Sunday, November 18, 2018

CCH_sternal intraosseous (IO) access_Tibial intraosseous (IO) access

Sternal intraosseous (IO) access
Tibial intraosseous (IO) access
Download a PDF for  long bone IO access 
Another PDF in more detail regarding IO access I have lost count of the number of "saphenous vein cut downs" I had performed  during my 15 years of medical practice.I have not done  single one after coming to USA!
The Government health setup in India is in a pathetic condition today., almost moribund.3 decades ago it was limping but still delivered commendable healthcare to the  majority of the population.
With the  advent  of corporate hospitals and  naked commercialization  of healthcare
 the Government health setup in India is on  life support. some feeble attempts are made  more to gain  political advantage  rather than   real help to poor patients in rural as well as urban areas.

The various gadgets and catheters used  in USA for getting vascular access was amazing  to me  in the early years.

While I was a pediatric surgeon, I sadly had to perform an upper extremity amputation in a small child who was given IV fluids for diarrhea using a butterfly needle.The extremity was confined on a makeshift splint and the sharp needle easily damaged the vein and mauch IV fluid got extravasated  and  the  confining  tape cut off the circulation.I can only imagine the severe pain the child must have had. Mind you this did not happen in some remote village but in the capital city of Hyderabad.

The simple technique of  intraosseous (IO) access was almost never used .
a reason given was possible osteomyelitis.and the  lack of simple equipment to do this.

Sternal intraosseous (IO) access

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