Term(s) | Abbreviation |
Abdomen | ABD, ABDOM |
Abdominal perineal | AP |
Abnormal | ABN |
Abort(miscarry) | AB |
About | AB |
Above knee (amputation) | AK(A) |
Abstract | ABST |
Achilles tendon reflex | ATR |
Acid phosphatase | ACID P'TASE |
Acid phosphatase | ACID PHOS |
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | AIDS |
Acute granulocytic leukemia | AGL |
Acute lymphocytic leukemia | ALL |
Acute myelogenous leukemia | AML |
Acute respiratory disease (syndrome) | ARD(S) |
Adenocarcinoma | ADENOCA |
Adenosine triphosphate | ATP |
Adjacent | ADJ |
Admission | ADM |
Admit | ADM |
Adrenal cortex | AC |
Adrenal cortical hormone | ACH |
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone | ACTH |
Afferent | AFF |
Affirmative | AFF |
Against medical advice | AMA |
Aids related complex | ARC |
Air contrast | AC |
Albumin | ALB |
Albumin-globulin ratio | A/G RATIO |
Aldosterone secretion rate | ASR |
Alive and well | A & W |
Alkaline phosphatase | ALK PHOS |
Allergy | A |
Alpha-fetoprotein | AFP |
Also known as | AKA |
Ambulatory | AMB |
Amputation | AMP |
Anaplastic | ANAP |
Anatomy | ANAT |
Anesthesia, anesthetic | ANES(TH) |
Angstrom unit | AU |
Annum | A |
Anode | A |
Anterior | ANT |
Anterior chamber | AC |
Anterior pituitary | AP |
Anterior superior spine (of ilium) | ASS |
Anteroposterior | AP |
Anteroposterior and lateral | AP&LAT |
Antibody | AB |
Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) | ADH |
Antigen | AG |
Aortic stenosis | AS |
Aortic stenosis | A STEN |
Aortic | A |
Aortic valve | AV |
Appendix | APP |
Approximately | APPROX |
Argentum (silver, chemical symbol for) | AG |
Arterial blood pressure | ABP |
Arteriosclerosis | AS |
Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease | ASCVD |
Arteriosclerotic heart disease | ASHD |
Arteriovenous | AV |
Artery | A |
Artery(ial) | ART |
Aspiration | ASP |
Asthmatic bronchitis | AB |
Atrial gallop | AG |
Atrioventricular | AV |
Atrophy | ATR |
Aurum (gold, chemical symbol for) | AU |
Auscultation& percussion | A&P |
Autopsy | AUT |
Average | AV |
Axial | A |
Axilla(ry) | AX |
Axis(ial) | AX |
Bachelor of Arts | BA |
Bacillus | B |
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin | BCG |
Barium (chemical symbol for) | BA |
Barium enema | BE |
Bartholin's, urethral & Skene's glands | BUS |
Basal | BAS |
Basal body temperature | BBT |
Basal cell carcinoma | BCC |
Basal metabolism rate | BMR |
Basophil(s) (granular leukocyte) | BASOS |
Before | ANTE |
Below knee (amputation) | BK(A) |
Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia | BPH |
Bilateral | BIL |
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy | BSO |
Bile duct | BD |
Biological response modifier | BRM |
Biopsy | BX |
Birth control | BC |
Black | B |
Black female | B/F |
Black male | B/M |
Blood-brain barrier | BBB |
Blood pressure | BP |
Blood urea nitrogen | BUN |
Blue | B |
Bone | OS |
Bone conduction | BC |
Bone marrow | BM |
Bone scan | BSC |
Born | B |
Bowel movement | BM |
Brain tumor | BT |
Bronchial asthma | BA |
Brother | B |
Buccocervical | BC |
Bundle-branch block | BBB |
Ca—Journal of the American Cancer Society | CA |
Cancer Antigen 125 | CA-125 |
Calcium | CA |
Carbon dioxide | CO2 |
Carcinoembryonic antigen | CEA |
Carcinoma | CA |
Carcinoma-in situ | CIS |
Centigrade | C |
Centimeter | CM |
Central nervous system | CNS |
Cerebrospinal fluid | CSF |
Cardiovascular accident | CVA |
Certified Tumor Registrar | CTR |
Cervical spine | C-SPINE |
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | CIN |
Cervical vertebrae | C1-C7 |
Cervix | CX |
Cesium | CS |
Chemotherapy | CHEMO |
Chest x-ray | CXR |
Chief complaint | CC |
Chronic myeloid/myelocytic leukemia | CML |
Chronic | CHR |
Chronic granulocytic leukemia | CGL |
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia | CLL |
