Monday, November 05, 2018


Before the discovery of insulin, type 1 diabetes – where insulin
deficiency can lead to ketoacidosis – was invariably fatal. Since
the introduction of insulin, the therapeutic focus has broadened
from treating and preventing diabetic ketoacidosis to preventing
long-term vascular complications. Type 2 diabetes – where
Insulin resistance and a relative lack of insulin lead to hyperglycemia
– not only causes symptoms related directly to hyperglycemia
(polyuria, polydipsia and blurred vision – see below),
but is also a very powerful risk factor for atheromatous disease.
Glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus are increasingly
prevalent in affluent and developing countries, and represent a
major public health challenge. Addressing risk factors distinct
from blood glucose, especially hypertension, is of paramount
importance and is covered elsewhere (Chapters 27 and 28). In
this chapter, we focus mainly on the types of insulin and oral
hypoglycaemic agents.
Insulin is secreted by β-cells (also called B-cells) of the islets of
Langerhans. It lowers blood glucose, but also modulates the
metabolic disposition of fats and amino acids, as well as carbohydrate.
It is secreted together with inactive C-peptide, which
provides a useful index of insulin secretion: its plasma concentration
is low or absent in patients with type 1 diabetes, but
very high in patients with insulinoma (an uncommon tumor
which causes hypoglycaemia by secreting insulin). This should
not be confused with ‘C-reactive peptide’ (CRP) which is an
acute phase protein synthesized by the liver and used as a nonspecific
index of inflammation. C-peptide concentration is not
elevated in patients with hypoglycaemia caused by injection of
Diabetes mellitus (fasting blood glucose concentration
7 mmol/L) is caused by an absolute or relative lack of
insulin. In type 1 diabetes there is an absolute deficiency of
insulin. Such patients are usually young and non-obese at
presentation. There is an inherited predisposition. However,
concordance in identical twins is somewhat less than 50%, so
it is believed that genetically predisposed individuals must
also be exposed to an environmental factor. Viruses (including
Coxsackie and Echo viruses) are one such factor and may initiate
an autoimmune process that then destroys the islet cells.
In type 2 diabetes there is a relative lack of insulin secretion,
coupled with marked resistance to its action. The circulating
concentration of immunoreactive insulin measured by standard
assays (which do not discriminate well between insulin
and pro-insulin) may be normal or even increased, but more
discriminating assays indicate that there is an increase in proinsulin,
and that the true insulin concentration is reduced.
Such patients are usually middle-aged or older at presentation,
and obese. Concordance of this form of diabetes in identical
twins is nearly 100%. Type 2 diabetes is rarely if ever associated
with diabetic ketoacidosis, although it can be complicated by
non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma or, rarely (in association with
treatment with a biguanide drug such as metformin, see
below), with lactic acidosis.
An increased concentration of glucose in the circulating
blood gives rise to osmotic effects:
1. diuresis (polyuria) with consequent circulating volume
reduction, causing thirst and polydipsia;
2. the refractive index of a high glucose concentration
solution in the eye differs from healthy aqueous humor,
causing blurred vision.
In addition, glycosuria predisposes to Candida infection, especially
in women. The loss of calories in the urine is coupled
with inability to store energy as glycogen or fat, or to lay down
protein in muscle, and weight loss with loss of fat and muscle
(‘Amyotrophy’) is common in uncontrolled diabetics.
Both types of diabetes mellitus are complicated by vascular
complications. Microvascular complications include retinopathy,
which consists of background retinopathy (dot and
blot hemorrhages and hard exudates which do not of themselves
threaten vision), and proliferative retinopathy which
can cause retinal hemorrhage and blindness. Cataracts are
common. Diabetic neuropathy causes a glove and stocking
distribution of loss of sensation with associated painful
paraesthesiae. Approximately one-third of diabetic patients
develop diabetic nephropathy, which leads to renal failure.
