Sunday, December 16, 2018

CHC_Epidemiology of HIV Overview

Topic 1HIV Prevalence approximately 13% remain undiagnosed. hence slightly underestimatedESTIMATED HIV PREVALENCEThis graph shows CDC estimates for persons ≥13 years old living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection in the United States during the years 2007-2013.Figure 1. Estimated HIV Prevalence in United States, 2007-2013*The CDC estimates that 1,242,400 persons 13 years of age and older were living with HIV infection in the United States at the end of 2013, including 1,080,800 persons with diagnosed HIV infection and 161,200 with undiagnosed HIV infection. The number of persons living with HIV (prevalence) in the United States increased each year from 2007 to 2012 (Figure 1), because the number of new HIV infections per year outpaced the number of persons with HIV/AIDS who died per year.The Government of India estimates that about 2.40 million Indians are living withHIV (1.93 ‐3.04 million) with an adult prevalence of 0.31% (2009). Children (<15 15-49="" 3.5="" 83="" account="" age="" all="" are="" for="" group="" in="" infections="" of="" span="" the="" while="" years.="" yrs="">HIV infections, 39% (930,000) are among women.

    2Topic 2Newly Diagnosed with HIV InfectionIn the United States, for the year 2015, an estimated 39,513 persons were newly diagnosed with HIV infection (any stage of HIV disease).[1] The number of new HIV diagnoses has declined 10% from 2010 to 2015, suggesting a true trend in declining new infections .. The rate of new HIV diagnosis in 2015 was 12.3 per 100,000 population.
    In 2016, India had 80 000 (62 000 - 100 000) new HIV infections and 62 000 (43 000 - 91 000) AIDS-related deaths. There were 2 100 000 (1 700 000 - 2 600 000) people living with HIV in 2016, among whom 49% (40% - 61%) were accessing antiretroviral therapy.

    Topic 3Undiagnosed HIV Infection


    Using back-calculation methods,[8] the CDC estimated at the end of 2013, 13% of persons living with HIV infection had undiagnosed HIV.[2] From 2003 to 2006 the percentage of persons with undiagnosed HIV infection in the United States declined from approximately 25% to 17%; since 2007 the undiagnosed fraction of persons living with HIV has continued to further decline, although in the last several years the undiagnosed fraction has leveled off at approximately 13% (Figure 13).[2,3,8,9,10] Persons unaware of their HIV status are unable to benefit from treatment of their HIV infection and are more likely to transmit HIV to others

    HIV testing and treatment cascadePeople living with HIV 2 100 000 [1 500 000 - 3 000 000]People living with HIV who know their status 1 700 000Percent of people living with HIV who know their status 79 [56 - >95]People living with HIV who are on ART 1 200 000Percent of people living with HIV who are on ART 56 [40 - 79]People living with HIV who have suppressed viral loads ...

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