Sunday, December 08, 2019

The Utter lack of knowledge among the General public in USA

The Utter lack of knowledge among the General public in USA.
Both George bush and Now Trump are famous for not knowing  where some countries in the world are located and  mixing up their names and sometimes doing it in front of Foreign dignitaries.
It is the same thing with the general public.

Once again going to the Diagnosis series by Dr.Lisa sanders
The first patient  who is finally diagnosed as having CPT2 disease by a group of Italian doctors from the  City of Turin FOR FREE( While she is being  sued by some doctors for unpaid bills in USA)
 Is not highlighted enough.

Both the patient  and  her  Boyfriend  are  Greatly surprised to hear  Healthcare is free in Italy and  possibly  more advanced and  better than the  costly  US medical system  which failed to diagnose her  Medical condition.

The  just swallow the crap dished out by the  news networks  and the lobbyists of the  Hospital,Insurance and doctor's associations .
They also swallow willingly all the crap dished out by the  radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and fox commentators like Hannity.

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