Microalbuminuria is a forerunner of overt diabetic
Macrovascular disease is the result of accelerated atheroma
and results in an increased incidence of myocardial infarction,
peripheral vascular disease and stroke. There is a strong association
(pointed out by Reaven in his 1988 Banting Lecture at
the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association)
between diabetes and obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia
(especially hypertriglyceridemia), and type 2 diabetes is
strongly associated with endothelial dysfunction, an early
event in atherogenesis (Chapter 27).
It is important to define ambitious but achievable goals for each
patient. In young type 1 patients there is good evidence that
improved diabetic control reduces microvascular complications.
It is well worth trying hard to minimize the metabolic derangement
associated with diabetes mellitus in order to reduce the
development of such complications. Education and support are
essential to motivate the patient to learn how to adjust their
insulin dose to optimize glycaemic control. This can only be
achieved by the patient performing blood glucose monitoring at
home and learning to adjust their insulin dose accordingly. The
treatment regimen must be individualized. A common strategy
is to combine injections of a short-acting insulin before each
meal with a once daily injection of a long-acting insulin to provide
a low steady background level during the night. Follow up
must include structured care with assessment of chronic glycaemic
control using HbA1c and regular screening for evidence
of microvascular disease. This is especially important in the case
of proliferative retinopathy and maculopathy, because prophylactic
laser therapy can prevent blindness.
By contrast, striving for tight control of blood sugar in type 2
patients is only appropriate in selected cases. Tight control
reduces macrovascular complications, but at the expense of
increased hypoglycemic attacks, and the number of patients
that needs to be treated in this way to prevent one cardiovascular
event is large. In contrast, aggressive treatment of hypertension
is of substantial benefit, and the target blood pressure
should be lower than in non-diabetic patients (
130 mmHg systolic
80 mmHg diastolic, see Chapter 28). In older type 2
patients, hypoglycemic treatment aims to minimize symptoms
of polyuria, polydipsia or recurrent Candida infection, and to prevent
hyperosmolar coma.
It is important to achieve and maintain ideal body weight on a
non-atherogenic diet. Caloric intake must be matched with
insulin injections. Patients who rely on injected insulin must
time their food intake accordingly. Simple sugars should be
restricted because they are rapidly absorbed, causing postprandial
hyperglycemia, and should be replaced by foods
that give rise to delayed and reduced glucose absorption,
analogous to slow release drugs (quantified by nutritionists as
‘glycaemic index’). (Artificial sweeteners are useful for those
with a ‘sweet tooth’.) A fiber-rich diet reduces peak glucose
levels after meals and reduces the insulin requirement. Beans
and lentils flatten the glucose absorption curve. Saturated fat
and cholesterol intake should be minimized. Low fat sources
of protein are favored. There is no place for commercially
promoted ‘special diabetic foods’, which are expensive and
also often high in fat and calories at the expense of complex
Insulin is a polypeptide. Animal insulins have been almost
entirely replaced by recombinant human insulin and related
analogues. These are of consistent quality and cause fewer
allergic effects. Insulin is available in several formulations
(e.g. with protamine and/or with zinc) which differ in pharmacokinetic
properties, especially their rates of absorption
and durations of action. So-called ‘designer’ insulins are synthetic
polypeptides closely related to insulin, but with small
changes in amino acid composition which change their properties.
For example, a lysine and a proline residue are
switched in insulin lispro, which consequently has a very
rapid absorption and onset (and can therefore be injected
immediately before a meal), whereas insulin glargine is very
slow acting and is used to provide a low level of insulin activity
during the 24-hour period.
Insulin is indicated in all patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
(although it is not strictly necessary during the early ‘honeymoon’
period before islet cell destruction is complete) and
in about one-third of patients with type 2 disease. Insulin is
usually administered by subcutaneous injection, although
recently an inhaled preparation has been licensed for use in
type 2 diabetics. (Note: This was not commercially successful,
and has been withdrawn in the UK for this reason.) The effective
dose of human insulin is usually rather less than that of
animal insulins because of the lack of production of blocking
antibodies. Consequently, the dose is reduced when switching
from animal to human insulin.
