Monday, December 19, 2016

Let us be fair and cut the Bull shit Medical residents are free/cheap/slave labor.

For a country which crows about it being the  largest  democracy in the world,US Medical system is more dictatorial than any other system in any other country.

Let us be fair, and cut the Bull shit
Medical residents are free/cheap/slave labor. Whatever you may put on the paper we all know what actually happens in real life in any residency program.
if an airline pilot  is restricted then  a resident shouldn't be  expected to  work  in an efficient fashion  for more than one and  a half times more. the  Medical teachers  specially the  peers the second 3rd years and the chief residents are the ones  who  subtly convey to the other  junior residents  that   going home  when ones  shift  is completed is considered  not  " Proper"
No more than 12 hours of all kinds of work in 24 hours and no more than 40 hours  in a week.
No retaliation against residents who avail what is legally their rest time .
 Shame on all other Hypocritical medical education leaders who are trying to  split hairs.
"Current FAA regulations for domestic flights generally limit pilots to eight hours of flight time during a 24-hour period. This limit may be extended provided the pilot receives additional rest at the end of the flight. However, a pilot is not allowed to accept, nor is an airline allowed to assign, a flight if the pilot has not has at least eight continuous hours of rest during the 24-hour period."

“On the other hand, a 2013 survey of surgical residents found that a large majority were chafing under the limits then in place and that some admitted to falsifying reports to conceal the fact that they had worked longer than permitted.”
“a large majority were chafing under the limits then in place”
Did they ask why?
 Is it because these guys are supermen? Cloned from mother Teresa Or is it because surgical consultants are a little more sadistic and vengeful than their medical colleagues ?

Dr.Hariharan Ramamurthy .M.D.
Howard County Community Clinic, Big Spring, TX , USA

IRSI /Quality Healthcare and longevity

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