Sunday, November 18, 2018

CCH_ Digestive Health topics from everyday health

Digestive Health

Barrett's Esophagus

Barrett's esophagus is related to serious complication of GERD and often diagnosed in people who have long-term GERD. The symptoms of barrett's esophagus are heartburn, difficulty swallowing food and chest pain. The factors that increase your risk of Barrett's esophagus are chronic heartburn, acid reflux, age, being overweight and smoking.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. Celiac disease can cause malnutrition, loss of calcium and bone density, infertility and miscarriage, lactose intolerance and neurological problems.

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Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The symptoms of crohn's disease include stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, fatigue, fever, and weight loss. Risk factors for Crohn's disease may include smoking, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, age and family history.


Diverticulosis happens when pouches form in the wall of the digestive tract. When these pouches become inflamed, it is called as diverticulitis. The symptoms of diverticulitis include belly pain, bleeding, fever and chills, bloating and gas and nausea. Some suggested treatments for diverticulitis are bed rest, liquid diet and prescription antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.

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Excessive Gas

Excessive gas or flatulence can be a sign of digestive health conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or GERD. Medical care should be sought quickly if a person develops other symptoms like severe cramps, diarrhea, constipation, fever, bloody stools, nausea and vomiting. The foods that causes gas include milk, cheese, kidney beans, chickpeas, mangoes, pears and plums.

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Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a condition characterized by deficiency of the exocrine pancreatic enzymes, causing in the failure to digest food properly. The symptoms of EPI include frequent diarrhea, gas and bloating, stomach pain and weight loss. Tests used to diagnose EPI are fecal elastase test, fecal fat test and direct pancreatic function test.

Fecal Impaction

Fecal impaction occurs during bowel movements process during which the dry plug of stool becomes stuck in the rectum and cannot be passed. It is most common in elderly people. The symptoms of fecal impaction include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fever and dehydration. The most common treatment for a fecal impaction is enema.

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The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. It stores bile produced by the liver. Many gallbladder problems can be cured by removing gallbladder. Luckily, you can live without a gallbladder. The symptoms of a gallbladder problem include pain, nausea, vomiting, fever or chills, diarrhea, jaundice, etc.

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Gastritis is an inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach. The symptoms of gastritis include indigestion nausea, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. Foods that may cause gastritis include spicy foods, chocolate and foods high in fat. It can be prevented by avoiding specific drugs and modifying your diet.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder in which the stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe lining. GERD is caused due to frequent acid reflex. The symptoms of GERD include burning sensation, nausea or vomiting, bad breath, respiratory problems, difficulty or pain when swallowing and wearing away of the teeth.

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Hemorrhoids, also referred as piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum. The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are bleeding during bowel movements, irritation in your anal region, swelling around your anus and a lump near your anus. Diet for hemorrhoids should include whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, carrots and pears.

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Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is severe illness caused by the inflammation of the liver. Some of the symptoms include joint pain, dark urine, loss of appetite and jaundice. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is transmitted through contaminated food and water or through direct contact with infected person. Adequate hydration and proper rest can help in fast recover.

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Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, which sometimes can lead to serious liver damage. The hepatitis C virus usually spreads through contaminated blood. Signs and symptoms of hepatitis C include fatigue, muscle aches, dark urine, and light colored bowel movements. Hepatitis C can be cured by taking oral medications and take up to six months.

Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D or Delta hepatitis is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis D virus (HDV). The infection is contagious and can be spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. The signs and symptoms of Hepatitis D include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, jaundice, abdominal and joint pain. The only way to prevent hepatitis D is to avoid infection with hepatitis B.

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Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E is a virus that infects the liver. It is more common in developing countries like the Central and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Central America. The common symptoms of Hepatitis E are weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite, jaundice, sore muscles and fever. Prevention of hepatitis E relies on good sanitation and the availability of clean drinking water.

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Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia occurs when a part of the stomach prolapses through the diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus. The diaphragm is a large, thin sheet of muscle between the chest and the abdomen. Two main types of hiatal hernia include sliding hiatal hernia and paraesophageal hiatal hernia. Some common symptoms include heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and burping.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an intestinal disorder that affects the large intestine causing pain in the stomach. Signs and symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, cramping or bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea or constipation, and mucus in the stool. Treatment includes dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and prescribed medications.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the most common digestive problem, where the body cannot digest lactose easily, a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. If you have lactose intolerance, your symptoms may include bloating, cramps, stomach rumbling, flatulence, and diarrhea. Some dietary changes can help to control the symptoms caused by lactose intolerance.

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Nausea is a term that describes the feeling that you might vomit. People with nausea have a queasy feeling that ranges from slightly uncomfortable to agonizing, often accompanied by clammy skin and a grumbling or lurching stomach. Nausea almost alway

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Pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas becomes inflamed. The two forms of pancreatitis are acute and chronic. Acute pancreatitis signs and symptoms include upper abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness and lethargy, and abdominal tenderness. Treatment involves hospitalization, pain relieving medications and dietary changes.

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Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of your belly and the upper portion of your small intestine. The signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers include burning stomach pain, bloating or belching, abdominal discomfort, heartburn and nausea. Tests that can diagnose a peptic ulcer are endoscopy and upper gastrointestinal (GI) series.

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Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers and supports most of your abdominal organs. The signs and symptoms of peritonitis consist of abdominal tenderness, chills, fever, and difficulty passing gas. Treatment options include antibiotic medications, surgery and support therapies.

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Rectal Prolapse

Rectal prolapse is a clinical condition, where the rectum starts to push through the anus. It is most common in children and women. Chronic constipation and diarrhea are common symptoms. Rectal prolapse can be treated with stool softeners and medications. But surgery is the best option to treat rectal prolapse.

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Ulcers are burns that form in the lining of the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. Most ulcers are located in the duodenum but commonly develops on skin, genital areas, mouth, corneas or veins. Foods that can cause ulcers include spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol and sugar. Overuse of pills, smoking, psychological stress and heavy use of alcohol are some common causes of Ulcers.

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Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammation of the colon. Ulcer develops in colon and rectum area. UC can also cause inflammation in joints, spine, eyes, liver and its bile ducts. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis include rectal bleeding, abdominal pain or cramps and diarrhea. The causes of this disease are unknown but medication and surgery are effective treatment options.


Vomiting is rarely painful but never pleasant. Vomiting, also known scientifically as “emesis” and colloquially as throwing up, retching, heaving, hurling, puking, tossing, or being sick, is the forcible voluntary or involuntary emptying of stomach c

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Whipple's Disease

Whipple disease is a rare systemic disease caused by a gram-positive bacterium called Tropheryma whipplei. The most common signs and symptoms of whipple’s disease include joint pain, diarrhea, stomach pain and bloating, weight loss and fatigue. A long-term antibiotic therapy can cure Whipple disease.

More in Whipple's Disease

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