Thursday, January 23, 2020

Office workers would welcome automation of repetitive digital tasks

Office workers would welcome automation of repetitive digital tasks, says survey
Data entry is the most hated of tasks and workers are wasting more than 40% of their day on manual data tasks.

Larry Dignan
By Larry Dignan for Between the Lines | January 21, 2020 -- 08:01 GMT (00:01 PST) | Topic: Artificial Intelligence

A survey of more than 10,000 office workers found that they're more than willing to accept automation if it can reduce that manual computer tasks and data entry that's taking up hours of their day.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Automation Anywhere, found that data entry is the most hated of tasks and workers are wasting more than 40% of their day on manual data tasks. Now the findings of a survey sponsored by a robotics process automation firm should be taken with a grain of salt, but it's clear there are plenty of people that would like a digital twin or coworker.

One of today's biggest opportunities for IT to make an impact is by automating business processes, manufacturing, repetitive tasks, and more.

Key findings include:

47% of workers surveyed and expressing an opinion found digital administration tasks boring.
51% said that manual digital tasks get in the way of doing their main job.
64% said repetitive digital tasks cut their productivity.
87% of workers would like their employers to automate digital tasks and processes.
20.2% of respondents said general data entry was the most hated task with 19.9% citing managing email traffic.
76% of global respondents believe humans shouldn't be doing repetitive digital work if it can be automated.
57.6% of respondents said they often feel overwhelmed trying to manage the volume of messages at work from email to messaging collaboration software.

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