Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dreams, yawning and orgasm

One of the most intence pleasurable sensations a man (or woman )can experience is the orgasm.
so much so in a science fiction classic the ability to record and replay emotions becomes common place an old engineer records an orgasm from a young couple then he starts using and reusing the tape to get the sensation over and over again so much so that he becomes like one of those rats with an electrode implanted in their pleasure center who keep on self stimulating ignoring all other activity .
he is so much in to this that he is committed by his wife to a mental asylum.
which neural stimulus produces this sensation (short of mastrubation which almost every boy and man knows )?
this is a question to be answered in detail .
there was a glimmer when it was reported patients who were taking the drug "clomiopramine " developed an orgasm when they yawned.

the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus is the trigger of yawning when stimulated by electrical impulses and chemicals such as histamine ( histamine the neglected neurotransmitter at a differenttime ).
so is the orgasmic center near the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus .
is there a way to produce orgasm on demand ?
is there a fatigue and nonreactive period for orgasm
why do mebn get orgasms more easily but are single but in women they are multiple ?
is this an inherent capbility or a learned reaction ?
I am r4ading up on all available material and may be soon will be able to report more stuff till then happy J*&king ;-)

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