Our brains are hardwired to seek out anything new and stimulating. Scientists explain this phenomenon as an evolutionary adaptation: Early humans who could spot a predator quickly enough to survive passed on this novelty-seeking trait to their offspring. Thanks to this selective advantage in brain ewolution, something new always tweaks our attention. However too much novelty can be unsettling, which is why humans are also such creatures of habit. We all have our routines: Some eat the same breakfast every morning, take the same route to work each day, or do the jumbles in the morning news- paper. But there is good reason to mix things up. Experiments have shown that when we break our patterns and use our senses in novel ways
Dr.Hariharan Ramamurthy.M.D. pl check www.indiabetes.net Big Spring,TX ,79720 ALL THING INTERESTING
Saturday, May 19, 2018
You Will Be Memorizing Things What’s a directory?
You Will Be Memorizing Things
I’m warning you ahead of time that I’m going to make you memorize things
right away. This is the quickest way to get you capable at something, but for
some people memorization is painful. Just fight through it and do it anyway.
Memorization is an important skill in learning things, so you should get over
your fear of it.
Here’s how you memorize things:
• Tell yourself you will do it. Don’t try to find tricks or easy ways out of it,
just sit down and do it.
• Write what you want to memorize on some index cards. Put one half of
what you need to learn on one side, then another half on the other side.
• Every day for about 15 to 30 minutes, drill yourself on the index cards,
trying to recall each one. Put any cards you don’t get right into a different
pile, just drill those cards until you get bored, then try the whole deck and
see if you improve.
• Before you go to bed, drill just the cards you got wrong for about 5
minutes, then go to sleep.
There are other techniques, like you can write what you need to learn on a sheet
of paper, laminate it, then stick it to the wall of your shower. While you’re
bathing, drill the knowledge without looking, and when you get stuck glance at it
to refresh your memory.
If you do this every day, you should be able to memorize most things I tell you
to memorize in about a week to a month. Once you do, nearly everything else
becomes easier and intuitive, which is the purpose of memorization. It’s not to
teach you abstract concepts but rather to ingrain the basics so that they are
intuitive and you don’t have to think about them. Once you’ve memorized these
basics they stop being speed bumps preventing you from learning more
advanced abstract concepts.
*Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly
Beautiful World of Computers and Code Zed A. Shaw
What’s a directory?
It’s a folder. Folder and directory are the same thing, and they’re
used interchangeably. When you open your file browser on your computer to
graphically find files, you are walking through folders. Those folders are the
exact same things as these “directories” we’re going to work with.
I’m warning you ahead of time that I’m going to make you memorize things
right away. This is the quickest way to get you capable at something, but for
some people memorization is painful. Just fight through it and do it anyway.
Memorization is an important skill in learning things, so you should get over
your fear of it.
Here’s how you memorize things:
• Tell yourself you will do it. Don’t try to find tricks or easy ways out of it,
just sit down and do it.
• Write what you want to memorize on some index cards. Put one half of
what you need to learn on one side, then another half on the other side.
• Every day for about 15 to 30 minutes, drill yourself on the index cards,
trying to recall each one. Put any cards you don’t get right into a different
pile, just drill those cards until you get bored, then try the whole deck and
see if you improve.
• Before you go to bed, drill just the cards you got wrong for about 5
minutes, then go to sleep.
There are other techniques, like you can write what you need to learn on a sheet
of paper, laminate it, then stick it to the wall of your shower. While you’re
bathing, drill the knowledge without looking, and when you get stuck glance at it
to refresh your memory.
If you do this every day, you should be able to memorize most things I tell you
to memorize in about a week to a month. Once you do, nearly everything else
becomes easier and intuitive, which is the purpose of memorization. It’s not to
teach you abstract concepts but rather to ingrain the basics so that they are
intuitive and you don’t have to think about them. Once you’ve memorized these
basics they stop being speed bumps preventing you from learning more
advanced abstract concepts.
*Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly
Beautiful World of Computers and Code Zed A. Shaw
What’s a directory?
