Thursday, December 01, 2016

Creating a World leader in Biotechnology A case for IVF and INDIA

 We need to stop being mental slaves to the  Judeo Christian  world view and get inspired by the  ancient Wisdom of  India.
Let us take the example of  the birth of  kaurava's and Pandava's
 let us  stop being silly and  repeal the laws on  SCNT and surrogacy

There is great potential for India to be a leader  in  Biotechnology by leveraging  it's expertise in  IVF and  SCNT
Indians should start industries where young women Volunteers  sell their excess Ova . From theseindividual specific embryo's are formed.After embryo transfer in to surrogates,  they should be  allowed to be carried  till the  time of  organogenesis( If MTP act allows abortion up tyo 28 weeks of gestation  why should it stop surrogacy)
 later on  theses  embryos are flushed
 under go microsurgery to separate the  inner cell mass .
use  either  exovo  incubation using Ostrich or Emu eggs to grow  these organs  which can then be used  to transplant them in to needy patients where they can grow  further  and  save  lives .

once we   perfect the technology,all the so called leaders of the Judeo Christian world will try to emulate India or just come to India as tourists to  take advantage of our  technology.

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