Wednesday, September 12, 2018

health insurance for all

health insurance for all

Does Cuba have universal health care?
Healthcare in Cuba. The Cuban government operates a national health system and assumes fiscal and administrative responsibility for the health care of all its citizens. There are no private hospitals or clinics as all health services are government-run.

Healthcare in Cuba - Wikipedia

health insurance for all
Is this such a lofty and unattainable goal?

Cuba can do it but the USA cannot!

What about India?
According to Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund, in our (US)complex, pluralistic system of health insurance, far more energy goes into shifting costs—from one employer to another, employers to workers, federal government to state governments and back, and to safety-net hospitals serving the uninsured—than into enhancing efficiency or quality of care."

one needs to  appreciate the connection between health, wealth, safety, and happiness

In the early days of Indian independence what was promised?

what was delivered?

what is actually available?

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