It’s a folder. Folder and directory are the same thing, and they’re
used interchangeably. When you open your file browser on your computer to
graphically find files, you are walking through folders. Those folders are the
exact same things as these “directories” we’re going to work with.
Shut up and type all of this in. crash course in using the command line
reading this books takes me back to my school days
when my english teacher also used to say shut up and memorize this spelling"
"Shut up and type all of this in."
Sorry to be mean, but that’s what you have to do. If you have an irrational fear of
the command line, the only way to conquer an irrational fear is to just shut up
and fight through it.
You are not going to destroy your computer. You are not going to be thrown into
some jail at the bottom of Microsoft’s Redmond campus. Your friends won’t
laugh at you for being a nerd. Simply ignore any stupid weird reasons you have
for fearing the command line.
Why? Because if you want to learn to code, then you must learn this.
Programming languages are advanced ways to control your computer with
language. The command line is the baby brother of programming languages.
Learning the command line teaches you to control the computer using language.
Once you get past that, you can then move on to writing code and feeling like
you actually own the hunk of metal you just bought.
*Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly
Beautiful World of Computers and Code Zed A. Shaw
when my english teacher also used to say shut up and memorize this spelling"
"Shut up and type all of this in."
Sorry to be mean, but that’s what you have to do. If you have an irrational fear of
the command line, the only way to conquer an irrational fear is to just shut up
and fight through it.
You are not going to destroy your computer. You are not going to be thrown into
some jail at the bottom of Microsoft’s Redmond campus. Your friends won’t
laugh at you for being a nerd. Simply ignore any stupid weird reasons you have
for fearing the command line.
Why? Because if you want to learn to code, then you must learn this.
Programming languages are advanced ways to control your computer with
language. The command line is the baby brother of programming languages.
Learning the command line teaches you to control the computer using language.
Once you get past that, you can then move on to writing code and feeling like
you actually own the hunk of metal you just bought.
*Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly
Beautiful World of Computers and Code Zed A. Shaw
Modules available in Python
"If you quit from the Python interpreter and enter it again, the definitions you have made (functions and variables) are lost. Therefore, if you want to write a somewhat longer program, you are better off using a text editor to prepare the input for the interpreter and running it with that file as input instead. This is known as creating a script. As your program gets longer, you may want to split it into several files for easier maintenance. You may also want to use a handy function that you’ve written in several programs without copying its definition into each program.
To support this, Python has a way to put definitions in a file and use them in a script or in an interactive instance of the interpreter. Such a file is called a module; definitions from a module can be imported into other modules or into the main module (the collection of variables that you have access to in a script executed at the top level and in calculator mode).
A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix
appended. Within a module, the module’s name (as a string) is available as the value of the global variable __name__
."__future__ _weakrefset hashlib sched
_ast _winapi heapq secrets
_asyncio abc hmac select
_bisect aifc html selectors
_blake2 antigravity http setuptools
_bootlocale argparse idlelib shelve
_bz2 array idna shlex
_codecs ast imaplib shutil
_codecs_cn asynchat imghdr signal
_codecs_hk asyncio imp site
_codecs_iso2022 asyncore importlib smtpd
_codecs_jp atexit inspect smtplib
_codecs_kr audioop io sndhdr
_codecs_tw base64 ipaddress socket
_collections bdb itertools socketserver
_collections_abc binascii json sqlite3
_compat_pickle binhex keyword sre_compile
