Thursday, October 06, 2016


My wet dreams

 The one recurring Dream I have usually goes like this.
I  am running from one  restroom to another  each one  of them  is  either  blocked  and  overflowing  ,is under repairs  or  when  I  enter the  restroom  the  toilet bowl is  either  too small  for me to use  or  it is  disconnected  somehow .

After a few turns going around like this I wake up with a full bladder and have to go to bathroom.
 I used to be  a very deep sleeper  when I was  young  so much so my mother had a tough time waking me  up  from sleep  during  morning  to get me ready  for school. (Getting ready for school in those days was totally different from  what it is now a days, another blog post on that some other  time)
Due to  either  my deep sleep  or due to some  immature neuronal pathways  I used to have  a bed wetting  problem when  I was  a child.
Even today  when I am  60 years old  the  one  fear  I have  is  that  I might   go back to  wetting  my bed/i.e. lose control  of my bladder . I do not have   fears of losing control of my bowel
 increasing number of  advertisements for  adult diapers (they are no longer called adult diapers  in advertisements)
and  only a very few  show  couples who look like they are really wearing them all others are like those airbrushed  play boy penthouse center spread models  totally phony.

By the way does anyone know how many designer brands of  depends are marketed ?

Why Are Baby Diapers Named ‘Luvs’ While Adult Diapers Are Named ‘Depends’? – ‘The Why’
Posted by: Will Phoenix November 2, 2014
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Welcome to the newest edition of The Why.  “Why are baby diapers named ‘Luvs’, ‘Huggies’ and ‘Pampers’ while adult diapers are named ‘Depends’?” you ask? That’s a good question. It’s probably one of those questions from a stand-up comedy routine but that’s OK. (It’s better than answering the question: “Why do they call my autistic little brother Special K when that’s a diet cereal and not a kid’s cereal?”)
Poopies?Image: FreakingNews
It seems that no one knows why “Luvs” are called “Luvs”. Ditto for “Huggies”. Neither brand mentioned anything on their websites.
A gal named Christa who writes for was wondering about the origins of diaper names including “Pampers”. She had no more luck than yours truly.
She admitted: “I couldn’t find an article or anything. So this is where I am going to put my opinion forward and suggest that the key to the answer lies in the English language. Many brands are named based on simple ideas. And my assumption of the Pampers brand name is that the name simply describes the qualities of the modern disposable diaper.”
Seriously, think about it. Someone is cleaning up your crap and wiping your butt for you. How much more pampered can you be?
She and your clever columnist were both left to consider the English language itself. As she pointed out “pampers” basically “means to feel comfortable, to be spoiled. And this is exactly what Pampers is – a comfortable diaper which spoils both the baby and the people taking care of it.”
There was no clue as to the origins of the name “Depends” either. (Which must mean some of you guys ask some odd questions but y’all already know that, don’t ya?)
Thongies: Image: Epola/DeviantArt
Here is the popular explanation, at any rate. When babies take a toxic waste dump in their little diapers, people will still “luv” them “hug” them and “pamper” them.
When very old people take a dump in their pants, whether or not anyone takes care of them and cleans up after them “depends” on who is in their will.
(At least now you know a little more than most people.)
You ask the questions.  We provide the answers.

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