Soluble insulin is the only preparation suitable for intravenous
use. It is administered intravenously in diabetic emergencies
and given subcutaneously before meals in chronic
management. Formulations of human insulins are available in
various ratios of short-acting and longer-lasting forms (e.g.
30:70, commonly used twice daily). Some of these are marketed
in prefilled injection devices (‘pens’) which are convenient for
patients. The small dose of soluble insulin controls hyperglycemia
just after the injection. The main danger is of hypoglycaemia
in the early hours of the morning. When starting a
diabetic on a two dose per day regime, it is therefore helpful to
divide the daily dose into two-thirds to be given before breakfast
and one-third to be given before the evening meal. If the
patient engages in strenuous physical work, the morning dose
of insulin is reduced somewhat to prevent exercise-induced
Insulin is also required for symptomatic type 2 diabetics
in whom diet and/or oral hypoglycemic drugs fail.
Unfortunately, insulin makes weight loss considerably more
difficult because it stimulates appetite, but its anabolic effects are
valuable in wasted patients with diabetic amyotrophy. Insulin is
needed in acute diabetic emergencies such as ketoacidosis, during
pregnancy, peri-operatively and in severe intercurrent disease
(infections, myocardial infarction, burns, etc.).
Insulin requirements are increased by up to one-third by
intercurrent infection and patients must be instructed to intensify
home blood glucose monitoring when they have a cold or
other infection (even if they are eating less than usual) and
increase the insulin dose if necessary. The dose will subsequently
need to be reduced when the infection has cleared. Vomiting
often causes patients incorrectly to stop injecting insulin (for
fear of hypoglycaemia) and this may result in ketoacidosis.
Patients for elective surgery should be changed to soluble
insulin preoperatively. During surgery, soluble insulin can be
infused i.v. with glucose to produce a blood glucose concentration
of 6–8 mmol/L. This is continued post-operatively until
oral feeding and intermittent subcutaneous injections
of insulin can be resumed. A similar regime is suitable for
emergency operations, but more frequent measurements of
blood glucose are required. Patients with type 2 diabetes can
sometimes be managed without insulin, but the blood glucose
must be regularly checked during the post-operative period.
The metabolic changes in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) resemble
those of starvation since, despite increased plasma glucose concentrations,
glucose is not available intracellularly (‘starving
amidst plenty’). Hyperglycemia leads to osmotic diuresis and
electrolyte depletion. Conservation of K is even less efficient
than that of Na in the face of acidosis and an osmotic diuresis,
and large amounts of intravenous K are often needed to
replace the large deficit in total body K. However, plasma K
concentration in DKA can be increased due to a shift from the
intracellular to the extracellular compartment, so large amounts
of potassium chloride should not be administered until plasma
electrolyte concentrations are available and high urine output
established. Fat is mobilized from adipose tissue, releasing free
fatty acids that are metabolized by β-oxidation to acetyl coenzyme
A (CoA). In the absence of glucose breakdown, acetyl CoA
is converted to acetoacetate, acetone and β-hydroxybutyrate
(ketones). These are buffered by plasma bicarbonate, leading to
a fall in bicarbonate concentration (metabolic acidosis – with an
increased ‘anion gap’ since anionic ketone bodies are not
measured routinely) and compensatory hyperventilation
(‘Küssmaul’ breathing). There are therefore a number of metabolic
• Sodium and potassium deficit A generous volume of
physiological saline (0.9% sodium chloride), given
intravenously, is crucial in order to restore extracellular
fluid volume. Monitoring urine output is necessary. When
blood glucose levels fall below 17 mmol/L, 5% glucose is
given in place of N-saline. Potassium must be replaced
and if the urinary output is satisfactory and the plasma
potassium concentration is
4.5 mEq/L, up to
20 mmol/hour KCl can be given, the rate of replacement
being judged by frequent measurements of plasma
potassium concentration and ECG monitoring.
• Hyperglycemia Intravenous insulin is infused at a rate of
up to 0.1 unit/kg/hour with a syringe pump until ketosis
resolves (judged by blood pH, serum bicarbonate and
blood or urinary ketones).
