Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mental associations are so interesting

I was reading about nail disorders associated with systemic diseases and while talking about the capillary loops in the hyponychium there was a description about tortuous, meandering capillaries being associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and ran our phenomenon.
The word meandering lead me onto the thought process of why this meandering pattern is seen in reverse as they course from higher mountains to the sea.
I have been studying this in connection with the rework Krishna in Andhra Pradesh India where I am interested in finding out about ancient diamond mines's
just like in some West African countries air beat sands are being mined for diamond deposits which are much more valuable than mining the mother rock of timber light because the work of concentrating the ore and producing the best quality diamonds is done by nature.
I predict there will be millions of carats of good quality diamonds lying in the science at the amounts of River Krishna and also the river Penna.

There is a psychiatric component to this mental association because it is said that very fast and bizarre mental associations happen in manic episodes.
I have always had this kind of mental associations happening in my mind all the time when I'm feeling depressed or excited so I do not know whether I really suffer from a bipolar two disorder I'm sure I never suffered from bipolar one because I never had a manic episode at any time.
If there were any episodes of excessive not severe enough to cause any social dysfunction.
Unless you call my social activity to begin with is dysfunctional from the beginning.

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