ఠెరె ఇస్ సో ముచ్ హైప్ అబౌట్ గూగుల్ గ్లాస్ అండ్
థెరె ఇస్ సో ముచ్ హైప్ అబౌట్ గూగుల్ గ్లస్స్.
there is so much Hype about Google glass. but Look at the
1945 article in Atlantic Monthly magazine
As We May Think
"A record if it is to be useful to science, must be continuously
extended, it must be stored, and above all it must be consulted. Today we make
the record conventionally by writing and photography, followed by printing; but
we also record on film, on wax disks, and on magnetic wires. Even if utterly
new recording procedures do not appear, these present ones are certainly in the
process of modification and extension.
Certainly progress in photography is not going to stop. Faster
material and lenses, more automatic cameras, finer-grained sensitive compounds
to allow an extension of the minicamera idea, are all imminent. Let us project
this trend ahead to a logical, if not inevitable, outcome. The camera hound of
the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut. It takes
pictures 3 millimeters square, later to be projected or enlarged, which after
all involves only a factor of 10 beyond present practice. The lens is of
universal focus, down to any distance accommodated by the unaided eye, simply
because it is of short focal length. There is a built-in photocell on the
walnut such as we now have on at least one camera, which automatically adjusts
exposure for a wide range of illumination. There is film in the walnut for a
hundred exposures, and the spring for operating its shutter and shifting its
film is wound once for all when the film clip is inserted. It produces its
result in full color. It may well be stereoscopic, and record with two spaced
glass eyes, for striking improvements in stereoscopic technique are just around
the corner.
The cord which trips its shutter may reach down a man's sleeve
within easy reach of his fingers. A quick squeeze, and the picture is taken. On
a pair of ordinary glasses is a square of fine lines near the top of one lens,
where it is out of the way of ordinary vision. When an object appears in that
square, it is lined up for its picture. As the scientist of the future moves
about the laboratory or the field, every time he looks at something worthy of
the record, he trips the shutter and in it goes, without even an audible click.
Is this all fantastic? The only fantastic thing about it is the idea of making
as many pictures as would result from its use."