Wednesday, August 05, 2020

The armor goes where the bullet holes aren't.

The armor goes where the bullet holes aren't.

So here's the question. You don't want your planes to get shot down by enemy fighters, so you armor them. But armor makes the plane heavier, and heavier planes are less maneuverable and use more fuel. Armoring the planes too much is a problem; armoring the planes too little is a problem. Somewhere in between there's an optimum. The reason you
have a team of mathematicians socked away in an apartment in New York City is to figure out where that optimum is. The military came to the SRG with some data they thought might be useful. When American planes came back from engagements over Eu- rope, they were covered in bullet holes. But the damage wasn't uniformly distributed across the aircraft. There were more bullet holes in the fuselage, not so many in the engines.

Section of plane    Bullet holes per square foot 
Engine                     1.11
Fuselage                     1.73 
Fuel system                   1.55
Rest of the plane               1.8

The officers saw an opportunity for efficiency; you can get the same protection with less armor if you concentrate the armor on the places with the greatest need, where the planes are getting hit the most. But exactly how much more armor belonged on those parts of the plane? That was the answer they came to Wald for. It wasn't the answer they got. The armor, said Wald, doesn't go where the bullet holes are. It goes where the bullet holes aren't: on the engines. Wald's insight was simply to ask: where are the missing holes? The ones that would have been all over the engine casing, if the damage had been spread equally all over the plane? Wald was pretty sure he knew. The missing bullet holes were on the missing planes. The reason planes were coming back with fewer hits to the engine is that planes that got hit in the engine weren't coming back. Whereas the large number of planes returning to base with a thoroughly Swiss-cheesed fuselage is pretty strong evidence that hits to the fuselage can (and therefore should) be tolerated. If you go to the recovery room at the hospital, you'll see a lot
more people with bullet holes in their legs than people with bullet holes in their chests. But that's not because people don't get shot in the chest; it's because the people who get shot in the chest don't recover. Here's an old mathematician's trick that makes the picture perfectly WHEN AM GOING TO USE THIS? clear: set some variables to zero. In this case, the variable to tweak is the probability that a plane that takes a hit to the engine manages to stay in the air. Setting that probability to zero means a single shot to the engine is guaranteed to bring the plane down. What would the data look like

then? You'd have planes coming back with bullet holes all over the wings, the fuselage, the nose—but none at all on the engine. The military analyst has two options for explaining this: either the German bullets just happen to hit every part of the plane but one, or the engine is a point of total vulnerability. Both stories explain the data, but the latter makes a lot more sense. The armor goes where the bullet holes aren't. Wald's recommendations were quickly put into effect, and were still being used by the navy and the air force through the wars in Korea and Vietnam. I can't tell you exactly how many American planes they saved, though the data-slinging descendants of the SRG inside today's military no doubt have a pretty good idea. One thing the American defense establishment has traditionally understood very well is that countries don't win wars just by being braver than the other side, or freer, or slightly preferred by God. The winners are usually the guys who get 5% fewer of their planes shot down, or use 5% less fuel, or get 5% more nutrition into their infantry at 95% of the cost. That's not the stuff war movies are made of, but it's the stuff wars are made of. And there's math every step of the way. Why did Wald see what the officers, who had vastly more knowledge and understanding of aerial combat, couldn't? It comes back to his math- trained habits of thought. A mathematician is always asking, "What assumptions are you making? And are they justified?" This can be annoying. But it can also be very productive. In this case, the officers were making an assumption unwittingly: that the planes that came back were a random sample of all the planes. If that were true, you could draw conclusions about the distribution of bullet holes on all the planes by examining the distribution of bullet holes on only the surviving planes. Once you recognize that you've been making that hypothesis, it takes only a moment to realize it's dead wrong; there's no reason at all to expect the planes to have an equal likelihood of survival no matter where they get HOW NOT TO BE WRONG hit. In a piece of mathematical lingo we'll come back to in chapter 15, the rate of survival and the location of the bullet holes are correlated. Wald's other advantage was his tendency toward abstraction. Wolfowitz, who had studied under Wald at Columbia, wrote that the problems he favored were "all of the most abstract sort," and that he was "always ready to talk about mathematics, but uninterested in popularization and special applications." Wald's personality made it hard for him to focus his attention on applied problems, it's true. The details of planes and guns were, to his eye, so much upholstery—he peered right through to the mathematical struts and nails holding the story together. Sometimes that approach can lead you to ignore features of the problem that really matter. But it also lets you see the common skeleton shared by problems that look very different on the surface. Thus you have meaningful experience even in areas where you appear to have none. To a mathematician, the structure underlying the bullet hole problem is a phenomenon called survivorship bias. It arises again and again, in all kinds of contexts. And once you're familiar with it, as Wald was, you're primed to notice it wherever it's hiding.

Like mutual funds. Judging the performance of funds is an area where you don't want to be wrong, even by a little bit. A shift of 1% in annual growth might be the difference between a valuable financial asset and a dog. The funds in Morningstar's Large Blend category, whose mutual funds invest in big companies that roughly represent the S&P 500, look like the former kind. The funds in this class grew an average of 178.4% between 1995 and 2004: a healthy 10.8% per year: Sounds like you'd do well, if you had cash on hand, to invest in those funds, no? Well, no. A 2006 study by Savant Capital shone a somewhat colder light on those numbers. Think again about how Morningstar generates its number. It's 2004, you take all the funds classified as Large Blend, and you see how much they grew over the last ten years. But something's missing: the funds that aren't there. Mutual funds don't live forever. Some flourish, some die. The ones that die are, by and large, the ones that don't make money. So judging a decade's worth of mutual funds by the ones that still exist at the end of the ten years is like judging our pilots' evasive maneuvers by counting the bullet holes in the planes that come back. What would it mean if we never found more than one bullet hole per plane? Not that our pilots are brilliant at dodging enemy fire, but that the planes that got hit twice went down in flames. The Savant study found that if you included the performance of the dead funds together with the surviving ones, the rate of return dropped down to 134.5%, a much more ordinary 8.9% per year. More recent research backed that up: a comprehensive 2011 study in the Review of Finance covering nearly 5,000 funds found that the excess return rate of the 2,641 survivors is about 20% higher than the same figure recomputed to include the funds that didn't make it. The size of the survivorship effect might have surprised investors, but it probably wouldn't have surprised Abraham Wald.

Excerpt from 

How Not to be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking

By Jordan Ellenberg

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