• Metabolic acidosis This usually resolves with adequate
treatment with physiological sodium chloride and insulin.
Bicarbonate treatment to reverse the extracellular
metabolic acidosis is controversial, and may paradoxically
worsen intracellular and cerebrospinal fluid acidosis. If
arterial pH is
7.0, the patient is often given bicarbonate,
should be managed on an intensive care unit if possible
and may need inotropic support.
• Other measures include aspiration of the stomach, as
gastric stasis is common and aspiration can be severe and
may be fatal, and treatment of the precipitating cause of
coma (e.g. antibiotics for bacterial infection).
Key points
Type 1 diabetes mellitus and insulin
• Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is caused
by degeneration of β-cells in the islets of Langerhans
leading to an absolute deficiency of insulin.
• Without insulin treatment, such patients are prone to
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
• Even with insulin treatment, such patients are
susceptible to microvascular complications of
retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, and also to
accelerated atherosclerotic (macrovascular) disease
leading to myocardial infarction, stroke and gangrene.
• Management includes a healthy diet low in saturated
fat (Chapter 27), high in complex carbohydrates and
with the energy spread throughout the day.
• Regular subcutaneous injections of recombinant human
insulin are required indefinitely. Mixtures of soluble
and longer-acting insulins are used and are given using
special insulin ‘pens’ at least twice daily. Regular selfmonitoring
of blood glucose levels throughout the day
with individual adjustment of the insulin dose is
essential to achieve good metabolic control, which
reduces the risk of complications.
• DKA is treated with large volumes of intravenous
physiological saline, intravenous soluble insulin and
replacement of potassium and, if necessary, magnesium.
Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
Less insulin is required in this situation, as the blood pH is
normal and insulin sensitivity is retained. Fluid loss is restored
using physiological saline (there is sometimes a place for half strength,
0.45% saline) and large amounts of intravenous
potassium are often required. Magnesium deficiency is common,
contributes to the difficulty of correcting the potassium
deficit, and should be treated provided renal function is normal.
In this hyperosmolar state, the viscosity of the blood is
increased and a heparin preparation (Chapter 30) should be
considered as prophylaxis against venous thrombosis.
Mechanism of action
Insulin acts by binding to transmembrane glycoprotein receptors.
Receptor occupancy results in:
1. activation of insulin-dependent glucose transport
processes (in adipose tissue and muscle) via a transporter
known as ‘Glut-4’;
2. inhibition of adenylyl cyclase-dependent metabolism
(lipolysis, proteolysis, glycogenolysis);
3. intracellular accumulation of potassium and phosphate,
which is linked to glucose transport in some tissues.
Secondary effects include increased cellular amino acid
uptake, increased DNA and RNA synthesis and increased
oxidative phosphorylation.
Adverse reactions
1. Hypoglycaemia is the most important and severe
complication of insulin treatment. It is treated with
an intravenous injection of glucose in unconscious
patients, but sugar is given as a sweet drink in those
with milder symptoms. Glucagon (1 mg intramuscularly,
repeated after a few minutes if necessary) is useful if
the patient is unconscious and intravenous access is
not achievable (e.g. to ambulance personnel or a family
2. Insulin-induced post-hypoglycemic hyperglycemia
(Somogyi effect) occurs when hypoglycaemia (e.g. in the
early hours of the morning) induces an overshoot of
hormones (adrenaline, growth hormone, glucocorticosteroids,
glucagon) that elevate blood glucose (raised blood glucose
on awakening). The situation can be misinterpreted as
requiring increased insulin, thus producing further
3. Local or systemic allergic reactions to insulin, with
itching, redness and swelling at the injection site.
4. Lipodystrophy: the disappearance of subcutaneous fat at
or near injection sites. Atrophy is minimized by rotation of
injection sites. Fatty tumors occur if repeated injections
are made at the same site.
