Sunday, March 11, 2018

psychomytholoy part 5 A supplement

Chapter 1: Other Myths to ExploreFiction W e need a full brain to function effec tive ly. Modern humans have large r brains than Neande rthals. Areas of ac tivation on brain scans mean that brain re gions are becoming more active. "Alpha consciousne ss" is associated with states of relaxation. Adult humans don ' t grow new ne urons. As adults, we lose about 100,000 ne zoons each day. Blind people have espe cially well-deve loped senses of hearing and touch. Blind people can detect obstacles at a distance by sensing heat and pressure on their foreheads. -A coma is a state of deep sleep. We can "awaken" people from comas by playing their favorite songs. Biofeedback is a uniquely effective means of reducing tension. Humans have an invisible "body energy " that can cause psychological problems when blocked. Alcohol kills brain ce [Is.

Alcohol's primary effec t is stimulating the brain.
 Alcohol enhances sexual arousal. 
One can always detect alcohol on the breath.
 Alco hol promotes sleep. 
Alcohol warms the body
. It' s easier to get drunk at high altitudes, such as while fly ing in an airplane.
 Impaired judgment after drink ing occurs only after obv ious signs of intoxication.
 Drinking coffee is a good way to sober up after heavy drinking.
 A cold shower or exercise is a good way to sober up after heavy drinking. 
Switching among different types of alcohol is more likely to lead to drunkenness than stick-ing to one type of alcohol. 
One can't become an alcoholic by drinking beer only.
A head injury can ' t produce brain damage unless the person is knocked unconscious. Prefrontal lobotomies (more popularly called "lobotomies") turnpeople into human "vegetables. ' Humans have five senses. Most color-blind people see the world in black and white. Dogs se e the world in black and white. Reading in dim light can ruin our eye sight. The human tongue 's tastes can be described as a "map" of four tastes. Consuming ice cream of other cold substance s too quickly c auses pain in our brains. Magnets, like those embedded in shoe insoles, can reduce pain. Eating lots of turkey can make us tired.
 There 's good evidence that people who smoke marijuana for many years end up apathetic.

 Most people with brain injury look and act disabled. 
Following a head injury, the best prescription is rest.

 Some people who've had one brain hemisphere surgically removed in childhood due to illness can function reasonably well in adulthood.
 Neanderthals' brains were probably slighdy larger than ours.
 Areas of activation on brain scans sometimes mean that some brain regions are inhibiting other regions.
 There 's no evidence that boosting the brain's alpha waves increases relaxation; moreover, some people who aren' t relaxed, such as children with attention- deficit/hype wa ves
. Relatively recent research points to the growth of new neurons in parts of the adult brain, especially the hippocampus. 
We do lose neurons each day, but the actual number is probably only about one tenth of that
. There 's little evidence that the blind have superior a bilities in other senses, including hearing, touch, or smell. There 's no evidence for this claim.
 People in comas are not asleep.
People in comas are not asleep. There 's no scientific evidence that people can be brought out of comas by presenting them with their favorite songs or other familiar stimuli. Most studies indicate that biofeedback is no more effective than relaxation for reducing anxiety. There's no scientific evidence for invisible energy fields in or around the human body. Alcohol appears not to kill brain cells themselves, although it can damage neuronal "dendrites," which are portals that bring messages into neurc Alcohol is primarily a depressant, and is typically a stimulant only at low doses. Alcohol tends to inhibit sexual arousal and performance, especially at high doses. One can't always detect alcohol on the breath. Although alcohol typically results in falling asleep more quickly, it usually suppresses deep sleep, often producing awakenings later in the night. Although drinking alcohol in cold temperatures can make us feel warmer, it actually results in a loss of body heat and therefore cools the body. Studies show that higher altitudes don' t result in greater intoxication. Impaired judgment can occur well before drunkenness is apparent.

Drinking coffee won't help with a hangover; it just turns us into a "wide awake drunk." Same as above. The total amount, not the type, of alcohol predicts the risk of intoxication. Not true. The evidence for "amotivational syndrome " is mixed, largely in part because heavy marijuana smokers frequently use other drugs. Most people with brain injury appear normal and actnormally aside from subtle deficits on neuropsychological tests. Following a head injury, the best prescription is a gradual return to activity. Brain damage that's detectable on neurological and neuropsychological tests can occur even with no loss of consciousness. Most people who've received lobotomies are far from "vegetables," although they are typically apa thetic. Humans have several senses in addition to sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, including body position, temperature, and pain. Almost all color-blind people can see at least some colors; "monochromats," who see the world in black and white, comprise only about 0.005% Dogs have red—green color blindness, but can perceive a number of colors, including blue and yellow. Research offers no supportfor this claim Although some textbooks present a human "taste map," this map is grossly oversimplified, because receptors for the four tastes "Brain freeze" is caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the roof of the mouth, followed by an expansion of these vessels, ggéring pain.

Dogs have red—green color blindness, but can perceive a number of colors, including blue and yellow. Research offers no supportfor this claim Although some textbooks presenta human "taste map," diis map is grossly oversimplified, because receptors for the four tastes are spread diroughoutmost of the tongu "Brain freeze" is caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the roof of the mouth, followed by an expansion of these vessels, triggering pain. Controlled studies reveal that such magnets are useless for pain reduction. There ' s no evidence that turkey is any more sleep-inducing dian other foods; but because we often eat turkey on major holidays when we eat a lot and drink alcohol mistakenly perceive a causal association.

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