruits, adding that they should "not feel pity of anyone" but only "hate for those who are enemies of our country. Another Salvadoran, a former member Of the National Guard, later testified in a 1986 British television documentary: "l belonged to a squad of twelve. We devoted ourselves to torture, and to finding people whom we were told were guerrillas. I was trained in Panama for nine months by the [unintelligible] of the
 United States for anti-guerrilla warfare. Pan of the time we were instructed about torture. "26 Honduras During the 1980s, the CIA gave indispensable support to the infamous Battalion 316, which kidnapped, tortured and killed hundreds of citizens, using shock and suffocation devices for interrogation, amongst other techniques. The CIA supplied torture equipment, torture manuals, and in both Honduras and the US, taught battalion members methods of psychological and physical torture. On at least one occasion, a CIA omcer took part in interrogating a torture victim. The Agency also funded Argentine counter-insurgency experts to provide further training for the Hondurans. At the time, Argentina was famous for its

their contract employees, and the CIA against detainees in one or another edifice of the sprawling global prison complex maintained by the United States in occupied Iraq, occupied Afghanistan, and occupied Cuba; the same, and probably worse (because more hidden), has taken place daily in other secret CIA prisons around the world. The details are derived from major news organizations, the International Red Cross, human-rights organizations, and US Army reports which made it to the open after photos of abuses appeared in the American media.29 For the great majority of these acts, multiple similar instances have been reported. It should be noted that the US State Department's annual human-rights reports about the rest of the world routinely denounce some of these acts, such as sleep deprivation. Standing or kneeling or forced into contorted, painful positions for leg shackles and handcuffs with eyes, ears, and mouths covered and wearing mittens in tropical heat... stripping detainees naked, leading them around with a dog leash...depriving them of sleep, subjecting them to a 24-hour bombardment ofbright lights or blaring noise, hooding them, exposing them to extremes of heat or cold...death in custody with bag over his head, hands tied behind back.. Guards staged races of detainees in short leg shackles, violently punishing them if they fell...withholding painkillers and other medications from the injured...sensory deprivation...male detainees made to wear female underwear..."water boarding", in which a prisoner is strapped to an inclined board, head down, towel over his face, water poured on the towel to simulate drowning... made to lie naked on a sheet of ice... Fake blood smeared on Muslim men before they intended to pray, told that it was menstrual female soldier sat on his lap, another rubbed her breasts against his back and massaged

pray, told that it was menstrual female soldier sat on his lap, another rubbed her breasts against his back and massaged his chest and a third squatted near his crotch. He head-butted the Torture 73 woman behind him, knocking her off him. All three ran out and a team of soldiers stormed in and beat him... kicked by female offcers... The Iraqi general "was put headfirst into a sleeping bag, wrapped with electrical cord and knocked down before the soldiers

The Iraqi general "was put headfirst into a sleeping bag, wrapped with electrical cord and knocked down before the soldiers sat and stood on him. The cause of death was determined to be suffocation. " Chained to the ceiling, shackled so tightly that the blood flow stops...shackled to the floor in fetal positions for more than 24 hours at a time, left without food and water, and allowed to defecate on themselves, a detainee found almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him; he had apparently been literally pulling his own hair out throughout the night... Wrapping a prisoner in an Israeli flag...kept naked and hooded and kicked to keep them awake for days on end...use of unmuzzled, growling dogs to frighten, in at least one instance actually biting and severely injuring a detainee..."burn marks on their backs"...detainee left at an Iraqi hospital, comatose, with massive head trauma, bums on the bottoms of his feet caused by electrocution$ruises on his least 37 detainees have died
during interrogations... The death of two captives in Afghanistan: one from "blunt force injuries to lower extremities complicating coronary artery disease"; an autopsy showed that his legs were so damaged that amputation would have been necessary; the other captive suffered from a blood clot in the lung that was exacerbated by a "blunt force injury". Kicks to the groin and legs, shoving or slamming detainees into walls and tables, forcing water in their mouths until they could not breathe...He had his hands handcuffed behind him and was suspended by his wrists in an effort to coerce his cooperation. "His arms were so badly stretched I was surprised they didn 't pop out of their sockets."...

Female American soldier, cigarette dangling from her mouth, giving a jaunty thumbs-up sign and pointing at the genitals of a young Iraqi, naked except for a sandbag over his head, as he is forced to masturbate while being photographed and videotaped. She stands arm in arm with male soldier, both are grinning and giving the thumbs-up behind a cluster of about seven naked Iraqis, piled on top of each other in a pyramid. Punched a detainee in the chest so hard he almost went into cardiac arrest...a prisoner placed in an isolation cell with little or no clothes, no toilet or running water, no ventilation or window, for as much as three days...forcing naked male detainees to wear women's underwear...standing a naked detainee on an electrified metal drum with a sandbag on his head, wires attached to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate electric torture.. The report by General Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of "sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses" at Abu Ghraib prison in

The report by General Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of "sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses" at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The report listed: breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water on naked detainees; beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair; threatening male detainees with rape; allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell; sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick... A 14-year-old Iraqi with a broken arm being hurled to the ground and then mocked by US soldiers as the boy wept and wet himself...a male soldier having sex with a female detainee... 18 days naked alone in a cell, often with his hands and feet bound together, frequently beaten..."He locked his arm under mine and holding the back of my head he beat my head against the doors of the cells"...his hands and feet were pushed through the metal bars of the cell door and then tied together. "There was a stereo inside the cell and it Ia ed music with a sound so loud I couldn't sl

I stayed like that for 23 hours." Six weeks after his release, he says he has lost the will to live. He is too ashamed to be seen by his friends and family and has not seen or spoken to his fiancée. The wedding is off. "I was a man before, but my manhood was taken away. Since this happened to me, I consider myself dead. My life feels over." Jamadi died an hour after his arrival at Abu Ghraib in early November, 2003; he had been beaten while in CIA custody and then hung by his wrists, with his arms crossed across his back. US Army guards at the prison then packed his body in ice and posed with the corpse in mocking photographs. Iraqi prisoners were forced to crawl through broken glass and wear women's sanitary products...two drunken interrogators took a female Iraqi prisoner from her cell in the middle ofthe night and stripped her naked to the Iraqi woman in her 70s was harnessed and ridden like a donkey...detainees were pressed to denounce Islam, or force-fed pork and liquor... 
to denounce Islam, or force-fed pork and liquor.. "We believe she was raped and that she was pregnant by a US guard. After her release from Abu Ghraib, I went to her house. The neighbours said her family had moved away. I believe she has been killed." Honor killings are not unusual in Islamic society. "They forced us to walk like dogs on our hands and knees.„ And we had to bark like a dog, and if we didn't do that they started hitting us hard on our face and chest with no mercy."..."Do you believe in anything?" the soldier asked. "I said to him, 'I believe in Allah.' So he said, 'But I believe in torture and I will torture you'." Taken out and tied to a post, rubber bullets were fired at them; made to kneel in the sun until they collapsed..."They tied my hands to my feet behind my back. My left hand to my right foot and my right hand to my left foot. I was lying face down and they were beating me like this"...inmates kept in wire cages with concrete floors and no protection from the elements."They actually said: 'You have no rights here'. After a while, 76 ROGUE STATE we stopped asking for human rights—we wanted animal rights."... crosses shaved into their scalp or body hair...dislocated his arms, beat his leg with a bat, crushed his nose, and put an unloaded gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger...Six Kuwaiti prisoners said they were severely beaten, given electric shocks and sodomized by US forces in Afghanistan.

