Tuesday, September 24, 2019

snitchiest technology/single digital ID card for every Indian.

  First was  PAN card
Then came Adhar card now this guy Amit shah wants a single digital ID card for every Indian.

"I got back to class and sat down again, Ms. Galvez warmly welcoming me back. I unpacked the school's standard-issue ma- chine and got back into classroom mode. The SchoolBooks were the snitchiest technology of them all, logging every keystroke, watching all the network traffic for suspicious keywords, counting every click, keeping track of every fleeting thought you put out over the net. We'd gotten them in my junior year, and it only took a couple months for the shininess to wear off. Once people figured out that these "free" laptops worked for the man—and showed a never-ending parade of obnoxious ads to boot—they suddenly started to feel very heavy and burdensome."

Little Brother

By Cory Doctorow

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