Example: | Root word | Definition | ||||||||
tracheostomy = an opening in the trachea | tracheo | =trachea | ||||||||
gastrotomy = incision into the stomach | gastro | =stomach | ||||||||
Prefix | Prefix Definition | Root Word | Root Definition | |||||||
| |||||||
a-, an-, ar- | without or not | Circulatory System |
| |||||||
ab- | away from | cardio | heart | |||||||
ad- | toward, to | angio, vaso | vessel | |||||||
adeno- | glandular | hem, hema, hemato | vein | |||||||
aero- | air | arteria | artery | |||||||
ambi- | around, on both sides | lympho | lymph | |||||||
ante- | before, forward | thrombo | clot (of blood) | |||||||
anti- | against, counteracting | embolus | moving clot | |||||||
bi-, bis- | two, double |
| |||||||
bio- | life | Digestive System |
| |||||||
brachi- | arm | bucca | cheek | |||||||
brady- | slow | os, stomato | mouth | |||||||
co- | together | gingival | gum | |||||||
contra- | against, opposite | glossa | tongue | |||||||
costo- | ribs | pharyngo | pharynx | |||||||
demi- | half | esophago | esophagus | |||||||
eryth- | red | gastro | stomach | |||||||
ex- | out, out of, away from | hepato | liver | |||||||
ferro- | iron | cholecyst | gallbladder | |||||||
fore- | before, in front of | entero | intestines | |||||||
glyco- | sugar | duodeno | uodenum | |||||||
holo- | whole, entire | jeuno | jejunum | |||||||
hyper- | too much, too high | ileo | ileum | |||||||
hypo- | under, decreased | caeco | cecum | |||||||
inter- | between | colo | colon | |||||||
intra- | within | recto | rectum | |||||||
juxta- | near, close to | ano, procto | anus | |||||||
latero- | side |
| |||||||
leuk- | white | Respiratory System |
| |||||||
macro- | large, big | naso, rhino | nose | |||||||
mal- | bad, poor | laryngo | larynx | |||||||
medio- | middle | tracheo | trachea | |||||||
megalo- | large, great | bronch | bronchus (pl. bronchi) | |||||||
micro- | small | pulmo, pneum | lung (sac with air) | |||||||
mono- | single |
| |||||||
neo- | new | Nervous System |
| |||||||
noct- | night | neuron | nerve | |||||||
ob- | against, in front of | crebrum | brain | |||||||
pan- | all | oculo, opthalmo | eye | |||||||
para- | beside, accessory to | oto | ear | |||||||
path- | disease | psych | mind | |||||||
per- | by, through |
| |||||||
phelb- | vein | Urinary System |
| |||||||
poly- | too much, many | urethra | urethra | |||||||
pre- | before | cysto | bladder | |||||||
post- | after | uretero | ureter | |||||||
pyro- | fever, heat | reni, reno, nephro | kidney | |||||||
quad- | four | pyleo | pelvis of the kidney | |||||||
sarco- | flesh | uro | urine | |||||||
sclero- | hard, hardening |
| |||||||
semi- | half | Female Reproductive System | ||||||||
steno- | narrowing, construction | Perineo | perineum | |||||||
sub- | under | vag, colpo | vagina | |||||||
super- | above, excess | utero | uterus, womb | |||||||
syn- | together | tubo, salpingo | fallopian tubes | |||||||
tachy- | fast | ovario, oophoro | ovaries | |||||||
trans- | across, over |
| |||||||
tri- | three | Male Reproductive System | ||||||||
ultra- | beyond | Orchido | testes | |||||||
un- | not, back, reversal |
| |||||||
uni- | one | Regions of the body |
| |||||||
cranio, cephalo | head | |||||||||
cervico, tracheo | neck | |||||||||
thoraco | chest | |||||||||
abdomino | abdomen | |||||||||
dorsum | back | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Tissues |
| |||||||||
cutis, dermato | skin | |||||||||
lipo | fat | |||||||||
musculo, myo | muscle | |||||||||
osteo | bone | |||||||||
myelo | marrow | |||||||||
chondro | cartilage | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Miscellaneous |
| |||||||||
cyto | cell | |||||||||
genetic | formation, origin | |||||||||
gram | tracing or mark | |||||||||
graph | writing, description | |||||||||
kinesis | motion | |||||||||
meter | measure | |||||||||
oligo | small | |||||||||
phobia | fear | |||||||||
photo | light | |||||||||
pyo | pus | |||||||||
scope | instrument for visual examination of | |||||||||
roentgen | X-ray | |||||||||
lapar | flank; through the abdominal wall | |||||||||
Suffix | Definition | |||||||||
ostomy | =to form an opening | |||||||||
tomy | =incision into | |||||||||
Suffix | Suffix Definition | |||||||||
| |||||||||
-able | able to | |||||||||
-algia | pain | |||||||||
-cele | tumor, swelling | |||||||||
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid | |||||||||
-cephaly | head | |||||||||
-cide | killing, destructive | |||||||||
-cule | little | |||||||||
-cyte | cell | |||||||||
-ectasia | dilating, stretching | |||||||||
-ectomy | excision, surgical removal of | |||||||||
-emia | blood | |||||||||
-esis | action | |||||||||
-form | shaped like | |||||||||
-genesis | formation, origin | |||||||||
-gram | tracing, mark | |||||||||
-ism | condition | |||||||||
-itis | inflammation | |||||||||
-ize | to treat | |||||||||
-lith | stone, calculus | |||||||||
-logy | study | |||||||||
-lysis | disintegration | |||||||||
-megaly | enlargement | |||||||||
-oid | likeness, resembalance | |||||||||
-opathy | disease of | |||||||||
-orrhaphy | surgical repair | |||||||||
-osis | disease or condition of | |||||||||
-ostomy | to form an opening or outlet | |||||||||
-pexy | fixation | |||||||||
-phage | ingestion | |||||||||
-plegia | paralysis | |||||||||
-rhage | to burst forth | |||||||||
-rhea | excessive discharge | |||||||||
-rhexis | rupture | |||||||||
-tomy | incision into | |||||||||
Dr.Hariharan Ramamurthy.M.D. pl check www.indiabetes.net Big Spring,TX ,79720 ALL THING INTERESTING
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
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