A CIA offcer ordered guards to sü-ip naked an uncooperative young Afghan detainee, chain him to the concrete floor and leave him there ovemight without blankets. He was dragged around on the concrete floor, bruising and scraping his skin, before putting him in his cell. By morning he had frozen to death. The Afghan detainee had been captured in Pakistan along with a group of other Afghans. His connection to al Qaeda or the value ofhis intelligence was never established before he died. "He was probably associated with people who were associated with al Qaeda," one US govemment offcial said. No release from the stress, increased by uncertainty over whether they will ever be released...Guards telling prisoners repeatedly: "You will never go home."..."ln my cell I was shouting: 'Please come and take me. Please kill me. I am Osama bin Laden, I was in the plane that hit the World Trade Centre.' I wished for death at that time. I wanted to be dead 1,000 times. I asked my God to take my soul."...numerous suicide attempts... No famil contact. No c . Nola ers.Noa Is.

I was in the plane that hit the World Trade Centre.' I wished for death at that time. I wanted to be dead 1,000 times. I asked my God to take my soul."...numerous suicide attempts.. No family contact. No charges. No lawyers. No appeals. The brazenness with which the servicemen and women conducted themselves, snapping photographs and flashing the 'thumbs-up" sign as they abused prisoners, suggests they felt they had nothing to hide from their superiors.30 After the photos became public and a "scandal" broke out, the GIs insisted that they had been encouraged by military intelligence offcers and other higher-ranking offcers to "soften up" prisoners for interrogation purposes, to "take the gloves off', but in the end none of their superiors were indicted

and only a handful ofthe lower-ranking servicemembers were. The military judge in a court-martial of some of the servicemembers refused defense attorneys' requests to consider the role of offcers in the trial.31 Neither have any civilian offcials in the Pentagon or White House, instrumental in formulating and condoning policies on torture, faced any charges. As further indication that the American military was not terribly upset about the use of torture, two US defense contractors being sued over allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison were awarded valuable new contracts by the Pentagon, despite demands from American human rights groups that they should be barred from any new government work. Three employees of the firms, CACI International and Titan, had been separately accused of abusive behavior, including rape and the use of dogs.32 President George W. Bush, 2004: "The world is better off without Saddam Hussein in power. The world is better off because he sits
President George W. Bush, 2004: "The world is better off without Saddam Hussein in power. The world is better off because he sits in a prison cell. Because we acted, torture rooms are closed, rape rooms no longer exist."33 Brian Whitman, spokesman for the US Department of Defense, 2005: "The United States treats all detainees in their custody with dignity and respect. "34 At home At the US Navy's schools in San Diego and Maine during the 1960s and 1970s, students were supposedly learning about methods of "survival, evasion, resistance and escape" which they could use if they were ever a prisoner ofwar. There was in the course something of survival in a desert, where students were forced to eat lizards, but the naval offcers and cadets were also subjected to beatings,

but the naval offcers and cadets were also subjected to beatings, jarringjudo flips, "tiger cages"—hooded and placed in a 16-cubic- 78 ROGUE STATE foot box for 22 hours with a coffee can for their excrement—and a torture device called the "water board": the subject strapped to an inclined board, head downward, a towel placed over his face, and cold water poured over the towel; he would choke, gag, retch and le he ex •en

face, and cold water poured over the towel; he would choke, gag, retch and gurgle as he experienced the sensation of drowning. A former student, Navy pilot Lt. Wendell Richard Young, claimed that his back was broken during the course and that students were tortured into spitting, urinating and defecating on the American flag, masturbating before guards, and, on one occasion, engaging in sex with an instructor.35 In 1992, a civilian oversight board revealed that over a 13-year period (1973-1986), Chicago police offcers and commanders engaged in "systematic" torture and abuse of suspects, including electric shock to penises, testicles and other areas; beatings, suffocation (plastic bags secured over the heads, stopping the flow of oxygen; some subjects passed out, and when they recovered, the bag was placed over their head again); guns stuck in prisoners' mouths and triggers pulled; prisoners hung from hooks by handcuffs attached to their wrists and beaten on the bottoms of

mouths and triggers pulled; prisoners hung from hooks by handcuffs attached to their wrists and beaten on the bottoms of their feet and on their testicles; as well as much psychological torture. Some were released after being tortured and were never charged. More than 40 cases were collected. According to one of their attorneys, "All of the victims were black or Latino, so far as we've seen, and the people who were doing the torturing were white omcers."36 A Human Rights Watch investigation in 1995 of more than 20 US prisons and jails in New York, California, Florida and Tennessee, and a close look at prison litigation for a ten-year period, showed "extensive abuses ofthe U .N. 's minimum standards forthe treatment of prisoners...amounting to torture"...a handcuffed prisoner forced into a tub of 145-degree water...prisoners dying after receiving

repeated jolts of electricity from stun guns or stun belts (50,000 volt shock for 8 seconds)...prisoners held in outdoor cages, rain or shine...prisoners held in total isolation from other human beings for long periods of time with sensory deprivation ...37 Amnesty International has released reports such as "Torture, Ill Treatment and Excessive Force by Police in Los Angeles, California" (1992), and "Police Brutality and Excessive Force in the New York City Police Department" (1996), as well as later reports dealing with Chicago and other cities. Amnesty states that US police forces have been guilty of "violating international human rights standards through a pattern of unchecked excessive force amounting to torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatrnent".38 Amnesty has also published "The Pain Merchants" (2003), which deals with the practice of American companies exporting millions of dollars worth of equipment known to be used for torture, such as electro-shock devices, leg-irons, shackles and

millions of dollars worth of equipment known to be used for torture, such as electro-shock devices, leg-irons, shackles, and restraints. Sales have been made to a dozen countries where the US State Department says the use of torture is Lest any of the above give the impression that the United States government is not disturbed by the practice of torture, it should be pointed out that Congress passed a bill in 1996 allowing, for the first time, an American citizen to sue a foreign government in a US court for having been tortured in that foreign country. There was, however, one small limitation imposed. The only countries that can be sued under this law are Washington's offcially- designated enemies (ODE), those categorized as "state sponsors of terrorism" .39 For other countries, the situation may be like the case in the early 1990s of Scott Nelson, an American who sued Saudi Arabia in a US court for torture. A Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that he

Thursday, July 04, 2019

CACI International

Protesters symbolically re-enact the mistreatment of detainees at the U.S.-run prison at Abu Ghraib, an incident that sparked worldwide outrage, during a rally marking the sixth anniversary of the fall of the Iraqi capital to American troops in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, April 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
Protesters symbolically re-enact the mistreatment of detainees at the U.S.-run prison at Abu Ghraib, an incident that sparked worldwide outrage, during a rally marking the sixth anniversary of the fall of the Iraqi capital to American troops in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, April 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
Less than 10 years after the world saw the first images of torture and abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, it is the victims who are now being sued by military contractor CACI International, seeking to recover fees from recent trials. Years later, victims are still struggling to cope with the memories from their ordeals.
“When I remember it now, I just want to set myself on fire,” says Taleb al-Maleji, a former Abu Ghraib prisoner, in an Al-Jazeera interview. “I was one of those Linda [a U.S. soldier] forced to be naked. There were sniffer dogs and sound bombs. They would take off our clothes and splash cold water in the cells in winter on our blankets and clothes so we couldn’t sleep or sit.”
Al-Maleji was never charged with a crime and was later released. He now lives with his elderly mother and four children in a rented home in Sadr City. His children say that he is too weak to work and is forever changed by what he went through. “I didn’t recognize my father when he came back. He was different — he was so weak,” says Hawra’a, his eldest daughter. Al-Maleji now spends his days smoking cigarettes and biting his wrists — two activities that he claims offers respite from the horrors of his past.