Cigarettes | CIG |
Cobalt 60 | Co60 |
Colony-stimulating factor | CSF |
Common bile duct | CBD |
Complaining of | C/O |
Complete blood count | CBC |
Computerized (axial) tomography scan | CT SC |
Congestive heart failure | CHF |
Consistent with | C/W |
Coronary care unit | CCU |
Costal margin | CM |
Costovertebral angle | CVA |
Cubic centimeter | CC |
Cystoscopy | CYSTO |
Cytology | CYTO |
Cytomegalovirus | CMV |
Date of birth | DOB |
Date of death | DOD |
Dead on arrival | DOA |
Deep tendon reflex | DTR |
Deoxyribonucleic acid | DNA |
Dermatology | DERM |
Diagnosis | DX |
Diameter | DIAM |
Differentiated, differential | DIFF |
Dilatation and curettage | D&C |
Discharge | DIS, DISCH |
Discharge | DC, DS |
Discharge diagnosis | DD |
Discontinued | DC |
Disease | DIS |
Doctor of Osteopathy | DO |
Dyspnea on exertion | DOE |
Each eye (oculus uterque) | OU |
Ears, nose & throat | ENT |
Electrocardiogram | ECG, EKG |
Electroencephalogram | EEG |
Electromyogram | EMG |
Electroshock therapy | EST |
Emergency room | ER |
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography | ERCP |
Enlarged | ENL |
Erect (standing), posterior, anterior | EPA |
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy | EGD |
Estrogen receptor (assay) | ER(A) |
Examination | EXAM |
Examination under anesthesia | EUA |
Excision | EXC |
Exploratory laparotomy | EXP LAP |
Extend, extension | EXT |
Extended care facility | ECF |
External | EXT |
Extremity | EXT |
Eyes, ears, nose & throat | EENT |
Fahrenheit | F |
Family (medical) history | F(M)H |
Fasting blood sugar | FBS |
Fever unknown origin | FUO |
Fingerbreadth | FB |
First dorsal vertebra, second dorsal vertebra, etc. | D1, D2, etc. |
Flat plate | FP |
Floor of mouth | FOM |
Fluorescence in situ hybridization | FISH |
Fluoroscopy | FLURO |
Follow up | FU |
Fracture | FX |
Frozen section | FS |
Gallbladder | GB |
Gastric analysis | GA |
Gastroenterostomy | GE |
Gastroesophageal | GE |
Gastrointestinal | GI |
Generalized | GEN |
General practitioner | GP |
Genitourinary | GU |
Grade, grain(s) | GR |
Gram | GM |
Gynecology | GYN |
Head, eyes, ears, nose & throat | HEENT |
Heart | COR |
Heart disease | HD |
Hematocrit | HCT |
Hemoglobin | HB, HGB |
High power field | HPF |
History | HX |
History and physical | H&P |
History of | H/O |
History of present illness | HPI |
Hormone | HOR |
Hospital | HOSPM |
Hour(s) | HR(S) |
Human chorionic gonadotropin | HCG |
Human Epidermal Receptor #2 | HER2 |
Human immunodeficiency virus | HIV |
Human papilloma virus | HPV |
Human T-lymphotrophic virus type III | HTL |
Hypertensive cardiovascular disease | HCVV-III |
Hypertensive vascular disease | HVDD |
Hysterectomy | HYST |
Immediately (statim) | STAT |
Immunoglobulin | IG |
Immunohistochemical | IHC |
Impression | IMP |
Includes, including | INCL |
Inferior | INF |
Inferior vena cava | IVC |
Infiltrating | INFILT |
Infarction | INF |
Infusion | INF |
Injection | INJ |
Inpatient | IP |
Intensive care unit | ICU |
Intercostal margin | ICM |
Intercostal space | ICS |
Intermittent positive pressure breathing | IPPB |
Internal mammary artery | IMA |
Internal medicine | INT MED |
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 1st Ed., 1976 | ICD-O-1 |
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 2nd Ed., 1992 | ICD-O-2 |
International Prognostic Index (for lymphomas) | IPI |
Intramuscular | IM |
Intrathecal | IT |
Intravenous | IV |
Intravenous pyelogram | IVP |
Iodine | I |
Isolated tumor cells | ITC |
Jugular venous distention | JVD |
Kidneys, ureters, bladder | KUB |
Kilogram | KG |
Kilovolt | DV |
Knee kick | KK |
Knee jerk | KJ |
Lactic dehydrogenase | LDH |
Laparotomy | LAP |
Large | LG |
Last menstrual period | LMP |
Lateral | LAT |
Left | L, LT |
Left costal margin | LCM |
