Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Menstrual Man; 'You would look down on me anyway’“But in India, we have a saying – we live in many centuries,”

“But in India, we have a saying – we live in many centuries,” 

“He had nothing to lose,” he says. “When you’re uneducated, you’re not afraid to look foolish. When you are educated, you start being concerned with looking like you know what you’re talking about. As Muruganantham said, ‘You would look down on me anyway’ so there’s no loss in trying.”

 “It’s a kind of new Indian woman – she’s done with being quiet and meek.”

I hope this is for real, and not just to be used by daughters-in-law who marry against their wishes and then use the law meant to protect the women to punish the inlaws.

“But in India, we have a saying – we live in many centuries,” 
this is so true,

On one hand, we have women of the 21st century who are more worried about  their Gucci bags and then there are women in the18th century, whose lives have  remained  unchanged"

 Just think if this man Arunachalam Muruganantham was educated what would have happened?

people may say he would have found better and easier ways to achieve what he achieved.
I would say he would have just become a 4thclass or a 3rd class karmachari in some Government office in Tamilnadu.
It is your way of thinking which is more important than literacy

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