Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why patients stop taking their medications?

most chronically mentally ill patients quit taking their medications every so often
The patients do this for several significant reasons. First, they don•t like the Side effects stRh as decreased sexual functioning (they become impotent in the case of males and have no sexual desire in the case of females). Also, the drugs decrease their energy, along With slowing down their mental processes. They tend to make them gain weight. Often, the patient decides that he or she is cured and no longer needs the medicines. No matter how often you tell them that they are not cured, they will keep going off of the medicines as soon as their symptoms of mental illness subside. This results in the slow return of their symptoms until they reach a crisis, return to the hospital, and get put back on their medicines. Even then they sometimes refuse to Start the medicine again. This was the case With this young man. 

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