Common Dreams News Network reports that CACI International was recently cleared of any wrongdoing in a trial originally brought by a group of 256 Iraqi citizens who were former detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison. After recently losing their case in a U.S. court, the military contractor announced this week that it will seek more than $15,000 in compensation from the plaintiffs to cover witness fees, travel allowances and deposition transcripts.
“Given the wealth disparities between this multibillion dollar entity and four torture victims, given what they went through, it’s surprising and appears to be an attempt to intimidate and punish these individuals for asserting their rights to sue in U.S. courts,” said Baher Azny, legal director for the Center for Constitutional Rights. The current lawsuit involves only four of the 256 who came forward with claims against CACI and the U.S. military.
The announcement comes several weeks after a case against CACI was dismissed in U.S. courts. U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled that CACI is “immune from suit for claims arising from acts related to its contract or performed in connection with military combat operations.”
Noah Feldman, a professor at Harvard Law School and a constitutional adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq in 2003 responded to the ruling by saying, “The court is saying, ‘We’re never going to look into it. We don’t want to know what happened in Abu Ghraib.’”
What are the allegations against CACI and how credible are the claims? The plaintiffs charged that CACI was part of a conspiracy to subject prisoners to “electric shocks; repeated brutal beatings; sleep deprivation; sensory deprivation; forced nudity; stress positions; sexual assault; mock executions; humiliation; hooding; isolated detention; and prolonged hanging from the limbs.”
It’s just a fraction of the alleged torture and misconduct that has been acknowledged by the Department of Defense dating back to 2004.
By the Department of the Army’s own admission in the 2004 Taguba Report, army personnel and contractors were identified in acts that included “Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees; jumping on their naked feet; Videotaping and photographing naked male and female detainees; and Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit positions for photographing,” among other charges.
None of the contractors have been prosecuted and 11 soldiers have been convicted of various minor charges including dereliction of duty. Nobody has been charged in the deaths of several detainees.

Assassinations by USA Rogue state 5

Excerpts from US Army and CIA training manuals
CIA, "A Study of Assassination",

 written early 1950s: 1 or secret assassinations...the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated. The most effcient a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface. Elevator shafts, stairwells, unscreened windows and bridges will serve.... The act may be executed by sudden, vigorous grabbing of the ankles, tipping the subject over the edge. If the assassin immediately sets up an outcry, playing the 'horrified witness', no alibi or surreptitious withdrawal is necessary." "Drugs can be very effective. If the assassin is trained as a doctor or nurse and the subject is under medical care, this is an easy and sure method. An overdose of morphine administered as

"Drugs can be very effective. If the assassin is trained as a doctor or nurse and the subject is under medical care, this is an easy and sure method. An overdose of morphine administered as a sedative will cause death without disturbance and is diffcult to detect. The size of the dose will depend upon whether the subject has been using narcotics regularly. If not, two grains will sumce. If the subject drinks heavily, morphine or a similar narcotic can be injected at the passing out stage, and the cause of death will often be held to be acute alcoholism." "Edge weapons: Any legally obtained edge device may be successfully employed. A certain minimum of anatomical knowledge is needed for reliability. Puncture wounds of the body cavity may not be reliable unless the heart is reached. The heart is protected by the rib cage and is not always easy to locate.... Absolute reliability is obtained by severing the spinal cord in the cervical region. This can be done with the point of a knife or a

light blow of an axe or hatchet. Another reliable method is the severing Of both jugular and carotid vessels on both sides of the windpipe." "Conference room technique: [Assassin] #1 Enters room quickly but quietly. #2 Stands in doorway. #2 Opens fire on first subject to react. Swings across group toward center of mass. Times burst to empty magazine at end of swing. #1 Covers group to prevent individual dangerous reactions; if necessary, fires individual bursts of 3 rounds. #2 Finishes burst. Commands 'Shift'. Drops back through door. Replaces empty magazine. Covers corridor. #1 On command 'Shift', opens fire on opposite side of target. Swings one burst across group. Leaves propaganda [to implicate the opposition]." US Army, "Terrorism and the Urban GuerilW, 1960s2 "Measures of Controlling the Population and Resources: 1. ID Cards. An effective system of identification is fundamental to the program... 2. Registration. A program of registering families is used to supplement the system of ID cards. This is the system of

US Army, "Terrorism and the Urban Guerilla", 1960s2 "Measures of Controlling the Population and Resources: I. ID Cards. An effective system of identification is fandamental to the program... 2. Registration. A program of registering families is used to supplement the system of ID cards. This is the system of inventorying all families by house, making a list of all members of the family who live in the house along with the family's resources. One can also note the presence of insurgent tendencies and amliations among the population. 3. Control by block. The purpose ofblock-by-block control is to detect the individuals who are supporting or sympathizing with the insurgents and the type of support they are providing. 4. Police patrols. Their purpose is to detect sources of insurgent support, sympathizers, and routes used by the insurgent forces for intelligence, logistics, and routine activities... Curfew: The purpose is to permit the authorities to identifr violators and take actions based on the premise that anyone

who violates the curfew is an insurgent or sympathizes with the insurgents until he can prove the contrary. Checkpoints. It is of little use to establish a program of passes and ID cards unless there is a system of verifying these official papers. Therefore, establishing checkpoints in all travel routes is necessary once the use of passes has started." US Army, "Handling of Sources", 1960s3 "The CI [counterintelligence] agent should cause the arrest of the employee's [paid government informant] parents, imprison the employee or give him a beating as part of the placement plan of said employee in the guerrilla organization. " [It's not clear whether these things were to be done to force the person to be an informer or to give him credibility as such.] ' 'The employee's value could be increased by means of arrests, executions or pacification, taking care not to expose the employee as the information source." "To assure the promotion of an employee...eliminate a potential rival among the guerrillas." "[Employees are required because] the government is not

employee as the information source." "To assure the promotion of an employee...eliminate a potential rival among the guerrillas." "[Employees are required because] the government is not able to depend only on the information provided voluntarily by faithful citizens or information obtained involuntarily from insurgents ho have been captured." The offcial Defense Department view of these manuals was that the objectionable material in them had simply fallen through the cracks. The DOD stated: "There was no evidence that there was a deliberate attempt to violate Army or Defense Department policies in the preparation or use of these manuals." However, the offce of Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D-MA), which had followed the issue closely, said that at the School of the Americas, where the manuals had been used, at least two offcers had raised questions about the

objectionable material with their superiors in the early 1980s, but had been rebuffed.4 CIA, "KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation- July 1963"5 "The effectiveness of most of the non-coercive techniques depends on their unsettling effect. The interrogation situation is in itself disturbing to most people encountering it for the first time. The aim is to enhance this effect...[and to create] a traumatic or sub- traumatic experience which explodes, as it were, the world that is familiar to the subject as well as his image of himself within that world." "Usually his own clothes are taken away because familiar clothing reinforces identity and thus the capacity for resistance." "The following are the principal coercive techniques of interrogation: arrest, detention, deprivation Of sensory stimuli through solitary confinement or similar methods, threats and fear, debility, pain, heightened suggestibility and hypnosis, narcosis, and induced regression."

