Sunday, December 17, 2017

Why does every company, which becomes a Mega Corporation, suddenly loses touch with its customers who helped it by being beta testers?

how come your left-hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing? is it something to do with your artificial intelligence algorithm?

Why does every company which becomes a Mega Corporation, suddenly loses touch with its customers who helped it by being beta testers?

I have been an early adopter of both speech to text and machine translation.
I have been using Dragon Naturally Speaking from version number 3, and have seen how the original company which was so responsive to customer complaints and suggestions was slowly getting replaced by bigger and bigger corporations and the present Nuance Corporation has the worst customer service.
they are yet to adopt the Universal Unicode system.
Every question which is  Ask nowadays goes into a black hole.

it is the same with the Google corporation which has become alphabet now.
I have been using the translator toolkit for the last 10+ years
and have seen (where is/ radius  radius Warriors  Google speech tool :-) ) various improvements.
It keeps Coming up with this stupid tradition suggestion when I am dictating this in perfect silence around me using the same microphone in the same position.

We're having trouble hearing you. If you are experiencing issues, try moving to a quieter place or using an external microphone.Dismiss

but at the same time The response of the  Developers 2 Italian actors Google speech tool :-)/ early adopters almost Zero.
especially after they have started using this so-called {new row/ new row/ neural network Google speech tool :-)} Network machine translation.

the tokenizer /chunker they use is terrible.
for many English to Telugu translation, many times it gives invariably opposite meanings.
The editing tool is so primitive not even a non-professional {I met you/ I'll make sure/ I make sure/ I meant your/} amateur like me can give them quite a few pointers.
tools available in one program are not available in another program produced by the same company.
there is a good speech dictation app available in Google Docs which is not available as I separate extension to Chrome.
I cannot use it in "Blogger."
A simple spelling correction user interface is f***** up by the {Developer shop/} Developers of "Blogger."
 Google photos is not opened in Blogger when I want to add a picture.They promised increased storage for people with local guide in maps then reneged on it.

There is a choice in Blue Rocks/ Google Docs which says publish to the web.
when I try to publish it to blogger it shows up as{I there you are }as a URL

how come your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing? is it something to do with your artificial intelligence algorithm?

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