5. Insulin resistance, defined arbitrarily as a daily
requirement of more than 200 units, due to antibodies, is
unusual. Changing to a highly purified insulin
preparation is often successful, a small starting dose being
used to avoid hypoglycaemia.
Insulin is broken down in the gut and by the liver and kidney,
and is given by injection. The t1/2 is three to five minutes. It is
metabolized to inactive α and β peptide chains largely by
hepatic/renal insulinases (insulin glutathione transhydrogenase).Insulin
from the pancreas is mainly released into the portal
circulation and passes to the liver, where up to 60% is
degraded before reaching the systemic circulation (presystemic
metabolism). The kidney is also important in the metabolism of
insulin and patients with progressive renal impairment often
have a reduced requirement for insulin. There is no evidence
that diabetes ever results from increased hepatic destruction of
insulin, but in cirrhosis the liver fails to inactivate insulin, thus
predisposing to hypoglycaemia.
Oral hypoglycemic drugs are useful in type 2 diabetes as
adjuncts to continued dietary restraint. They fall into four
1. biguanides (metformin);
2. sulphonylureas and related drugs;
3. thiazolidinediones (glitazones);
4. α-glucosidase inhibitors (acarbose).
Most type 2 diabetic patients initially achieve satisfactory control
with diet either alone or combined with one of these agents.
The small proportion who cannot be controlled with drugs at
this stage (primary failure) require insulin. Subsequent failure
after initially adequate control (secondary failure) occurs in
about one-third of patients, and is treated with insulin. Inhaled
insulin is effective but expensive. Its bioavailability is affected
by smoking and by respiratory infections, and currently should
only be used with great caution in patients with asthma/
Metformin is the only biguanide available in the UK. It is used
in type 2 diabetic patients inadequately controlled by diet. Its
anorectic effect aids weight reduction, so it is a first choice drug
for obese type 2 patients, provided there are no contraindications.
It must not be used in patients at risk of lactic acidosis and
is contraindicated in:
• renal failure (it is eliminated in the urine, see below);
• alcoholics;
• cirrhosis;
• chronic lung disease (because of hypoxia);
• cardiac failure (because of poor tissue perfusion);
• congenital mitochondrial myopathy (which is often
accompanied by diabetes);
• acute myocardial infarction and other serious intercurrent
illness (insulin should be substituted).
Metformin should be withdrawn and insulin substituted
before major elective surgery. Plasma creatinine and liver
function tests should be monitored before and during its use.
Mechanism of action
This remains uncertain. Biguanides do not produce hypoglycaemia
and are effective in pancreatectomized animals.
Effects of metformin include:
• reduced glucose absorption from the gut;
• facilitation of glucose entry into muscle by a non-insulin responsive
• inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the liver;
• suppression of oxidative glucose metabolism and
enhanced anaerobic glycolysis.
Adverse effects
Metformin causes nausea, a metallic taste, anorexia, vomiting
and diarrhoea. The symptoms are worst when treatment is initiated
and a few patients cannot tolerate even small doses.
Lactic acidosis, which has a reported mortality in excess of 60%,
is uncommon provided that the above contraindications are
respected. Treatment is by reversal of hypoxia and circulatory
collapse and peritoneal or hemodialysis to alleviate sodium
overloading and removing the drug. Phenformin (withdrawn
in the UK and USA) was more frequently associated with this
problem than metformin. Absorption of vitamin B12 is reduced
by metformin, but this is seldom clinically important.
Oral absorption of metformin is 50–60%; it is eliminated
unchanged by renal excretion, clearance being greater than the
glomerular filtration rate because of active secretion into the
tubular fluid. Metformin accumulates in patients with renal
impairment. The plasma t1/2 ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 hours, but
its duration of action is considerably longer, permitting twice
daily dosing.
Drug interactions
Other oral hypoglycemic drugs are additive with metformin.
Ethanol predisposes to metformin-related lactic acidosis.
Sulphonylureas (e.g. tolbutamide, glibenclamide, gliclazide)
are used for type 2 diabetics who have not responded
adequately to diet alone or diet and metformin with which
they are additive. They improve symptoms of polyuria and
polydipsia, but (in contrast to metformin) stimulate appetite.
