Saturday, December 15, 2018

Not only Chinese but all developing countries scientists should fear an overreaction

 Continuing on  the  He Jiankui experiment .
This is the usual Propaganda and  misinformation  by the  Judaeo christian  Western elitist view  that  what they profess are the  only ethical way to conduct experiments. and  the  story of Sour grapes and the fox.
But be ware of the  fox.
They crushed  South Korea's   Cloning experiments  only to loosen laws in their own countries.
Now they want to crush the Chinese's CRISPR experiment.
They have  already successfully bought  a few  corrupt and  ignorant  Scientific  Mandarins  and  stifled all cloning  research in India

However, Robin Alta Charo, professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin, told the newspaper during the Hong Kong summit that He’s actions had sparked mistrust from the public and government leaders.
Chinese scientists fear an overreaction 
Charo said He’s work was premature ( We did not think of it first) and her biggest fear was that it would make it more difficult for scientists to proceed in a responsible manner( our dumb politicians  will over react & restrict us from  copying), as the government and advocacy groups might call for legal actions against any attempt even if the science had already developed.

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