Monday, November 21, 2016

Anyone who can argue for an ICBM or nuclear capable Iran is more a pragmatist than a pyromaniac

 In the  whole human history
who used  Atomic bombs  in  a war ? USA
which country  knowingly shot down  a passenger airline ? USA
 (Iran Air Flight 655 )
IR655, an Airbus A300 on an ascending flight path was allegedly misidentified as a descending Iranian F-14, which simply BS any one with two naked eyes looking at the sky can tell the difference to believe a sophisticated US  war ship did not  know the difference is unbelievable.

When India and Pakistan were  trying to get Nuclear weapons the western nations sang the same song." proliferation  proliferation".
when  Israel and  South africa  clandestinely squired  Nuclear weapons
. western nations specially USA wink winked .

Fo  all  that is being  said about North Korea the crack pot dictator has the weapon, more as an insurance than as an offensive weapon.

All over in history  it is  the white Europeans and their descendants who have been the most blood thirsty and think everyone else is  inferior to them  so they are  expendable.

 Now  "PREZ T wants  to  tear up the  Iran  agreement .
then  do what let  Israel bomb Iranian  nuclear facilities and start a 3rd and final  world war ?
So I can can argue for an ICBM or nuclear capable Iranand I am  more a pragmatist than a pyromaniac
unlike  Prez T 's national security advisor

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