Friday, July 24, 2020

If we had a way of manufacturing young cartilage for your weight-bearing joints,

If we had a way of manufacturing young cartilage for your weight-bearing joints, your knee and your hip, that would be absolutely fantastic. The number one complaint in an aging population is the pain of osteoarthritis, and it’s really as simple as a tire wearing out on an automobile. The cartilage wears out, you get bone on bone, and that’s very painful. So if we could just put that cartilage back, like putting a new tire on, we would already solve the number one complaint of an aging population. Well, pluripotent stem cells allow us to make young cells of every kind on an industrial scale. And we now know how to make them so that your immune system would not reject them. So that’d be off-the-shelf products for all people. We can envision fixing that problem.

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