Monday, May 11, 2020

The Price of progress

Possibly the first man who made a flint ax looked over a piece of flint and decided that the irregular stone could be chipped a certain way. 
When he found that flint would chip easily, he must have rushed to his tribe and enthusiastically tried to teach his fellow tribesmen how to
 make axes in the shape they desired instead of spending months searching for accidental pieces of stone of just the right shape. 
The chances are, he was stoned out of camp. Indulging in a further flight of fancy, it is not difficult to imagine that he finally 
managed to convince another fellow that his technique worked and that the two of them tied down a third with a piece of vine 
and forced him to watch them chip a flint ax from a rough stone. Finally, after convincing fifteen or twenty tribesmen by 
forceful demonstration. the followers of the new technique declared war on the rest of the tribe and, winning, forced the tribe to agree by decree.


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