Thursday, November 15, 2018


communication is a vital part of our daily rou-
tines. We sit in school and listen to teachers. We
read books and magazines. We talk to friends, watch
television, and communicate Over the Internet.
The workplace is no different. Experts tell us that
70—80 percent Of our working time is Spent in some
kind of communication. We're reading and writing
memos, sending and responding to emails, listening
to our coworkers, or having one-to-one conversa-
tians with our supervisors.
Communication involve; at least two people: the
sender and the receiver. [rl this book, we'll 100k at
four types Of communication between senders and
receivers: writing, speaking, listening, and corlduct
ing meetings. Each One is important to your success
in the workplace.
For example, a poorly written cover letter can pre
vent you from being hired for a job. On the other
hand, the ability to write effectively and make clear

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