Saturday, June 09, 2018

Rearfoot valgus

Rearfoot Valgus 

Rearfoot valgus is a condition where the rearfoot is in an everted position in relationship to the ground when the foot is in a neutral position. True rearfoot valgus is a very uncommon condition and may be associated with conditions such as tarsal coalition. presentation of an everted rear- foot is more commonly a secondary abnormality due to a primary abnormality occurring elsewhere in the leg or foot such as genu valgum (knocked knees) or a forefoot positional abnormality (Fig. 7). Figure 8 illustrates the characteristic features associated with rearfoot valgus. Treatment options for rearfoot valgus are directed toward managing the primary abnormality or in the case of a tarsal coalition, surgery may be indicated. A medial heel flare to the patients shoe can improve the medial instability associated with this condition and reduce the abnormal medial load placed on the foot and ankle (Table 3).

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