Saturday, April 14, 2018

"officeless" doctor

The promise of the paperless office never materialized, but the concept of an “officeless” doctor is intriguing.

In our quest for peak productivity, we have altered the
product: what was a relationship is now strictly a service. The real appeal
of a return to the home visit is that it may restore the physician-patient
relationship to its rightful place. In his own home, the patient achieves a
one-on-one closeness and commands the sole focus of the physician. In the
office, he is one of many, receiving the divided attention of a harried, multitasking
doctor. The take-a-number format of the busy bakery or delicatessen
may work to serve food efficiently, but it doesn’t foster the personal
and social component of a visit with the doctor. Done right, a house call
takes time; that is a good thing.

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