Wednesday, November 09, 2016

The Great White hope?ABI KI bAAr Trump Sarkaar.

Great Hope A long-awaited champion and savior. the unproven hero Of a cause. who is invested—and burdened—with the unrealized
hopes and expectations of adherents.
The term came into being after Jack Johnson, a black man, won the
world heavyweight boxing championship in 1908. White supremacists couldn't
abide the notion and launched a search for a "great white hope" to take the crown from him.
Their first candidate was Jim Jeffries. a former champ lured out of
retirement. Johnson knocked him out and disposed of other hopefuls as well
(including Victor McLaglen. who later did better as an actor).
Johnson further infuriated his enemies with his flamboyant way Of life
outside the ring, including his marriages to white women.
Prosecutors went after him; he was convicted of violating the
Mann Act (for transporting a woman, who later
became his wife, across a state line for sexual purposes), spent several
years in exile in Europe. and eventually served a year in Leavenworth Prison.
In 1915 another great white hope. Jess Willard. finally dethroned
Johnson, although Johnson was later to claimed that he threw the fight.
To do list;
Build the wall/transport all the illegal aliens across the wall
Make Mexico pay for it
Make ISIS disappear
Renegotiate Iran nuclear deal and get the best deal.
Make jobs appear in every small town in USA
Repeal Obama care and replace it with a fantastic healthcare plan
ABI KI bAAr Trump Sarkaar.

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