Saturday, November 17, 2018

CCH_ some skin disorder names and short descriptions _ Becker's Nevus (Smooth Muscle Hamartoma)

Becker's Nevus (Smooth Muscle Hamartoma)

Becker's nevi most commonly appear on the shoulder or upper limb girdle of prepubescent boys.
 common benign condition 
 It is less commonly seen in females. 
 Becker's nevi are acquired nevi.
 Most occur before 10 years of age.
 Becker's nevus is classified as a smooth muscle hamartoma.
 It does not contain melanocytic nevus cells and is not considered to be a melanocytic nevus.
 It was given its name by the dermatologist Samuel Becker, who first described this condition.

Clinical Findings: Becker's nevi begin as ill-defined, slightly hyperpigmented macules on the upper limb girdle. Over time (1 year, on average), thehyperpigmented region develops hypertrichosis, resulting in its characteristic appearance.
 Backer's nevi may occur anywhere on the human body, but by far the most common locations are on the shoulder, upper chest, and back.
 The area of hypertrichosis is limited to the underlying hyperpigmented area.
 The clinical significance of Becker's nevi is its differentiation from large congenital nevi and café-au-lait macules.These two conditions should be easily differentiated from Baker's nevus, because they both are typically apparent at birth or soon thereafter, whereas Becker's nevi are typically acquired at about the age of 10 years.
 Becker's nevi confer no increased risk for development of melanoma, and they are rarely associated with any underlying abnormalities. 
The most common underlying abnormality is unilateral hypoplasia of the breast, Rarely, a patient with a Becker's nevus has underlying hypoplasia of bone and soft tissue, the cause of which is unknown.

The diagnosis is typically made on clinical findings, but a skin biopsy is sometime needed to confirm the diagnosis if the nevus is in an unusual anatomical location. The punch biopsy is the best method for obtaining tissue.

Pathogenesis: The pathogenesis of Becker's nevus is unclear. 

All smooth muscle hamartomas may at some point exhibit the pseudo-Darier's sign. To clinically elicit this sign, one gently rubs the smooth muscle hamartoma; the lesion may fasciculate due to smooth muscle activity, or the region may develop an urticarial appearance. This sign has nothing to do with histamine release; rather, it is caused by a neurally mediated contraction of the underlying hamartomatous smooth muscle tissue.
Treatment: No therapy is required. Surgical excision is likely to produce a mutilating scar unless the nevus is extraordinarily small. The hypertrichosis can be treated for cosmetic purposes 

 laser removal, shaving, and electrolysis. Most patients prefer to not treat the area.

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