Thursday, February 06, 2020

Decline and possible demise of 'The HINDU"Newspaper

At one time the newspaper "the Hindu" was known for its excellent editorials and reporting.
But recently it is seeming that all Indian newspapers have poor editor who seem to have absolutely no idea about verifying the sources of the reports are correcting their grammar or English.
The latest being the "viral "report 
The Hindu isn’t saying anything in response to questions. Asia Times spoke with several people there and none of them knew how this happened. Some believe the reporter was excited and that set the atmosphere for the desk editor to hype the story – starting the headlinewith Coronovirus and then throwing in a reference to Wuhan.
All that can be said is that, at a time when global tempers are high and nerves on edge, a wrong headline led to dissemination of a global conspiracy theory that China had weaponized a mutated virus.

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