CIA, "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual- 1983"6 "Control—The capacity to cause or change certain types Of human behavior by implying or using physical or psychological means to induce compliance. Compliance may be voluntary or involuntary." "Subject is brought into the facility blindfolded and handcuffed and should remain so during the entire processing.... Subject is completely stripped and told to take a shower. Blindfold remains in place while showering and guard watches throughout. Subject is given a thorough medical examination, including all

body cavities" "Allowing a subject to receive careållly selected letters from home can help create an effect desired by the 'questioner'; for example, the subject may get the idea that his relatives are under duress or suffering. A suggestion at the proper time that his cooperation or confession can help protect the innocent may be effective." "Bedding should be minimal cot and blanket—no mattress. {The idea is to prevent the subject from relaxing and recovering from shock.) There should be no built-in toilet facilities. The subject should have to ask to relieve himself. Then he should either be given a bucket or escorted by a guard to the latrine. The guard stays at his side the entire time he is in the latrine." "Deprivation of sensory stimuli induces stress and anxiety. The more complete the deprivation, the more rapidly and deeply the subject is affected." "The purpose of all coercive techniques is to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. Regression is basically a loss of autonomy. "

CIA, "Freedom Fighters' Manual", 19847 A 16-page "comic book" for Nicaraguans; its more than 40 illustrations showed the reader how s/he could "liberate Nicaragua from oppression and misery" of "the Marxist tyranny" by "a series of useful sabotage techniques". Amongst these were: Stop up toilets with sponges.. .pull down powercables.. .put dirt into gas tanks...put nails on roads and highways...cut and perforate the upholstery of vehicles...cut down trees over highways.. telephone to make false hotel reservations and false alarms of fires and crimes...hoard and steal food from the government...leave lights and water taps on...steal mail from mailboxes...go to work in sick...short circuit electricity...break light up books...spread rumors...threaten supervisors and offcials over the phone CIA, "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare", 19848 A manual designed for the US-backed Contra forces (the guerrillas) fighting in Nicaragua against the leftist Sandinista government. It advised: "Kidnap all offcials or agents of the Sandinista government and place them in 'public places' "Shame, ridicule and humiliate the 'personal symbols ' ofthe government of repression in the presence of the people and foster popular participation through guerrillas within the multitude, shouting slogans and jeers." "If a guerrilla fires at an individual, make the town see that he was an enemy of the people" and "that if that citizen had managed to escape, he would have alerted the enemy that is near the town or city, and they could carry out acts of reprisal such as rapes, pillage, destruction, captures, etc....Make the population see that

informer, and that the weapon fired was one recovered in combat against the Sandinista regime." "It is possible to neutralize carefully selected and planned targets, such as court judges, mesta judges [justices of the peace], police and State Security omcials, CDS [Sandinista Defense Committees] chiefs, etc." [As writer Holly Sklar has noted: "A hit list that starts with court judges and ends with etcetera is a mighty broad license for murder.' "The notification of the police, denouncing a target who does not want to join the guerrillas, can be carried out easily...through a letter with false statements of citizens who are not implicated in

the movement. " "If possible, professional criminals will be hired to carry out specific selected 'jobs'." "Specific tasks will be assigned to others, in order to create a 'martyr' for the cause, taking the demonstrators to a confrontation with the authorities, in order to bring about uprisings or shootings, which will cause the death of one or more persons, who would become the martyrs, a situation that should be made use of immediately against the regime, in order to create greater conflicts." "Shock Troops. These men should be equipped with weapons (knives, razors, chains, clubs, bludgeons) and should march slightly behind the innocent and gullible participants." Throughout, the manual reads like what the Westem world was always taught was the way communists scheme and indoctrinate. In 1986, the World Court found that in producing and disseminating

In 1986, the World Court found that in producing and disseminating this manual, the United States "encouraged the commission...of acts contrary to general principles of humanitarian law," including the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

Assassinations by USA Rogue state 4

Assassinations I don want to wipe out everyone.... Just my enemies. Michael Corleone,
 "The Godfather, Part II"

In June 26, 1993, President William Clinton went before the American people and announced that the United States had fired several missiles against Iraq that day. It turned out that the missiles killed 8 people and injured many more. The attack, said the president, was in retaliation for an Iraqi plot to assassinate former president George Bush who was due to visit Kuwait. (This alleged plot remains no more than that...alleged. l) Clinton announced that the US attack "was essential to send a message to those who engage in state-sponsored terrorism and to affirm the expectation of civilized behavior among nations. "2 Following is a list of prominent foreign individuals whose assassination (or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since the end of the Second World War. (CIA humorists

Following is a list of prominent foreign individuals whose assassination (or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since the end ofthe Second World War. (CIAhumorists have at times referred to this type of operation as "suicide involuntarily administered", to be carried out by the Agency's "Health Alteration Committee".) 1949 1950s 1950s Kim Koo, Korean opposition leader CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of more than 200 political figures in West Germany to be "put out of the way" in the event of a Soviet invasion Zhou Enlai, Prime minister of China, several attempts on his life 1950s, 1962 Sukarno, President of Indonesia 1951 Kim II Sung, Premier of North Korea

1953 1950s (mid) 1955 1957 1959/63/69 1960 1950s-70s 1961 1961 1961 1963 1960s-70s 1960s 1965 Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem, leader of Iraq José Figueres, President of Costa Rica, two attempts on his life Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, leader of Haiti Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, many attempts and plots on his life Raül Castro, high omcial in government of Cuba Francisco Caamaio, Dominican Republic opposition

1967 1970 1970 Che Guevara, Cuban leader Salvador Allende, President of Chile Gen. Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army, Chile 1970s, 1981 General Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama 1972 1975 General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire

1976 1980-1986 1982 1983 1983 1984 1985 1991 1993 1998, 1999 2002 Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica Moammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya, several plots and attempts upon his life Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran Gen. Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan Army commander Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua The nine comandantes of the National Directorate of Nicaragua Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanese Shiite leader Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq Mohamed Farah Aideed, prominent clan leader of Somalia 2001-2 Osama bin Laden, leading Islamic militant Slobodan Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Afghan Islamic leader and warlord

2002 2003 Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Afghan Islamic leader and warlord Saddam Hussein and his two sons, Qusay and Uday, and his half-brother, Barzan Ibrahim Hassan al- Tikriti; all had been senior government offcials In case they run short of assassins In 1975, a US Navy psychologist, Lt. Com. Thomas Narut, revealed that his naval work included establishing how to induce servicemen who may not be naturally inclined to kill, to do so under certain conditions. He referred to these men using the words "hitmen" and "assassin". Narut added that convicted murderers as well had been released from military prisons to become assassins.

The training of the carefully-selected recruits ranged from dehumanization of the enemy, to acclimating them emotionally through special films showing people being killed and injured in violent ways.3 The disclosure by Narut was pure happenstance. We can only speculate about what programs are taking place or being planned today in that five-sided building in Virginia. Blasphemy American style The Western world was shocked when Iran condemned British author Salmon Rushdie to death in 1989 because of one of his books, which the ayatollahs called 'blasphemous". But the United States has also condemned blasphemers to death—Castro, Allende, Sukarno and a host of others mentioned above who didn't believe in the holy objectives of American foreign policy. Aberrations? The senate committee known as the Church committee, in its Assassination Report in 1975, said: "The committee does not believe that the acts of assassination which it has examined

Assassination Report in 1975, said: "The committee does not believe that the acts [of assassination] which it has examined represent the real American character. They do not reflect the ideals which have given the people of this country and the world hope for a better, fuller, fairer life. We regard the assassination plots as aberrations.' '4 At the time the committee wrote this, it knew of about a dozen CIA assassination plots and still could call them all aberrations. Would members of Congress today, knowing of the more than 50 incidents listed above, call them all aberrations? Could they explain how these "aberrations" have continued through each of the eleven presidencies, from Truman through George W. Bush? For some years following the Church committee's report,