_compression bisect lib2to3 sre_constants
_csv bs4 linecache sre_parse
_ctypes builtins locale ssl
_ctypes_test bz2 logging stat
_datetime cProfile lzma statistics
_decimal calendar macpath string
_distutils_findvs certifi macurl2path stringprep
_dummy_thread cgi mailbox struct
_elementtree cgitb mailcap subprocess
_functools chardet marshal sunau
_hashlib chunk math symbol
_heapq cmath mimetypes symtable
_imp cmd mmap sys
_io code modulefinder sysconfig
_json codecs msilib tabnanny
_locale codeop msvcrt tarfile
_lsprof collections multiprocessing telnetlib
_lzma colorsys netrc tempfile
_markupbase compileall nntplib test
_md5 concurrent nt textwrap
_msi configparser ntpath this
_multibytecodec contextlib nturl2path threading
_multiprocessing copy numbers time
_opcode copyreg opcode timeit
_operator crypt operator tkinter
_osx_support csv optparse token
_overlapped ctypes os tokenize
_pickle curses parser trace
_pydecimal datetime pathlib traceback
_pyio dbm pdb tracemalloc
_random decimal pickle tty
_sha1 difflib pickletools turtle
_sha256 dis pip turtledemo
_sha3 distutils pipes types
_sha512 doctest pkg_resources typing
_signal dummy_threading pkgutil unicodedata
_sitebuiltins easy_install platform unittest
_socket email plistlib urllib
_sqlite3 encodings poplib urllib3
_sre ensurepip posixpath uu
_ssl enum pprint uuid
_stat errno profile venv
_string faulthandler pstats warnings
_strptime filecmp pty wave
_struct fileinput py_compile weakref
_symtable fnmatch pyclbr webbrowser
_testbuffer formatter pydoc winreg
_testcapi fractions pydoc_data winsound
_testconsole ftplib pyexpat wsgiref
_testimportmultiple functools queue xdrlib
_testmultiphase gc quopri xml
_thread genericpath random xmlrpc
_threading_local getopt re xxsubtype
_tkinter getpass reprlib zipapp
_tracemalloc gettext requests zipfile
_warnings glob rlcompleter zipimport
_weakref gzip runpy zlib
if you go to windows Powershell and type first Python it will show which version of python is installed
then type help()
In your PowerShell (Terminal) program, run python. You run things
in Terminal by just typing the name and pressing Enter. If you type
python and it does not run, then you have to reinstall Python and make
sure you check the box for “Add python to the PATH.” It’s very small so
look carefully.
8. Type quit(), and press Enter to exit python.
9. You should be back at a prompt similar to what you had before you typed
python. If not, find out why.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Clonidine, lofexidine, and similar medications for the management of opioid withdrawal
THURSDAY, May 17, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved the non-opioid drug Lucemyra(lofexidine) to help adults cope with symptoms of opioid withdrawal
I think this is another Hype by the Pharmaceutical company to gouge the poor patient with Opioid addiction problems .
it has not been shown to be any more superior than Clonidine or tizanidine.both of which are much cheaper than this new FDA approved drug.
I think this is another Hype by the Pharmaceutical company to gouge the poor patient with Opioid addiction problems .
it has not been shown to be any more superior than Clonidine or tizanidine.both of which are much cheaper than this new FDA approved drug.
“top five ” rules required for successful diabetes self-management "టాప్ ఐదు" నియమాలు మధుమేహం స్వీయ నిర్వహణ
Patients rely on their physicians for guidance, insight, coaching, and confidence in their struggle to minimize their glycemic burden. Although the disease may appear overwhelming at times, one should remember the
“top five ” rules required for successful diabetes self-management:
(1) Know your metabolic treatment targets.
(2) Understand how to achieve those treatment targets.
(3) Stop smoking.
(4) Become adherent to the prescribed behavioral and pharmacologic treatment regimen.
(5) Make certain that your provider is dedicated to teaching patients successful diabetes self-management.
రోగులువారి గ్లైసెమిక్ భారం తగ్గించడానికి చేసే వారి పోరాటంలో మార్గదర్శకత్వం, అంతర్దృష్టి, శిక్షణ, మరియు విశ్వాసం కోసం వారి వైద్యుల పై ఆధారపడతారు . ఈ వ్యాధి కొన్ని సమయాల్లోనా వల్ల కాదు అని అనిపించినప్పటికీ,
విజయవంతమైన మధుమేహం స్వీయ నిర్వహణ కోసం ఒక వ్యక్తి గుర్తుంచుకోవాల్సిన
"టాప్ ఐదు" నియమాలు చాలా అవసరం:
(1) మీ జీవక్రియ చికిత్స లక్ష్యాలను తెలుసుకోండి.
