Saturday, November 05, 2011

Intel's Sean Maloney: The man who couldn't speak

 For  a supposed Hotshot in Intel i think this guy was really stupid not to have  a  regular  doctor  or  not to go to the  ER  of a well know hospital. going to and urgent care center and being seen by a new and strange doctor, who is just moonlighting is the worst thing you can do ..
My advise have a PCP(Primary Care Physician) who knows about your problems.
Maloney and George drove to a local urgent-care center. "Look, I'm having a stroke," Maloney told the doctor authoritatively. "You're not having a stroke," he recalls the doctor replying. The doctor attributed his symptoms to stress and diagnosed a migraine headache.
As the weekend progressed, Maloney felt helpless. He couldn't convince the doctor. He couldn't tell Margaret, for fear that another medical emergency would send her over the edge. Sunday afternoon he felt normal enough to run the Stanford Dish, a hilly loop near the university. He kept up with his son that day, but the 40-minute jog did him in.
Around 4 o'clock, Sean was home with an awful headache and feeling "really weird," he told George. "I went up and sat on my bed," he recalls, "and the stroke happened." He fell back. He saw George walk into the bedroom, and then Brigid, crying. He saw the ceiling, white and full of stars. "George laid me down on the floor," he recalls. "Then there was the ambulance. Then I don't know."

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