Chlorpropamide, the longest-acting agent in this group, has a
higher incidence of adverse effects (especially hypoglycaemia)
than other drugs of this class and should be avoided. This is
because of a protracted effect and reduced renal clearance in
patients with renal dysfunction and the elderly; thus it is
hardly ever used. Tolbutamide and gliclazide are shorter acting
than glibenclamide, so there is less risk of hypoglycaemia,
and for this reason they are preferred in the elderly. Related
drugs (e.g. repaglinide, nateglinide) are chemically distinct,
but act at the same receptor. They are shorter acting even than
tolbutamide, but more expensive. They are given before meals.
Mechanism of action
The hypoglycemic effect of these drugs depends on the presence
of functioning B cells. Sulphonylureas, like glucose,
depolarize B cells and release insulin. They do this by binding
to sulphonylurea receptors (SUR) and blocking ATP-dependent
potassium channels (KATP); the resulting depolarization activates
voltage-sensitive Ca2 channels, in turn causing entry of
Ca2 ions and insulin secretion.
Adverse effects
Sulphonylureas can cause hypoglycaemia. Chlorpropamide,
the longest-acting agent, was responsible for many cases. It also
causes flushing in susceptible individuals when ethanol is consumed,
and can cause dilutional hyponatremia (by potentiating
ADH, see Chapter 42). Allergic reactions to sulphonylureas
include rashes, drug fever, gastrointestinal upsets, transient
jaundice (usually cholestatic) and hematopoietic changes,
including thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and pancytopenia.
Serious effects other than hypoglycaemia are uncommon.
Sulphonylureas are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract and the major differences between them lie in their relative
potencies and rates of elimination. Glibenclamide is
almost completely metabolized by the liver to weakly active
metabolites that are excreted in the bile and urine. The activity
of these metabolites is only clinically important in patients
with renal failure, in whom they accumulate and can cause
hypoglycaemia. Tolbutamide is converted in the liver to
inactive metabolites which are excreted in the urine. The t1/2
shows considerable inter-individual variability, but is usually
four to eight hours. Gliclazide is extensively metabolized,
although up to 20% is excreted unchanged in the urine. The
plasma t1/2 ranges from 6 to 14 hours. Repaglinide and
nateglinide exhibit rapid onset and offset kinetics, rapid
absorption (time to maximal plasma concentration approximately
55 minutes after an oral dose) and elimination (half-life
approximately three hours). These features lead to short duration
of action and a low risk of hypoglycaemia. They are
administered shortly before a meal to reduce the postprandial
glucose rise in type 2 diabetic patients.
Drug interactions
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors potentiate the activity of
sulphonylureas by an unknown mechanism. Several drugs
(e.g. glucocorticosteroids, growth hormone) antagonize the
hypoglycemic effects of sulphonylureas by virtue of their
actions on insulin release or sensitivity.
Glitazones (e.g. piolitazone, rosiglitazone) were developed
from the chance finding that a fibrate drug (Chapter 27)
increased insulin sensitivity.
Glitazones lower blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who are inadequately controlled
on diet alone or diet and other oral hypoglycemic drugs.
An effect on mortality or diabetic complications has yet to be
established, but they have rapidly become very widely used.
Mechanism of action
Glitazones bind to the peroxisome-proliferating activator
receptor γ (PPARγ), a nuclear receptor found mainly in
adipocytes and also in hepatocytes and myocytes. It works
slowly, increasing the sensitivity to insulin possibly via effects
of circulating fatty acids on glucose metabolism.
Adverse effects
The first two glitazones caused severe hepatotoxicity and are not
used. Hepatotoxicity has not proved problematic with rosiglitazone
or pioglitazone, although they are contraindicated in
patients with hepatic impairment and liver function should be
monitored during their use. The most common adverse effects
are weight gain (possibly partly directly related to their effect on
adipocytes) and fluid retention due to an effect of PPARγ receptors
on renal tubular sodium ion absorption. They can also exacerbate
cardiac dysfunction and are therefore contraindicated in
heart failure. Recently, an association with increased bone fractures
and osteoporosis has been noted. They are contraindicated
during pregnancy. A possible increase in myocardial infarction
with rosiglitazone has been noted, but the data are controversial.
