Saturday, February 06, 2016

The road to hell is paved with good intentions/The PNDT act and the repurcussions

I am an ABIM ( American Board of Internal Medicine)board certified internal Medicine Physician
Presently Located in Dallas, Texas USA.
Before coming to USA in 1994  I used to work  as  an Assistant professor of Pediatric surgery in Hyderabad A.P India.

recently I have been doing much internet search about PNDT ac  and  it's ramifications.
there  re a number of things which I have discovered  while I have been researching this topic.
some of these are.
gender  equality
western Hypocracy
How subtle propaganda is used to create a favorable impression among the  public  for  an illogical law.
How experts  go wrong.
The know all attitude of  NGO workers and activists
How the  aam aadmi / aam naari ( the common man and woman) have better sense of how things are and what should be done better than the so called experts.
I  may  take  a  meandering  route  to  what  i want  to express ultimately  have  patience  the  journey is quite interesting

The notion of "family planning' originated with "'Margaret Sanger of the
US. She herself said her reasons for inventing it was t hat. "my family on both
s ides were early colonial and pioneer stock, and I have worked with the
American Coalition for Patriotic Societies , to prevent the [European] type
people from being replaced by Negro stock,1I8, From the outset, family planning
was anti -African. ,When the Planned Parenthood Federation was started. all it's
efforts were directed at the Afro -American population. For example. in Pittsburgh.the US government establi shed a Planned Parenthood Clinic in the slum
section of the city where the "Negroes' lived. No such clinics were to be found in
"white" areas. Birth control pills were also distributed to Afro-Americans girls as
young as twelve.

similar sentiments led to the encouragement of "family planning' to prevent the yellow peril and the  brown peril.

"Edwin Black reveals that eugenics-sham science made up to justify ethnic cleansing-had an incredible foothold in America in the early twentieth century, and was in fact championed and funded by America's social, political, and academic elite. Even more shocking, Black traces the flow of ideas, research, and money from Cold Spring Harbor (Long Island) to Germany, in the process proving that it was America's eugenics program that gave Hitler the scientific justification to escalate his virulent anti-Semitism into all-out genocide. Black's team of dozens of researchers scoured scores of archives in four countries, unearthing some 50,000 documents, which collectively prove that the eugenics agenda was funded by esteemed philanthropies such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institution; taught at Yale, Harvard, and Princeton; lauded by leading progressive thinkers such as Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Woodrow Wilson; and even sanctioned by the U.S. Supreme Court. With this kind of backing, American eugenics was quickly able to move beyond the theoretical in its quest to eliminate social "undesirables," getting cruel and racist laws enacted in 27 U.S. states. Ultimately, more than 60,000 Americans were sterilized against their will, and tens of thousands of others were institutionalized and/or denied the right to marry whom they chose. In the last year or so, governors from five states-Virginia, Oregon, California, North Carolina, and South Carolina-have apologized for their states' official efforts to wipe out their unwanted citizens. Surprisingly, the victims of eugenics weren't limited to the groups that have regularly suffered from prejudice in the U.S.; they were also the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, people who wore glasses, petty criminals, the mentally ill, and those deemed "shiftless." War Against the Weak details how those at the forefront of the movement worked tirelessly to establish the biological rationales for persecution, with the goal of continuously eradicating the "lower tenth" until only a pure Nordic super race remained. To achieve that end, eugenics contaminated many otherwise worthy causes, from the birth control movement to the development of psychology and IQ testing, and beyond.After Nuremberg declared eugenics to be genocide and a crime against humanity, the American eugenics movement did not disappear; it simply went underground, changed its name, and reappeared as "human genetics." War Against the Weak closes by bringing its analysis into the present day, pointing out that our increasing knowledge in the realm of genetic selection and gene-mapping is rife with opportunity for misuse"

"Another birth control advocate urged that "to offset the
so-called 'yellow peril: " the United States should, "spread
birth control knowledge abroad so as to decrease the
quantity of people whose unchecked reproduction threatens
international peace."
A few farsighted physicians jOined in the campaign to
make contraception acceptable to the middle class by
pointing out its possibilities for population control. In his
1912 presidential address to the AMA, Dr. Abraham Jacobi
endorsed birth control, citing the high fertility of immigrants
and the rising cost of welfare. Dr. Robert Dickinson, a
gynecologist and one of Sanger's most steadfast medical
allies, urged his fellow doctors in 1916 to "take hold of this
matter [birth control] and not let it go to the radicals." With
the help of men like Dr. Dickinson, Ms. Sanger was able to begin birth control services -appropriately enough in the slums of newyork

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