Sunday, June 10, 2018

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation


QUESTION:  A friend of mine seems to have become a totally new person.  He
used to be one of the most uptight people I knew.  Now there's a new relaxed
way about him.  He told me he does something called Progressive Muscle
Relaxation.  Please tell me what this is.


ANSWER:  Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that aids in stress
reduction by working through each muscle group in the body to remove stress.
It is based on the concept of the mind-body connection--that relaxation of
the musculature produces mental relaxation.  The technique involved is
actually quite simple, the effect quite successful.  The best way to do
Progressive Muscle Relaxation is in a recliner with head and foot rests, but a
couch or a pad on the floor with a pillow under the head will serve well too.
The room should be quiet and peaceful, with no phones or other interruptions.
Soft background music can be used if you want.  Clothing should be loose and
comfortable and no shoes should be worn.
     You should begin by lying down and stretching comfortably.  Arms and legs
should not be crossed.  Breathe deeply, then begin by clenching each hand to a
tense state, and then release that tension.  Concentrate on the difference
between the tense and relaxed muscles.  Proceed to tense and relax each part
of the arms--the forearms, biceps, triceps, neck, shoulder, upper back.  Then
go on to the facial area.  Wrinkle up your forehead, then release the tension.
Tense up your eyebrows, then release.  Proceed to the jaws, lips, tongue,
throat area, and neck.  Now do the same tensing and relaxing procedure going
down slowly through your entire body.
     Take time several times a week to practice this relaxing technique, and
perhaps you too will feel like a new person.


The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician.  Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical

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