American presidents made it a point to issue public statements on assassination, perhaps toing to convince the world that "We don't really mean it". 1976: Gerald Ford signed a presidential order which stated: "No employee of the United States shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination." 1978: Jimmy Carter also issued an executive order prohibiting assassinations. 1981, Dec. 4: Ronald Reagan issued an executive order with language almost identical to that of Ford's. But on Nov. 13, 1984, Reagan, consumed with fighting the "International Communist Conspiracy" on several fronts, canceled his executive order, creating what was actually called by the press, a "license to license to kill anyone deemed a 'terrorist". On April 10, 1985, Reagan canceled the "license to kill" because the previous month, the CIA had paid some people in Beirut to kill a certain sheikh Fadlallah, who was not to Washington's liking; a car bomb had been used and 80 people were killed, the sheikh not being among their number. August 11, 1985: The "license to kill" was reinstated because of a hijacking of a TWA plane in June.

to kill a certain sheikh Fadlallah, who was not to Washington's liking; a car bomb had been used and 80 people were killed, the sheikh not being among their number. August 11 , 1985: The "license to kill" was reinstated because of a hijacking of a TWA plane in June. May 12, 1986: A new executive order was signed without the controversial language, apparently in deference to congressional objections.6 Oct. 13, 1989: George H. W. Bush added a new twist. He issued a "memorandum of law" that would allow "accidental" killing if it was a byproduct of legal action: "A decision by the President to employ overt military force...would not constitute assassination if U.S. forces were employed against the combatant forces of another nation, a guerrilla force, or a terrorist or other organization whose actions pose a threat to the security of the United States. "7 In a classified 1998 intelligence finding, President Clinton

authorized the CIA to use covert lethal force against Osama bin Laden and his deputies.8 Having declared after September II, 2001 that Osama bin Laden was wanted "dead or alive," President George W. Bush issued another intelligence finding, this one giving the CIA permission to use lethal force against a wider class of al-Qaeda personnel.9 Reagan and his successors have clearly not been acting out of any ethical or legal principle for or against assassination. It's all been realpolitik and public relations, and the actual American policy in the field over the years has never varied to speak of, whatever the "offcial" message of the day coming out of the White House was. The Doolittle Report A 1954 White House commission to study the CIA's covert activities included in its report the following now-famous passage, which is relevant to this discussion of assassination. It may be what psychologists call "projection". It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy

It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.
Does it work both ways? Ifthe United States could bomb Iraqi intelligence headquarters— which was their target in the bombing referred to above—because of an alleged assassination plot against an American leader, and cite self-defense under the UN charter as Washington did (a claim at least as questionable as the alleged plot), think of the opportunities opened to countries like Panama, Libya, and Cuba to name but a few. Cuba could claim the right to bomb CIA headquarters because of CIA attempts on the life of Fidel Castro. It's safe to say though, that neither the White House nor American courts would accept this legal argument; nor would they be able to see behind the Irony Curtain.

Rogue state 3 America's Gift to the World: the Afghan Terrorist Alumni

America's Gift to the World: the Afghan Terrorist Alumni sama bin Laden—alleged to have been the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States and the bombing of two US embassies in Africa in 1998—was not always on Washington's hate list. He, and many other Islamic fundamentalists, were supremely useful during the 1980s in Washington's war which quashed the last chance the Afghan people had for desperately needed social and economic reform and a secular society. Because of their battle against the government and its Soviet military allies in Afghanistan, the fundamentalists the moujahedeen (Muslim holy warriors)— were good terrorists. They were our terrorists. After the success of their jihad, these forces roamed afar, carrying out grisly actions in numerous comers of the world, metamorphosing into really bad Forcing the Soviet Union to withdraw its military forces from Afghanistan truly went to the heads of the moujahedeen. They thought they were invincible and had a god-given mission. Allah Akbar! They seemed to place little weight upon the fact that it had been the United States, bringing its military, political, and financial weight to bear, that had been the sine qua non of the victory. In 1992, after 12 years of battle, the various factions of the moujahedeen could claim Afghanistan as all their own, albeit now fighting each other. The war had been a rallying point for Muslim zealots from throughout the world—an Islamic Abraham Lincoln Brigade—and laid the groundwork for their future collaboration
zealots from throughout the world—an Islamic Abraham Lincoln Brigade—and laid the groundwork for their future collaboration and support. Tens of thousands of veterans of the war—young men 44 ROGUE STATE from every Muslim nation, battle-hardened and armed—dispersed to many lands to carry out other jihads against the infidels and to inflame and train a new generation of militant Islamists and terrorists, ready to drink the cup of martyrdom; a virtual Islamic Foreign Legion.

In the midst of a wave of assault weapons—a "Kalashnikov culture,"—left over from the Afghanistan wars, Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto complained in 1996 that her country had gotten stuck with this air of frenzy as a direct result of cooperation with the United States in forcing Soviet troops from Afghanistan. "We are left on our own to cope with the remnants of the Afghan war, which include arms smuggling...drugs and... [religious] zealots who were leaders at the time of the Afghan war."l "Your government participated in creating a monster," complained an Algerian sociologist to a Los Angeles Times correspondent in Algiers. "Now it has turned against you and the world—16,000 Arabs were trained in Afghanistan, made into a veritable killing machine."2 His figure may be low inasmuch as there were an estimated 15,000 veterans of the Afghanistan war— or "Afghans" as they came to be known all over, whether from Afghanistan or not—in Saudi Arabia alone in 1996.3 Professor of Middle East Studies, Eqbal Ahmad, has
 observed: The propaganda in the West suggests that violence and holy war are inherent in Islam. The reality is that as a worldwide movement, Jihad international, Inc. is a recent phenomenon.. Without significant exception during the 20th century, jihad was used in a national, secular and political context until, that is, the advent of the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan. 4 Following are some of the highlights of the bloodletting of the "Afghans"; the list is confined to the 1990s, although their international jihad has continued into the new century.

In the United States Mir Aimal Kansi (AKA Kasi)—the Pakistani who slew two CIA employees and wounded two other CIA employees and an employee of a CIA contractor outside CIA headquarters in Virginia in 1993—came of age in the Pakistani province that borders Afghanistan, which was used as a key staging area for the moujahedeen. His father and other relatives had ties to the CIA- Pakistani intelligence operations of the war. Kansi, those who knew him said, was "one of the children of the C.I.A.'s jihad."5 Most of those involved in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York—which killed six people, wounded more than 1,000, and caused half a billion dollars in damage— were veterans of the Afghan war.6 In October, 1995, 10 men were convicted for a plot to bomb New York targets, including the UN building, an FBI Offce, and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels. The spiritual leader of the group, and one of the defendants, was Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman who

In October, 1995, 10 men were convicted for a plot to bomb New York targets, including the UN building, an FBI offce, and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels. The spiritual leader of the group, and one of the defendants, was Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, who had worked with the moujahedeen in the war in Afghanistan. He had obtained a US visa in 1990 from a CIA undercover agent7, leading to speculation that at that time he (still) had CIA links. At least one of the other defendants—who came mainly from Egypt and Sudan—had fought in Afghanistan. Three men were convicted in New York in 1996 ofplotting to bomb 12 US jumbo jets and 4,000 passengers out of the sky over the Pacific Ocean. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the alleged mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing, who had been a fugitive, was one of the three defendants. He had been trained in explosives by the moujahedeen. Investigators found in his computer a manifesto pledging terror to punish Americans for their government's support of Israel.8

