Saturday, November 30, 2019

Substance Abuse In Health Care

Doctors and nurses account for one of the highest rates of addiction in the workforce. According to USA Today, “Across the country, more than 100,000 doctors, nurses, technicians and other health professionals struggle with abuse or addiction, mostly involving narcotics such as Oxycodone and Fentanyl.”

Work Stress
Easy availability
emotional pain from a day of hard decisions and upsetting outcomes.
What sets doctors and nurses apart from other professionals is their accessibility to highly sought-after drugs — because it’s easier for them to get the drugs, it’s easier to create or feed an addiction.


 What is the difference between God and a Surgeon ?

 God does not think he is a surgeon.

 Looking for a way to stay alert on an all-day or overnight shift 

A way to escape the emotional pain from a day of hard decisions and upsetting outcomes.

Like many other working professionals facing an addiction, there are many reasons a medical professional might turn to drugs or alcohol. They could be looking for a way to stay alert on an all-day or overnight shift or a way to escape the emotional pain from a day of hard decisions and upsetting outcomes.
What sets doctors and nurses apart from other professionals is their accessibility to highly sought-after drugs — because it’s easier for them to get the drugs, it’s easier to create or feed an addiction.
The rate at which doctors and nurses suffer from addiction may be high, but this subgroup of people also has a high rate of recovery when they get treatment.

Signs Of Addiction Within Medical Professionals

Recognizing a drug or alcohol dependence in doctors or nurses can be difficult because many are considered to be highly functional addicts. This means that they are able to maintain their career, home life and substance abuse for a period of time without others noticing.
Common signs of addiction in doctors and nurses include:
  • Changing jobs frequently
  • Preferring night shifts where there is less supervision and more access to medication
  • Falling asleep on the job or in-between shifts
  • Volunteering often to administer narcotics to patients
  • Anxiousness about working overtime or extra shifts
  • Taking frequent bathroom breaks or unexplained absences
  • Smelling of alcohol or excessively using breath mints or mouthwash
  • Extreme financial, relationship or family stress
  • Glassy eyes or small pupils
  • Unusually friendly relationship with doctors that prescribe medications
  • Incomplete charting or repeated errors in paperwork

Why Medical Professionals Turn To Drugs of Alcohol

There are many unique aspects of a doctor or nurse’s profession that makes them more likely than other occupations to form a substance addiction.
A common reason that medical professionals may be tempted to abuse substances such as Oxycodone or Fentanyl is due to the easy access they have to powerful prescription medications that aren’t properly accounted for as they are administered. They also have an extensive understanding of the effects these substances have on an individual and this may motivate them to try to mimic these sensations in themselves in order to produce a high or euphoria.
Along with their unpredictable and exhausting work hours, medical professionals are required to make spur-of-the-moment decisions regarding their patients’ health and wellbeing. If they feel responsible for a certain outcome or come to regret a choice that was made, this can greatly affect their emotions and mental state, leading to substance abuse.

The Effects Of Addiction In The Workplace

An addicted medical professional is more likely than their non-addicted colleagues to cause an accident in the workplace or neglect patients’ health. They may be distracted on the job or abruptly leave important appointments or surgical procedures to use drugs.
Sometimes I’d be standing in the operating room and it’d look like I had the flu. So I’d excuse myself and I’d run into the bathroom, eat 10 [Tylenols with codeine], and in maybe five or 10 minutes I’d be normal again.

- Richard Ready, former chief resident of neurosurgery at a prominent Chicago hospital, LA Times
Doctors and nurses suffering from addiction are not only putting their own health at risk, but also the wellbeing of patients in their care. It may be hard for a medical professional to accept they have an addiction, but the sooner that the addiction is faced head on, the better. This can help prevent accidents on the job or not attending to important signs of health issues in patients.

1 comment:

jatin said...

A commonplace part offered in non 12 phase drug rehab centers is biophysical drug detoxification. It fills two needs. The person's body is purified of the significant number of substances. The cell level is the way far this goes. This is done through dietary upgrades, clinical saunas, and light exercise. The body and mind are permitted to rest after the injury of the drug use. An individual is restored once this is done. Their mental state is better and they are not tangled. They would then have the option to begin the route toward working through the excited side of the obsession. This is done through individual managing and life educating in non-normal rehabs. Through this technique they learn self-reinforcing, which empowers them choose the right choices to remain drug free, notwithstanding they become more familiar with and, for example, themselves.
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