Left eye (oculos sinister) | OS |
Left ilial fossa | LIF |
Left lower extremity | LUE |
Left lower lobe (lung) | LUL |
Left lower quadrant (abdomen) | LLQ |
Left upper extremity | LUE |
Left upper lobe (lung) | LUL |
Left upper quadrant (abdomen) | LUQ |
Left salpingo-oophorectomy | LSO |
Licensed practical nurse | LPN |
Linear accelerator | LINAC |
Liter | L |
Liver function test | LFT |
Liver kidney, spleen (bladder) | LKS(B) |
Liver, spleen, kidneys | LSK, LKS |
Living and well | L&W |
Local medical doctor | LMD |
Low power field | LPF |
Lower | L |
Lower extremity | LE |
Lower inner quadrant (breast) | LIQ |
Lower outer quadrant (breast) | LOQ |
Lumbar puncture | LP |
Lumbar spine | L-SPINE |
Lumbar vertebrae | L1-L5 |
Lumbosacral | LS |
Lupus erythematosus | LE |
Lymph node(s) | LN(S) |
Lymphadenopathy associated virus | LAV |
Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor | M-CSF |
Magnetic resonance imaging | MRI |
Malignant | MAL, MALIG |
Mandible | MAND |
Marital history | MH |
Mastectomy | MAST |
Maxilla(ry), maximum | MX |
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin | MCH |
Mean corpuscular volume | MCV |
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin count | MCHC |
Medical Doctor | MD |
Mental health | MH |
Metastatic, metastases | MET, METS |
Microscopic | MX |
Microscopic | MICRO |
Mid clavicular line | MCL |
Mid sternal line | MSL |
Middle lobe | ML |
Millicurie | MC |
Milligram | MG |
Milliliter | ML |
Millimeter | MM |
Million electron volts | MEV |
Mitral stenosis | MS |
Moderate | MOD |
Moderately differentiated | MD |
Moderately differentiated | MOD DIFF |
Modified radical mastectomy | MRM |
Monocytes, meter | M |
Mouth | OS |
Multiple sclerosis | MS |
Nausea and vomiting | N&V |
Navel (umbilicus) | UMB |
Neck vein distention | NVD |
Negative | NEG or - |
Neurology | NEURO |
Nitrogen mustard | HN2 |
No evidence of disease | NED |
No evidence of recurrent disease | NERD |
No significant findings | NSF |
Normal | NL |
Normal bowel sounds | NBS |
Normal breath sounds | NBS |
Normal temperature and pressure | NTP |
Not applicable | NA |
Not elsewhere classified | NEC |
Not otherwise specified | NOS |
Not reportable | NR |
Not recorded | NR |
Number of pregnancies resulting in viable infants | PARA |
Obstetrics | OB |
Obstructed (ing, ion) | OBST |
Occupational history | OH |
Occupational therapy | OT |
Office visit | OV |
Opening | OS |
Operating room | OR |
Operation | OP |
Ophthalmology | OPHTH |
Orthopedics | ORTH |
Osteomyelitis | OSTEO |
Otology | OTO |
Ounce | OZ |
Outpatient | OP |
Outpatient clinic | OPD |
Outpatient department | OPD |
Packed cell volume | PCV |
Packs per day | PPD |
Palpable, palpated, palpation | PALP |
Papanicolaou smear | PAP |
Papillary | PAP |
Past medical history | PMH |
Past or personal history | PH |
Pathology | PATH |
Patient | PT |
Pedatrics | PED |
Pelvic inflammatory disease | PID |
Percussion and auscultation | P&A |
Percutaneous | PERC |
Personal (primary) medical doctor | PMD |
Physical examination | PE |
Physicians' Desk Reference | PDR |
Physiotherapy | PT |
Platelets | PLT |
Pneumoencephalography | PEG |
Poorly differentiated | PD |
Positive | POS or + |
Positron emission tomography | PET |
Possible | POSS |
Post anesthesia room | PAR |
Post mortem (after death) | PM |
Posterior | POST |
Posteroanterior | PA |
Postmortem examination | POST |
Posnasal drip | PND |
Postoperative day | POD |
Postoperative(ly) | PO, POSTOP |
Potassium | K |
Preoperative(ly) | PREOP |
Present illness | PI |
Prior to admission | PTA |
Probably(ly) | PROB |
Progesterone receptor(assay) | PR(A) |
Prostatic Specific Antigen | PSA |
Pulmonary | PULM |
Pulmonary artery | PA |
Pulse | P |
Purified protein derivative (Tuberculin skin test) | PPD |
Pyrexia of undetermined origin | PUO |