(2) ఆ చికిత్స లక్ష్యాలను ఎలా సాధించాలో అర్థం చేసుకోండి.
(3) ధూమపానం ఆపండి
(4) సూచించిన ప్రవర్తన మరియు ఔషధ చికిత్స నియమానికి అనుగుణంగా మారండి.
(5) మీ డాక్టర్ , రోగుల విజయవంతమైన మధుమేహం స్వీయ నిర్వహణ టీచింగ్ అంకితం అయ్యారో లేదో అని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
“top five ” rules required for successful diabetes self-management:
(1) Know your metabolic treatment targets.
(2) Understand how to achieve those treatment targets.
(3) Stop smoking.
(4) Become adherent to the prescribed behavioral and pharmacologic treatment regimen.
(5) Make certain that your provider is dedicated to teaching patients successful diabetes self-management.
రోగులువారి గ్లైసెమిక్ భారం తగ్గించడానికి చేసే వారి పోరాటంలో మార్గదర్శకత్వం, అంతర్దృష్టి, శిక్షణ, మరియు విశ్వాసం కోసం వారి వైద్యుల పై ఆధారపడతారు . ఈ వ్యాధి కొన్ని సమయాల్లోనా వల్ల కాదు అని అనిపించినప్పటికీ,
విజయవంతమైన మధుమేహం స్వీయ నిర్వహణ కోసం ఒక వ్యక్తి గుర్తుంచుకోవాల్సిన
"టాప్ ఐదు" నియమాలు చాలా అవసరం:
(1) మీ జీవక్రియ చికిత్స లక్ష్యాలను తెలుసుకోండి.
(2) ఆ చికిత్స లక్ష్యాలను ఎలా సాధించాలో అర్థం చేసుకోండి.
(3) ధూమపానం ఆపండి
(4) సూచించిన ప్రవర్తన మరియు ఔషధ చికిత్స నియమానికి అనుగుణంగా మారండి.
(5) మీ డాక్టర్ , రోగుల విజయవంతమైన మధుమేహం స్వీయ నిర్వహణ టీచింగ్ అంకితం అయ్యారో లేదో అని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
The hair splitters, or excuse finders? Why BMI is not BS
Now Watch! BMI is BS
Screams a headline
articles written by so called " Science Correspondents" who have absolutely no grounding in science churn out articles based on a sliver of truth and a lot of hot air and real BS to discredit BMI.
yes agreed if you are a professional football player,a wrestler,a bodybuilder or in general big boned and well muscled BMI does not apply to you.
But if you weight 300 + pounds have diabetes ,hypertension and hyperlipidemia BMI is one of the easiest rough screening tool
when the whole American population has no idea what a healthy weight is
Dear Erin Brodwin,
writing articles based on complex scientific publication to divert attention from the raging epidemic of Obesity in USA is a great disservice.
I hope they taught at least that much in the school of Journalism which you took a degree from
Screams a headline
articles written by so called " Science Correspondents" who have absolutely no grounding in science churn out articles based on a sliver of truth and a lot of hot air and real BS to discredit BMI.
yes agreed if you are a professional football player,a wrestler,a bodybuilder or in general big boned and well muscled BMI does not apply to you.
But if you weight 300 + pounds have diabetes ,hypertension and hyperlipidemia BMI is one of the easiest rough screening tool
when the whole American population has no idea what a healthy weight is
Dear Erin Brodwin,
writing articles based on complex scientific publication to divert attention from the raging epidemic of Obesity in USA is a great disservice.
I hope they taught at least that much in the school of Journalism which you took a degree from
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డయాబెటిస్ స్వీయ-నిర్వహణ కు ముఖ్యమైన అడ్డంకులు 1) డయాబెటిస్ గురించి పరిజ్ఞానం మరియు అవగాహన లేకపోవడం 2) ఒక నిర్దిష...
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Amazon’s about-face just highlights the overall complexity of this industry. Experts who truly understand all the sides of this business ar...