Friday, June 14, 2019

Efficacy of Accent Modification Training for International Medical Professionals

significant improvement in their abilities to pronounce words distinctly, stress words or syllables more accurately and use body language/facial expressions appropriately.

Communication skills are not an optional extra in medical training. Without appropriate communication skills, all our knowledge and intellectual efforts can easily be wasted. — Kurtz, Silverman, & Draper 2004

The program focused on reducing, not eliminating, a foreign accent, since elimination is usually unrealistic and unnecessary. In addition, the program helped participants minimise discomfort with small talk by increasing their knowledge of regional dialects, slang, grammar and cultural differences in communication styles.

the way they stressed words or syllables (37%), their accuracy in pronouncing words (22%), their intonation and fluency of speech (22%) and the volume at which they spoke (21%).

improvement in the participants’ ability to communicate like a native speaker of English (40%), to use their hands (29%) and facial expressions (27%) appropriately and to stress words or syllables more accurately (26%). They also noted an improvement in the participants’ speed of communication (24%) and pronunciation of words (21%) (Table 2).

this training as a valuable investment

learn to communicate in a manner that is consistent with US language and cultural norm 

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