Quadrant | Q |
Radiation | RAD |
Radiation absorbed dose | RAD |
Radiation therapy | RT |
Radical | RAD |
Radioactive iodine (I 131) uptake | RAIU |
Radioencephalogram | REG |
Radioimmunoassay | RIA |
Radium | RA |
Range of motion | ROM |
Rectovaginal | R-V |
Red blood cells | RBC |
Reed-Sternberg cells | R-S CELLS |
Registered nurse | RN |
Resection | RESEC |
Respiration | R |
Respiratory | RESPIR |
Reticuloendothelial system | RES |
Reticulum cell sarcoma | RCS |
Review of systems | ROS |
Review of outside slides | ROS |
Review of outside films | ROF |
Rhesus (monkey) factor in blood | RH |
Ribonucleic acid | RNA |
Right | RT |
Right costal margin | RCM |
Right eye (oculus dexter) | OD |
Right iliac fossa | RIF |
Right inner quadrant (abdomen) | RIQ |
Right lower extremity | RLE |
Right lower lobe (lung) | RLL |
Right lower quadrant | RLQ |
Right middle lobe (lung) | RML |
Right outer quadrant (abdomen) | ROQ |
Right salpingo-oophorectomy | RSO |
Right upper extremity | RUE |
Right upper extremity | RUE |
Right upper lobe | RUL |
Roentgen | R |
Rule out | RO, R/O |
Sacral spine | S-Spine |
Sacral vertebrae | S1-S5 |
Salpinggo-oophorectomy | SO |
Sarcoma | SARC |
Sedimentation rate | SR |
Sequential multiple analysis (Biochem profile) | SMA |
Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase | SGPT |
Serum hepatitis | SH |
Shortness of breath | SOB |
Silver nitrate | AGNO3 |
Skilled nursing facility | SNF |
Small | SM, SML |
Small bowel | SML BWL |
Small bowel | SB |
Social history | SH |
Solution | SOL |
Special lymphocytes formed in bone marrow (derived from bursa of Fabricius) | B-CELLS |
Specific gravity | SP GR |
Specimen | SPEC |
Split thickness skin graft | STSG |
Squamous | SQ, SQUAM |
Squamous cell carcinoma | SCC |
Squamous cell carcinoma | SQCELL CA |
Staphylococcus | STAPH |
Status post | S/P |
Streptococcus | STREP |
Subacute bacterial endocarditis | SBE |
Subcutaneous | S-Q, SQ |
Subcutaneous | SUB-Q, SUBQ |
Superior vena cava | SVC |
Surgery, surgical | SURG |
Symptoms | SX |
Temperature | T |
Temperature, pulse and respiration | TPR |
Thoracic | T |
Thoracic spine | T-SPINE |
Thoracic vertebra | T1-T12 |
Thyroid stimulating hormone | TSH |
Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy | T&A |
Total protein | TP |
Total abdominal hysterectomy | TAH |
Total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy | TAH-BSO |
Total vaginal hysterectomy | TVH |
Toxin-antitoxin | TA |
Transitional cell carcinoma | TCC |
Transurethral resection | TUR |
Transurethral resection -Bladder | TURB |
Transurethral resection - Prostate | TURP |
Treatment | RX, TX |
Tuberculosis | TB, TBC |
Tumor size | TS |
Tumor dose | TD |
Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis | TNM |
Undifferentiated | UNDIFF |
Unit | U |
Upper extremity | UE |
Upper gastrointestinal | UGI |
Upper inner quadrant (breast) | UIQ |
Upper outer quadrant (abdomen) | UOQ |
Upper respiratory infection | URI |
Urine | UR |
Urology | UROL |
Usual childhood diseases | UCHD |
Vagina, Vaginal | VAG |
Vaginal hysterectomy | VAG HYST |
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia | VAIN |
Vascular | VASC |
Venereal disease | VD |
Vital signs | VS |
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia | VIN |
Water | H2O |
Weight | WT |
Well developed | W/D |
Well differentiated | WD, WELL DIFF |
White blood cells | WBC |
White female | W/F |
White male | W/M |
With | W/ |
Within normal limits | WNL |
Without | W/O |
Work-up | W/U |
X-ray | XR |
Year | YR |
Year of | Y/O |
Dr.Hariharan Ramamurthy.M.D. pl check www.indiabetes.net Big Spring,TX ,79720 ALL THING INTERESTING
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Cancer registry part six definitions
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