Elsewhere Ramzi Ahmed Yousef was also convicted in the Philippines in 1994, in absentia, ofbombing a Philippine Airlines jet, killing one passenger. He reportedly was involved in training activities with the radical Muslim Abu Sayyaf Organization of the Philippines.9 March 1995, Karachi, Pakistan: Two US diplomats were killed and a third wounded in an assault upon the car they were driving in. The FBI, which arrived in Pakistan to investigate the crime, announced that it was treating the attack as a possible retaliation for the arrest of Ramzi Ahmed Yousef the previous month in Pakistan by US and Pakistani agents and his extradition to the United States. 10 In November 1995, five Americans and two Indians died when a pickup truck stuffed with explosives detonated outside a US Army building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Three of the four Saudis who confessed to the attack admitted to having received firearms and explosives training in Afghanistan and to having fought in combat there. The following June, 19 US airmen died in the bombing of their housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The same groups claimed credit for both attacks. I I In summer 1995, France underwent a series of eight bomb
The same groups claimed credit for both attacks. I I In summer 1995, France underwent a series of eight bomb attacks beginning with a blast in a train station which killed eight and wounded 160. "Almost all of the leaders of the people we have arrested for terrorism have passed by Afghanistan or Pakistan," said a French law enforcement offcial.12 The Chechnyan guerrillas, who have bedeviled the Russians for years with their insurrection to create a Muslim society, have had their ranks swelled by Middle East and African "Afghans", as well as their own people who received military instruction in Afghanistan. 13 Russian offcials estimate that 4,000 to 5,000 Muslim militants from Tajikistan alone passed through camps in northem

Afghanistan, then returned to the former Soviet Central Asian republic in 1993 to do battle against the secular government.14 Another former Soviet republic, Azerbaijan, has experienced a similar fate. 15 In western provinces of China, Afghan veterans have armed and trained Chinese Muslims and fought alongside them against the Chinese authorities. 16 Since 1992, Egypt has been swept by a wave of anti- government terrorism in which graduates of the military training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan have played a major role. They are believed to have also been behind the attempted assassination of President Hosni Mubarak while he was visiting Ethiopia. 17 In August 1994, three "Afghans" robbed a hotel in Morocco, killing tourists in an effort to destabilize Morocco's vital tourism industry. 18 Throughout much of the 1990s, Kashmiris and other nationals trained in Afghanistan, have been fighting against India in the mountains of Kashmir, waging "holy war" for secession from New Delhi. 19 Since Algeria's cancellation of the 1992 election, Algerian
 veterans of the Afghanistan conflict have played a key role in the rise of the Armed Islamic Group, responsible for many thousands of gory murders in their crusade for an Islamic state.20 In Bosnia, beginning in 1992, Afghans fought ferociously alongside the predominantly Muslim Bosnian army for two years, attacking Serbian positions to liberate Muslim villages.21 One of those who confessed to the November 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, referred to above, said that he had fought with the Bosnian Muslims. 22 In a 1999 interview, Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi told a London-based Arabic newspaper that his government had crushed an Islamic militant movement of "Afghans". "They returned desperate and destructive," he said, "and adopted killing

and explosives as their profession, according to the training they received from the American intelligence. "23 And more of the same in other places, from the men Ronald Reagan fancied as "freedom fighters". 'This is an insane instance of the chickens coming home to roost," said a US diplomat in Pakistan in 1996. "You can't plug billions of dollars into an anti-Communist jihad, accept participation from all over the world and ignore the consequences. But we did. Our objectives weren't peace and grooviness in Afghanistan. Our objective was killing Commies and getting the Russians out. "24 Yet more chickens will come home to roost as a result of the American occupation of Afghanistan beginning in 2001 and Iraq beginning in 2003. Thousands more "Afghans" and "Iraqis," from all over the Middle East and South Asia, have acquired skills of urban warfare under American occupation—car bombing, suicide bombing, all manner of improvised explosive devices, assassination, kidnapping, and the use of rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons. Americans and all those who work with them in much of the world are in greater peril than ever.

rouge state 2

although several unoffcial citizens' commissions have done so over the years for specific interventions, such as in Vietnam, Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq; their findings were of course totally ignored by the establishment media (whose ideology is a belief that it doesn't have any ideology). In the absence of an omcial Truth Commission in the United States, this book is offered up as testimony. Washington, DC May 2005

Why Do Terrorists Keep Picking on the United States? he notion that terrorist acts against the United States can be explained by envy and irrational hatred, and not by what the United States does to the world—i.e., US foreign policy—has been written on the face of the Bush administration ever since the attacks of September 11, 2001. The fires were still buming at Ground Zero in New York when Secretary of State Colin Powell declared: "Once again, we see terrorism, we see terrorists, people who don't believe in democracy. "l President Bush picked up on that theme and ran with it. He's been its leading proponent with his repeated insistence, in one wording or another, that terrorists are people who hate America and all that it stands for, its democracy, its freedom, its wealth,
President Bush picked up on that theme and ran with it. He's been its leading proponent with his repeated insistence, in one wording or another, that terrorists are people who hate America and all that it stands for, its democracy, its freedom, its wealth, its secular government. (Ironically, the president and his first Attomey General, John Ashcroft, probably hate America's secular government as much as anyone.) Here is the president more than a year after September I I : "The threats we face are global terrorist attacks. That's the threat. And the more you love freedom, the more likely it is you'll be attacked. "2 The American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a conservative watchdog group founded by Lynne Cheney, wife of the vice- president, announced in November 2001 the formation of the Defense of Civilization Fund, declaring that "It was not only America that was attacked on September I I, but civilization. We were attacked not for our vices, but for our virtues. "3 In September 2002, the White House released the "National Security Strategy", purported to be chiefly the handiwork of
ROGUE STATE Condoleezza Rice, which speaks of the "rogue states" which "sponsor terrorism around the globe; and reject basic human values and hate the United States and everything for which it stands." In July of the following year, we could hear the spokesman
In July of the following year, we could hear the spokesman for Homeland Security, Brian Roehrkasse, declare: "Terrorists hate our freedoms. They want to change our ways. And in his January 2005 inauguration address, the president spoke of the threat to the United States: "We have seen our vulnerability—and we have seen its deepest source. For as long as whole regions of the world simmer in resentment and tyranny, prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder, violence will gather." Not a single word in his talk about anything the United States has ever done to contribute to this resentment and hatred. It's just there in the anti-American terrorists, perhaps in their genes. To all of this, Thomas Friedman the renowned foreign policy analyst of the New York Times would say amen. Terrorists, he wrote in 1998 after two US embassies in Africa had been attacked, "have no specific ideological program or demands. Rather, they are driven by a generalized hatred of the US, Israel and other
"have no specific ideological program or demands. Rather, they are driven by a generalized hatred of the US, Israel and other supposed enemies of Islam. "5 This idéefire—that the rise of anti-American terrorism owes nothing to American policies—in effect postulates an America that is always the aggrieved innocent in a treacherous world, a benign United States government peacefully going about its business but being "provoked" into taking extreme measures to defend its people, its freedom and its democracy. It follows from this idea that there's no good reason to modify US foreign policy, no choice but to battle to the death this irrational international force out there that hates the United States with an abiding passion. Thus it was that Afghanistan and Iraq were bombed and invaded with seemingly little concern in Washington that this could well create many new anti-American terrorists. And indeed,

following the first strike onAfghanistan in October 2001 there were literally scores of terrorist attacks against American institutions in the Middle East, South Asia and the Pacific, more than a dozen in Pakistan alone: military, civilian, Christian, and other targets associated with the United States, including the October 2002 bombings in Bali, Indonesia, which destroyed two nightclubs and killed more than 200 people, almost all of them Americans and their Australian and British allies. The following year brought the heavy bombing of the US-managed Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, the site of diplomatic receptions and 4th of July celebrations held by the American Embassy; all this in addition to the thousands of attacks in Iraq against US occupation. Even when a terrorist attack is not aimed directly at Americans, the reason the target has been chosen can be because the country it takes place in has been cooperating with the United States in its so-called "War on Terrorism". Witness the horrendous attacks of recent years in Madrid, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. A US State Department report on worldwide terrorist

