Thursday, December 07, 2017

Now Doctors have to be actors too!

Now Doctors have to be actors too!

 From  Medical economics  11/25/2017

"Should patients be allowed to record their doctors?

You are about to explain some exercises you'd like your patient to do for her injured neck. She holds up her phone and asks if it's OK to record your advice so she can remember it better and so she can share it with her caregiver.
Should you let her? ( with most cell phones it will be) a video recording for sure!
It’s a question more physicians may be facing soon. Cellphones are ubiquitous and patients are increasingly accustomed to using these tools to document their daily lives. Indeed, one recent UK study showed that 15% of patients are secretly recording doctor visits already.The study also found that 11% of patients said they knew someone who had done this and 35% said they'd consider secretly recording in the future. Another 34% would record if given permission.
Smartphones are transforming professional conversations, says the study’s author, Glyn Elwyn, MD, a professor at Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and former primary care physician. "Patients are beginning to understand that they have a legitimate right to request a recording."
 And Doctors have a legitimate right to deny a request for a recording.

Let me give you a reason.
when I am giving oral instructions it is like a summary, it is to make it easy for the patient. it is not the whole enchilada which can be used by his/her lawyer.
( I would like to see the face of that lawyer if his client  requests the  same type of recording for his advice)
I can always hand him /her a bunch of paper having the instructions. the  ER routinely does this Hospitals do this, and  90 % of patients do not read them.
( Disclaimer: this is not based on and  Randomized double-blind control trial)

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