Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Do medical researchers Prostitute their services to the Pharma Industry ?

 You see all theses disclaimers and  financial entanglements of the researchers in the published articles.

I personally feel this is sheer hypocrisy.
What are we supposed to do take the findings with a pinch of salt ?

How come studies sponsored by the industry show a favourable result to the latest costliest  medication/intervention where as unbiased or government funded research shows otherwise
One can find  umpteen number of such studies in various journals.

I also see a trend where an intervention/screening which is advocated vigorously in the begining is slowly diluted over time. Or  an intervention  /screening is continued due to  public pressure  just because  they are used to having this done regularly based on  past recommendations.

So what is going on ?
Do medical researchers Prostitute their services to the Pharma Industry ?
My gut feeling is that, they do

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