A US State Department report on worldwide terrorist attacks—"Pattems of Global Terrorism"—showed that the year 2003 had more "significant terrorist incidents" than at any time since the department began issuing statistics in 1985, even though the figures did not include attacks on US troops by insurgents in Iraq, which the Bush administration explicitly labels as "terrorist" .6 When the 2004 report showed an even higher number of incidents, the State Department announced that it was going to stop publishing the annual statistics. 7 Terrorists in their own words The word "terrorism" has been so overused in recent years that it's now commonly used simply to stigmatize any individual or group one doesn't like, for almost any kind of behavior involving force. But the word's raison d'étre has traditionally been to convey a

political meaning, something along the lines of: the deliberate use of violence against civilians and property to intimidate or coerce a government or the population in furtherance of a political objective. Terrorism is fundamentally propaganda, a very bloody form of making the world hear one's jeremiad. It follows that if the perpetrators of a terrorist act declare what their objective was, their statement should carry credibility, no matter what one thinks of the objective or the method used to achieve it. Let us look at some of their actual declarations. The terrorists responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 sent a letter to the New York Times which stated, in part: "We declare our responsibility for the explosion on the mentioned building. This action was done in response for the American political, economical, and military support to Israel the state of terrorism and to the rest of the dictator countries in the region. Richard Reid, who tried to ignite a bomb in his shoe while aboard an American Airline flight to Miami in December 2001, told police that his planned suicide attack was an attempt to strike
Richard Reid, who tried to ignite a bomb in his shoe while aboard an American Airline flight to Miami in December 2001, told police that his planned suicide attack was an attempt to strike a blow against the US campaign in Afghanistan and the Western economy. In an e-mail sent to his mother, which he intended her to read after his death, Reid wrote that it was his duty "to help remove the oppressive American forces from the Muslims land. "9 After the bombings in Bali, one of the leading suspects, who was later convicted, told police that the bombings were frevenge" for ' 'what Americans have done to Muslims." He said that he wanted to "kill as many Americans as possible" because "America „ 10 oppresses the Muslims . In November 2002, a taped message from Osama bin Laden began: "The road to safety begins by ending the aggression. Reciprocal treatment is part of justice. The [terrorist] incidents that have taken place...are only reactions and reciprocal actions."ll

That same month, when Mir Aimal Kasi (or Kansi), who killed several people outside of CIA headquarters in 1993, was on death row, he declared: "What I did was a retaliation against the US government" for American policy in the Middle East and its support of Israel. 12 In June 2004, Islamic militants in Saudi Arabia beheaded an employee of the leading US defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, maker of the Apache helicopter, on which the victim, Paul Johnson, Jr. had long worked. His kidnappers said he was singled out for that reason. "The infidel got his fair treatment.... Let him taste something of what Muslims have long tasted from Apache helicopter fire and missiles."13 Finally, we have another audio message from Osama bin Laden, in April 2004, containing the following excerpts: The greatest rule of safety is justice, and stopping injustice and aggression.... What happened on II September and 11 March [the Madrid train bombings] is your commodity that was returned to you.... we would like to inform you that labeling us and our acts as terrorism is also a description of you and of your acts.... Our acts are reaction to your own

you and of your acts.... Our acts are reaction to your own acts, which are represented by the destruction and killing of our kinfolk in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.... Which religion considers your killed ones innocent and our killed ones worthless? And which principle considers your blood real blood and our blood water? Reciprocal treatment is fair and the one who starts injustice bears greater blame... The killing Of the Russians was after their invasion of Afghanistan and Chechnya; the killing of Europeans was after their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; and the killing of Americans on the day of New York was after their support of the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula. 

Difficulty of maintaining the simplistic idéeße It should be noted that when Mir Aimal Kasi was executed, the State Department warned that this could result in attacks against Americans around the world. 15 It did not warn that the attacks would result from foreigners hating or envying American democracy, freedom, wealth, or secular government. In the days following the start of the American bombing of Afghanistan there were numerous warnings from US government offcials about being prepared for retaliatory acts, and during the war in Iraq, the State Department announced: "Tensions remaining from the recent events in Iraq may increase the potential threat to US citizens and interests abroad, including by terrorist groups. "16 Similarly, in June 2002, after a car bomb exploded outside the US Consulate in Karachi, killing or injuring more than 60 people, the Washington Post reported that "US offcials said the attack was likely the work of extremists angry at both the United States and Pakistan 's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, for siding with the United States after September I I and abandoning support for Afghanistan's ruling Taliban."17

George W. and others of his administration may or may not believe what they tell the world about the motivations behind anti-American terrorism, but, as in the examples just given, some officials, at least in effect, have questioned the party line for years. A Department of Defense study in 1997 concluded: "Historical data show a strong correlation between US involvement in international situations and an increase in terrorist attacks against the United States."18 Former US president Jimmy Carter told the New York Times in a 1989 interview: We sent Marines into Lebanon and you only have to go to Lebanon, to Syria or to Jordan to wimess first-hand the
intense hatred among many people for the United States because we bombed and shelled and unmercifully killed totally innocent villagers—women and children and farmers and housewives—in those villages around Beirut.... As a result of that...we became kind of a Satan in the minds of those who are deeply resentful. That is what precipitated the taking of our hostages and that is what has precipitated some of the terrorist attacks. 19 Colin Powell has also revealed that he knows better. Writing of this same 1983 Lebanon debacle in his memoir, he foregoes clichés about terrorists hating democracy. "The U. S.S. New Jersey started hurling 16-inch shells into the mountains above Beirut, in World War II style, as ifwe were softening up the beaches on some Pacific atoll prior to an invasion. What we tend to overlook in such situations is that other people will react much as we would. "20 The ensuing terrorist attack against US Marine barracks in Lebanon took the lives of 241 American military personnel.

Hostile foreign policy, a list The bombardment of Beirut in 1983 and 1984 is but one of many examples ofAmerican violence or other outrage against the Middle East and/or Muslims since the 1980s. The record includes: the support of corrupt and tyrannical Middle East governments, from the Shah of Iran to the Saudis the support for Russia and China against their Muslim populations the shooting down of two Libyan planes in 1981 the bombing of Libya in 1986 the bombing and sinking of an Iranian ship in 1987 the shooting down of an Iranian passenger plane in 1988

the shooting down of two more Libyan planes in 1989 the massive bombing of the Iraqi people in 1991 the continuing bombings and horrific sanctions against Iraq from 1991 to 2003 the bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998 the habitual support of Israel despite the routine devastation and torture it inflicts upon the Palestinian people the habitual condemnation of Palestinian resistance to this the abduction Of "suspected terrorists" from Muslim countries, such as Malaysia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Albania, who are then taken to places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, where they are tortured the large military and hi-tech presence in Islam's holiest land, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf region the devastation and occupation of Afghanistan beginning in 2001 and of Iraq beginning in 2003 "How do I respond when I see that in some Islamic countries there is vitriolic hatred for America?" asked George W. "I'll tell

