Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Doctors who became rich by not being doctors

 Dr.Michael Burry of big short
ADHD?  aspergers ?

Jun yoon of Palo alto investors

from financial samurai

A Good Doctor’s Financial Path

I feel kind of sorry for doctors. When they first entered medical school 15 years ago they were promised a much higher salary than they are receiving now. For example, my friend who has a post fellowship from Cornell Medical will be making roughly $200,000 as a cardiologist at 36 years old. When he entered medical school in 2001, he was expecting to make $300,000 – $400,000 to start!
For three years he made $40,000 – $50,000 a year as a resident after four years of medical school, and $60,000 – $75,000 a year as a fellow for the next three years after that. Luckily for him, his parents paid for all his medical school tuition. The median education debt was $170,000 in 2012, and surely higher today according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The good doctor will be able to comfortably buy my dream home when he’s roughly 50 years old. He’ll put down $2 million, take out a $1.8 million mortgage, and have $854,850 in liquidity or various investments. That’s 50 years old folks. Several of us won’t even live until that age! Because a big mortgage has been taken, the doctor will need to work for another 5 years to feel comfortable. If he wanted to pay for the home in cash, he could potentially get there around 53, but have nothing left.
I’m being very gregarious with my total compensation assumptions for doctors. Doctor’s salaries have done nothing but go down thanks to big government and difficult insurance companies. I doubt most doctors will ever make $1 million a year anymore, let alone $700,000. But I’ve thrown the figures in my chart anyway since this is one very special cardiologist.

 Dr.Michael Burry of big short
ADHD?  aspergers ?
Jun yoon  of Palo alto investors

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