Saturday, November 23, 2019

Anything can be called ART "Shibari bondage"

Anything( Any Stupid SHIT) can be called ART

Shibari Bondage

It evolved into an erotic activity and art form called “kinbaku” during the Edo Period, infusing the centuries-old discipline method with BDSM (the infamous photographer Nobuyoshi Araki is known for his extensive documentation of this style of rope bondage). More recently, kinbaku has moved internationally, and was coined “shibari” in the 1990s as it moved into the West. “Shibari” translates to “decoratively tie.” Drawing from Japanese tying methods, shibari artists use rope to design stunning geometric patterns that bind and accentuate the curves of each body. Whereas hojojutsu was a form of torture, kinbaku and shibari are about consensual art-making and experimentation; working together, the rigger and model engage in a simulation of extreme power dynamics to produce images and bodily experiences brimming with vulnerability, euphoria, tension, and sensuality.

Where are the Feminists?
Why no one complains about the debasing of female form ?

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