Both rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are well absorbed, highly
protein bound and subject to hepatic metabolism.
Drug interactions
Glitazones are additive with other oral hypoglycemic drugs.
They potentiate insulin, but this combination is contraindicated
in Europe because of concerns that it might increase the
risk of heart failure, although the combination is widely used
in the USA. Pioglitazone is an inducer of CYP3A and may
cause treatment failure with concomitantly administered
drugs which are CYP3A substrates (e.g. reproductive steroids).
Acarbose is used in type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients who
are inadequately controlled on diet alone or diet and other
oral hypoglycemic agents. Acarbose is a reversible competitive
inhibitor of intestinal α-glucoside hydrolases and delays
the absorption of starch and sucrose, but does not affect the
absorption of ingested glucose. The postprandial glycaemic
rise after a meal containing complex carbohydrates is reduced
and its peak is delayed. Fermentation of unabsorbed carbohydrate
in the intestine leads to increased gas formation which
results in flatulence, abdominal distension and occasionally
diarrhea. As with any change in a diabetic patient’s medication,
diet or activities, the blood glucose must be monitored.
Key points
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and oral hypoglycemic agents
• Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is
caused by relative deficiency of insulin in the face of
impaired insulin sensitivity. Such patients are usually
• About one-third of such patients finally require insulin
treatment. This is especially important when they are
losing muscle mass.
• The dietary goal is to achieve ideal body weight by
consuming an energy-restricted healthy diet low in
saturated fat (Chapter 27).
• Oral hypoglycemic drugs are useful in some patients as
an adjunct to diet.
• Metformin, a biguanide, lowers blood glucose levels
and encourages weight loss by causing anorexia.
Diarrhea is a common adverse effect. It is
contraindicated in patients with renal impairment,
heart failure, obstructive pulmonary disease or
congenital mitochondrial myopathies because of
the risk of lactic acidosis, a rare but life-threatening
• Acarbose, an α-glucosidase inhibitor, delays the
absorption of starch and sucrose. It flattens the rise in
plasma glucose following a meal and may improve
control when added to diet with or without other
drugs. However, it can cause bloating, flatulence and
diarrhea associated with carbohydrate malabsorption.
• Sulphonylureas (e.g. tolbutamide) and related drugs
(e.g. nateglinide) release insulin from β-cells by closing
ATP-sensitive K channels, thereby depolarizing the cell
membrane. They are well tolerated and improve blood
glucose at least initially, but stimulate appetite,
promoting weight gain. They differ from one another
in their kinetics, the longer-acting drugs being
particularly likely to cause hypoglycaemia which can be
severe, especially in the elderly and should not be used
in these patients.
• Thiazolidinediones (e.g. pioglitazone, rosiglitazone)
activate PPARγ receptors and increase insulin sensitivity.
They lower blood sugar but cause weight gain and fluid
retention. They are contraindicated in heart failure.
Effects on longevity or complications are unknown.
Case history
A 56-year-old woman with a positive family history of diabetes
presents with polyuria, polydipsia, blurred vision and
recurrent attacks of vaginal thrush. She is overweight at
92 kg, her fasting blood sugar is 12 mmol/L and hemoglobin
A1C is elevated at 10.6%. She is treated with glibenclamide
once daily in addition to topical antifungal treatment for the
thrush. Initially, her symptoms improve considerably and she
feels generally much better, but after nine months the
polyuria and polydipsia recur and her weight has increased
to 102 kg.
Treatment with a sulphonylurea without attention to diet
is doomed to failure. This patient needs to be motivated to
take dietary advice, restricting her energy intake and
reducing her risk of atherosclerosis. If hyperglycemia is still
not improved, metformin (which reduces appetite) would

be appropriate

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