"How do I respond when I see that in some Islamic countries there is vitriolic hatred for America?" asked George W. "I'll tell you how I respond: I'm amazed. I'm amazed that there's such misunderstanding of what our country is about that people would hate us. I am—like most Americans, I just can 't believe it because I know how good we are."21 It's not just people in the Middle East who have good reason for hating what the US government does. The United States has created huge numbers of potential terrorists all over Latin America during a half century of American actions far worse than what it's done in the Middle East. If Latin Americans shared the belief of radical Muslims that they will go directly to paradise for martyring themselves in the act of killing the great Satan enemy, by now we
might have had decades of repeated terrorist horror coming from south of the border. As it is, there have been numerous non-suicidal terrorist attacks against Americans and their buildings in Latin America over the years. To what extent do the American people really believe the offcial disconnect between what the US does in the world and anti-American terrorism? One indication that the public is somewhat skeptical came in the days immediately following the commencement of the bombing of Iraq on March 20, 2003. The airlines later announced that there had been a sharp increase in cancellations of flights and a sharp decrease in future flight reservations in those few days.22 How the Muslim world sees the United States In June, 2003 the Pew Research Center released the results of polling in 20 Muslim countries and the Palestinian territories that brought into question the offcial thesis that support for anti- American terrorism goes hand in hand with hatred of American

Lebanon, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates produced results such as the following, reported the Washington Post: Those polled said their opinions were shaped by U.S. policies, rather than by values or culture. When asked: 'What is the first thought when you hear "America?" respondents overwhelmingly said: 'Unfair foreign policy.' And when asked what the United States could do to improve its image in the Arab world, the most frequently provided answers were 'Stop supporting Israel' and 'Change your Middle East policy'.... Most Arabs polled said they believe that the Iraq war has caused more terrorism and brought about less democracy, and that the Iraqi people are far worse off today than they were while living under Hussein's rule. The majority also said they believe the United States invaded Iraq for oil, to protect Israel and to weaken the Muslim world-24 The Pentagon's own advisory panel, the Defense Science Board, corroborated some of the above, reporting in November 2004: "Today we reflexively compare Muslim 'masses' to those oppressed under Soviet rule. This is a strategic mistake. There is no yearning-to-be-liberated-by-the-U.S. groundswell among

The Pentagon's own advisory panel, the Defense Science Board, corroborated some of the above, reporting in November 2004: "Today we reflexively compare Muslim 'masses' to those oppressed under Soviet rule. This is a strategic mistake. There is no yearning-to-be-liberated-by-the-U.S. groundswell among Muslim societies—except to be liberated perhaps from what they see as apostate tyrannies that the U.S. so determinedly promotes and defends.... Muslims do not 'hate our freedom,' but rather they hate our policies...when American public diplomacy talks about bringing democracy to Islamic societies, this is seen as no more than self-serving hypocrisy.... [Muslims believe] American occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq has not led to democracy there, but only more chaos and suffering. "25 Lastly, we have Michael Scheuer, a 22-year veteran of the CIA, where he was a senior terrorism analyst. In his 2004 book, Imperial Hubris: Why The West is Losing the War on Terror (written under the name "Anonymous"), and elsewhere, he makes the following observations:

None of bin Laden's stated reasons for waging war on the United States "have anything to do with our freedom, liberty, and democracy, but everything to do with U.S. policies and actions in the Muslim world," notably unlimited support for Israel's repression of the Palestinians and the destruction of Iraq.26..."As long as unchanged U.S. policies motivate Muslims to become insurgents," the United States will have to "kill many thousands of these fighters in what is a barely started war."27..."This mind- set holds that America does not need to reevaluate its policies, let alone change them; it merely needs to better explain the wholesomeness of its views and the purity of its purposes to the uncomprehending Islamic world. What could be more American in the early 21st century, after all, than to re- identi$' a casus belli as a communication problem, and then call on Madison Avenue to package and hawk a remedy called "Democracy- Secularism-and-

Capitalism-are-good-for-Muslims" to an Islamic world that has, to date, violently refused to purchase? "28 The Iraqi resistance The official Washington mentality about the motivations of individuals they call terrorists has also been manifested in US occupation policy in Iraq. Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld has declared that there are five groups opposing US forces—looters, criminals, remnants of Saddam Hussein's government, foreign terrorists and those influenced by Iran.29 An American official in Iraq maintained that many of the people shooting at US troops are "poor young Iraqis" who have been paid between $20 and $100 to stage hit-and-run attacks on US soldiers. "They're not dedicated fighters," he said. "They're people who wanted to take a few potshots. "30 With such language do American officials avoid dealing

With such language do American officials avoid dealing with the idea that any part of the resistance is composed of Iraqi  citizens who are simply demonstrating their resentment about being bombed, invaded, occupied, tortured, slain, and subjected to daily humiliations. Some officials convinced themselves that it was largely the
citizens who are simply demonstrating their resentment about being bombed, invaded, occupied, tortured, slain, and subjected to daily humiliations. Some offcials convinced themselves that it was largely the most loyal followers of Saddam Hussein and his two sons who were behind the daily attacks on Americans, and that with the capture or killing of the evil family, resistance would die out; tens of millions of dollars were offered as reward for information leading to this joyful prospect. Thus it was that the killing of the sons elated military personnel. US Army trucks with loudspeakers drove through small towns and villages to broadcast a message about the death of Hussein's sons. "Coalition forces have won a great victory over the Baath Party and the Saddam Hussein regime by killing Uday and Qusay Hussein in Mosul," said the message broadcast in Arabic. "The Baath Party has no power in Iraq. Renounce the Baath Party or you are in great danger." It called on by killing Uday and Qusay Hussein in Mosul," said the message broadcast in Arabic. "The Baath Party has no power in Iraq. Renounce the Baath Party or you are in great danger." It called on all officials of Hussein's government to turn themselves in.31 What followed was several days of some of the deadliest attacks against American personnel since the guerrilla war began. Unfazed, American officials in Washington and Iraq continued to suggest that the elimination of Saddam himself would surely write finis to anti-American actions. His capture, in December 2003, of course did no such thing. Another way in which the political origins of anti-American terrorism are obscured is by the common practice of blaming poverty or repression by Middle Eastern governments (as opposed to US support for such governments) for the creation of such terrorists. Defenders of US foreign policy cite this also as a way of showing how enlightened they are. Here's Condoleezza Rice as National Security Advisor: 

[The Middle East] is a region where hopelessness provides a Why Do Terrorists Keep Picking on the US? 41 fertile ground for ideologies that convince promising youths to aspire not to a university education, a career or family, but to blowing themselves up, taking as many innocent lives with them as possible. We need to address the source of the problem.

There are those on the left who speak in a similar fashion, apparently unconscious of what they're obfuscating. Their analysis confuses terrorism with revolution. But, in any case, why would a person suffering from hopelessness become a suicide bomber instead of merely committing suicide, if not for a political reason? September 11 Commission On June 16, 2004, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (investigating the events of September I I, 2001), issued a report which stated that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, regarded as the mastermind of the attacks, wanted to personally commandeer one aircraft and use it as a platform to denounce US policies in the Middle East. Instead of crashing it in a suicide attack, the report says, Mohammed planned to kill every adult male passenger on the plane, contact the media while airborne, and land at a US airport. There he would deliver his speech before

US policies in the Middle East. Instead of crashing it in a suicide attack, the report says, Mohammed planned to kill every adult male passenger on the plane, contact the media while airborne, and land at a US airport. There he would deliver his speech before releasing all the women and children.33 The question once again arises: Why was Mohammed planning on denouncing US policies in the Middle East? Why wasn't he instead planning to denounce America's democracy, freedom, wealth and secular government, or its music, films or clothing? A while ago, I heard a union person on the radio proposing what he called "a radical solution to poverty—pay people enough to live on." Well, I'd like to propose a radical solution to anti- American

terrorism—stop giving terrorists the motivation to attack America. As long as the United States insists that anti-American terrorists have no good or rational reason for retaliation against the United States for anything the US has ever done to their countries, as long as the Bush administration feverishly experiments with one program after another to improve America's image in the Muslim world instead of putting and end to a foreign policy of bloody and oppressive interventions, the "War on Terrorism" is as doomed to failure as the war on drugs has been.