Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How will a Trump presidency look like ?

 with  the   swooning of Hillary from  Pneumonia  and  this  "Thug" who bombed New York with home made bombs, it looks like  Trump may win the presidency.

 How will a Trump presidency look like ?

 If you are white skinned and good looking you will be accepted without questions, even if you are in this country illegally and can not speak English.
If you are a young female model, even better some real estate tycoon will take you as his nth wife. there is a possibility you may become the first lady.

  Even if your father and grand father were US citizens and you were born in this country.
If you are of any other skin color or have funny names which do not belong  in the  bible ,you are out of luck.

 The mentality which made Japanese internment camps possible during WWII will be  resurrected.
there will be a Unit 731 in every state.

" Japanese people at the time looked down upon people of other countries. Even now, as Japan is an isolated island country, there are only a few chances to communicate with foreigners. In addition, eugenic and racist ideologies were prevalent in Japan, as well as in western countries. Consequently, most Japanese then had prejudice against people in other Asian and European countries and discriminated against them. They thought Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, Russian, American, English, etc. were beings that need not be treated humanely, especially in wartime."

Sound familiar ?

US army will bomb the middle east with nukes to kingdom come.

we will go back to using steam engines burning the Virginia coal dug up by  the hardworking red blooded American labor.
There  will be  a  large sign on the  Washington memorial " America is great again"

There will be a wall between USA and  mexico and  all those Americans trying to flee USA and in to Mexico will be shot by the national guard.

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