Thursday, May 04, 2017

Personal Law An Oxymoron if ever there was one

"Personal Law"

 The whole idea of The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB)

sounds funny to me. So I can have my own " Hariharan's Personal law" where I can marry five women  and divorce them by saying  divorce, divorce,divorce and finally divorce?
or go around  not wearing clothes to the supreme court of India ( some jain muni's are allowed to do this )

where is The All India Atheist,communist/Hindu/christian/sikh/jain/buddhist/animist ETC ETC  Personal Law Board s in the picture ?

 There should be one law for all citizens a in a just democracy

Another thing very funny is the cherry picking style of these so called personal law  boards 
 we do not want amputations for stealing, stoning for adultery, beheading for murder but want triple talaq.

Some gems from a woman who wants to be stoned to death for getting raped ( Analogy drawn from cases where Sharia is strictly practiced)
"Some people are trying to create “an atmosphere that the Muslim community has a high rate of divorce”, chief organiser of the AIMPLB’s women wing Asma Zohra said while addressing a gathering of about 20,000 women at a workshop in Eidgah here.
“We have received 3.50 crore forms in favour of Shariyat and Triple Talaq from Muslim women in the country and the number of women against these are very less,” she claimed.
“It is a conspiracy to malign the Muslim community and an attempt to break the social structure of the community in the name of women’s rights,” Zohra alleged."

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